Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Marc Jongen, September 30, 2020, 2021 Budget – Culture

German Bundestag, September 30, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/179, pp. 22521-22522.

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.

Corona times are not only bad times for culture, but also apparently bad times for the truth.

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): You are stumped by the truth!

Frau State Secretary for Culture Grütters, your press release of last Wednesday on the Culture budget is a parade example of hypocritical polit-prose which obscures reality and turns parts into the opposite.

Hypocrisy number one: You boast that the “New Start Culture” rescue program, weighing in at one billion euros, runs at high speed. What you fail to mention is why this “New Start”, actually not one, was at all necessary; namely, because the government since April of this year has run down cultural life to nothing with the Corona lockdowns; because with your utterly excessive measures, you have imposed a so-to-say occupational ban on artists, organizers, musicians and theatre people. You have thereby destroyed thousands of livelihoods, driven businesses into insolvency and the self-employed onto Hartz-IV. And you still often say: The virus is guilty. – No, the virus is not guilty. The intensive care units are as empty as the concert halls. Your politically false decisions are guilty. Cultural people feel themselves left in the lurch by you; there have already been some suicides. The artists and organizers do not need your alms. They want to finally be able to live again from their work. End these excessive restrictions! That would be the real “New Start Culture”.

Hypocrisy number two: You have written – cite –:

            Certainly in times of crisis, culture is the basis of our social solidarity.

Sounds nice; yet with the Corona regime, a culture of angst, of insecurity and of paralysis has made its entry. That does not signify solidarity, ladies and gentlemen, that signifies the splitting of society. It also signifies a new area of denunciation – who wears no mask must lately pay a penalty – and a poisoned social atmosphere. Each citizen is potentially infectious, and he thus must be surveilled, controlled and guided. Yet that is why this crisis has gained such favor with you, why with you the test numbers always further increase so as to keep artificially alive the pandemic situation: You do not want to lose the power offered to you by this new, exceptional situation, you want to enforce things in the shadows of this crisis, limit civil rights, which would otherwise run into massive resistance and will in the future run into the resistance of the AfD delegation. That is guaranteed, ladies and gentlemen.

And, as if in defiance, you write – Hypocrisy number three: Art, culture and the media always again make us aware of our high privilege of living in a country of freedom of the press, of culture and of opinion, in which controversial debates are possible, are desired and have been sustained.

End citation. – Ja, here in the Bundestag you must for the time being still listen to the only opposition party. In the state and leading media, in the universities, in the subsidized cultural institutions, however, any controversial debate has long since been throttled.

With the Internet Enforcement Law, with the unconstitutional law against hate speech, you wish to criminalize citizens who do not follow the official, leading ideology. That after all is the truth, ladies and gentlemen.

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): Are you now in favor of hate speech?

And what has happened with the 6.6 percent increase in the Culture budget? Primarily, the construction of this statist, leading ideology. The Deutsche Historische Museum and the Haus der Geschichte in Bonn shall – quote – “Further strengthen the democratic understanding as well as the discernment of our society”, as it is called in the newspeak of your press release. Tomorrow, in the Historischen Museum in Frankfurt, opens the exhibition “I see what you do not see. Racism, Resistance and Empowerment”,

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): What do you have against it?

            Erhard Grundl (Greens): Which you could visit!

with the explicit goal of – cite – “Struggling against everyday racism”. Culture as a means of manipulation and propaganda to stigmatize the citizens as everyday racists and render them defenseless against the unlimited immigration of migrants of an alien culture – that is your plan!

A total of around 200 million euros is foreseen for film production, a substantial increase. Will the quality of German films be thereby improved? Hardly, if as heard, the donation of means is to be attached to diversity standards and politically correct measures like women’s quotas.

            Ulli Nissen (SPD): Very good!

            Stefan Schmidt (Greens): Do not speak of matters which you do not understand.

The Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein film production has already gone ahead with a latently totalitarian example. It will there be asked in all seriousness “whether the sexes have been equally represented in history, whether people of color appear and figures with under-privileged socio-economic backgrounds were presented”. Ladies and gentlemen, thus is produced no successful German films, thus is produced social and multicultural kitsch.

And the last of the hypocrisies – I come to an end – : You announce that the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation shall be additionally promoted, and you keep secret that you have just as good as decided upon the destruction of the Foundation by means of elimination of the burdensome name of “Prussian”.

Ladies and gentlemen, who loves art and culture cannot vote for this budget. Quality and Tradition, instead of Ideology – that is the maxim of our amending motions.

Many thanks.

            Ulli Nissen (SPD): Make the table nice and clean!

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): The virus of hatred!

            Alice Weidel (AfD): What idiocy!



[trans: tem]