Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Birgit Malsack-Winkemann, September 30, 2020, 2021 Budget – Foreign Office

German Bundestag, September 30, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/179, pp. 22570-22571.

Right honorable Frau President. Worthy members.

You all know the film “The Never-ending Story” – a perfect title for the troubles in and with the Foreign Office. It could also be named “The Announcements Ministry”.

But in order. As we of the AfD, ever again the only party, have reproved: According to a report of the Federal Audit Office from the year 2018 – mark well: 2018 – the Foreign Office had no knowledge concerning the processing status of its application and proof of employment procedures [Zuwendungsverfahren und Verwendungnachweise] of around 2.5 billion euros in the area of humanitarian aid and crisis prevention. Has anything essentially changed? No, and we are now writing of the year 2020, the end of September.

Nevertheless, the Foreign Office, meanwhile and in any case with a more precise viewpoint, has attempted – in the words of the witness, “troubled itself” – to draft a law for the establishment of a Federal office of foreign affairs because the applications and proofs of employment in the future are to be handled by its newly created officials as non-ministerial duties. I repeat: Attempted!

The Federal Audit Office presented a report on this on February 27, 2020. This report is scarcely to be surpassed in regards its catastrophic evaluation.

First of all, the Foreign Office has undertaken no economic examination. Which duties shall be taken over by the new Federal office and which shall remain with the Foreign Office itself, the draft law simply leaves open. It should also be stated, Why is a completely new set of officials needed and which duties shall these assume?

If it is not then known what all the new officials shall do, it is naturally also not known which financial or personnel effects the whole endeavor shall have. Accordingly, the draft law allows to be ascertained neither what the personnel assignments should be nor what effect the new establishment has on the personnel assignments of the Foreign Office itself. In addition, the new Federal office shall be able to form branch offices. And as to why that at all shall be and why the number and size of these shall possibly need be unlimited, there is lacking in the draft law any reason. Is there being set up something of a new officials’ octopus?

            Ulrich Lechte (FDP): What rubbish!

Beyond that, it is thought that a ministerial supplement could be retained for non-ministerial basic duties – obviously not under the designation “ministerial supplement”. Nevertheless, the Foreign Office recognized that this designation for non-ministerial duties, those moreover outside the ministry, could indeed be illegal.

Yet when it is about the acquisition and retention of funding, the Federal cabinet, along with the Foreign Office, suddenly becomes intellectually flexible and discovers the wondrous word “Aufbauzulage” [construction supplement]. A droll idea, thinks the Foreign Office. Since there is still not one legal text for this wonder word, here can one’s own inspiration be allowed to work to full extent.

And the result of this quite individual, ja, peculiar thought process of the Foreign Office was that the total of the so-called construction supplement initially correspond to the full extent of the ministerial supplement, and then over a time period of five years will be melted down at 10 percent per year and then remain at 50 percent. That shall naturally be for all employees. Even for the couriers. What an insult to all honorable taxpayers. Is the Foreign Office, shall we say, a self-service store?

Thereupon the Federal Audit Office – fully according to the law – intervened and the Foreign Office complied by putting forward an economics examination. Yet this was again so insufficient that the Budget Committee with a measures decision on May 13, 2020, charged the Foreign Office to finally ascertain the personnel, material and overhead costs and verify the financial expenditures with serviceable figures.

And quite remarkably: According to the measures decision, only the administration and central office should be in Brandenburg. In other words: You all wish in the future to create a kind of officials’ octopus;

            Franziska Brantner (Greens): That is all in the compensation!

since the branch offices remain untouched. You wish to merely examine the so-called construction supplement. No, ladies and gentlemen, a construction supplement is to be rejected. Since how do you wish to substantiate that to the taxpayers?

And last, but not least: For the fulfillment of this measures decision, the Foreign Office allows itself time; generally understood, from May of this year. Keyword: “Officials’ Mikado”. He who first makes a move, loses.

And in the interim time will furthermore be expended – more or less unexamined – around 2 billion euros per year for humanitarian aid and crisis prevention, and no person knows where essentially this money actually lands.

            Jürgen Hardt (CDU/CSU): You know that guaranteed!

            Ulrich Lechte (FDP): What nonsense!

Which NGOs with fine-sounding names might here rejoice over German tax money? To be continued, ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you.

            Jürgen Hardt (CDU/CSU): “Never-ending Story”.

            Alexander Lambsdorff (FDP): Fake news!



[trans: tem]