Bundestag, October 1, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/180, pp. 22968-22969.
honorable Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.
after year, one has the naïve hope that the next budget will be better than the
previous one.
Ulli Nissen (SPD): Your speech is naïve!
year after year, one is disillusioned. That is because, year after year, you
set false priorities.
it should be about – as made plain by the name of the ministry – Families,
Seniors, Women and Youth and about their future. And it is actually your
primary duty to make policy for the future of our country and its citizens.
Actually, the tax money should be used to encourage young couples to have
children. And, actually, the increasing childhood and old age poverty should
thereby be halted – actually.
instead of relief of the citizens for which, for example, family splitting
might be introduced and charges like the broadcasting contribution might be
abolished, there is 150 million euros for measures to guarantee variety,
tolerance and democracy, 85 million euros more than before, and that in the
time of Corona. This money will be expended on programs like “Democracy Alive! Action
against rightist extremism, violence and misanthropy”. More means for the fight
against leftist extremism or Islamism – zilch! The money is preferably expended
for leftist propaganda projects like the Amadeu-Antonio Foundation, the head of
which, Kahane, has said – I cite: The greatest declaration of bankruptcy of
German politics following unification [Wende]
was to have allowed a third of the state territory to remain white. – This ethno-masochism
per se is pathetic, yet to further promote it with many millions and thereby
make policy against one’s own people is simply a scandal.
Vice-president Hans-Peter Friedrich: Frau colleague,
do you consent to an interim question?
– And then you supply this policy with fine attributes like “variety” and “tolerance”.
Thomas Mann once said, “Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to the wicked.”
And we experience daily the consequences of your false tolerance: Parallel
societies, clan criminality and violence. Or, in your words: A flourishing
Party and Event Scene. Since your variety is nothing other than a leftist
simpleness and your tolerance plainly applies only to the like-minded. I gladly
ever again repeat that. You are lacking in esteem for the normal, for the
natural. You prefer to expend the money of your citizens on what is unnatural,
like early sexualization and the gender nonsense.
Marianne Schieder (SPD): Oh, Gott!
budget plan even sets for itself the goal of overcoming traditional role
models. We do not want women and men to be re-educated as mixed creatures and
children to be early sexualized. We do not want our language to be gendered.
Every cent spent on this nonsense is one cent too many.
you? You throw away the money even though we are already the front runners, the
front runners when it comes to the load of OECD taxes and duties. It is this
tax burden which takes from young couples the family spirit. It is this tax
burden which intensifies the demographic catastrophe. It is owing to this tax
burden that childhood and old age poverty increases.
of the AfD demand: Relief of families, reduction of duties, esteem for seniors,
a welcome for children. That for once would be a policy for one’s own people.
[trans: tem]