Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Armin-Paulus Hampel, August 25, 2021, Afghanistan

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/238, pp. 31015-31016.

Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear viewers at the screens.

Frau Chancellor Rabbit – I cannot designate you otherwise – , the story, which you today have here delivered to us, tops all that up to now you have told in other fairy tales.  

Nothing understood in 20 long years, 20 long years in which you have forgotten all that experts have observed and opined of Afghanistan. After 20 years, you then arrive at positing questions which for 20 years many experts in this country were able to answer for you and were able to bring you to the correct conclusions.

It began with the Americans’ decision to enthrone the Gucci Pashtun Karzai…with falsified elections which were carried out with falsified ballots, with an enthroned parliament which no Afghan understood; and with a constitution which no one at all could understand, it continued.

After that came the catastrophe which occasioned the words of my friend Peter Scholl-Latour when he then visited me at the ARD studio in Kabul – I believe it was 2006 – : Dear Paul, what we have staged here in the Hindukush will end in tragedy. Thus Peter Scholl-Latour, already in 2006, Frau Chancellor, a man to whom many Germans had listened. In this house, he was often smiled at and derided.

So as to similarly clear up another fairy tale: Not only the governing coalition but also you of the FDP and the Greens have always happily added your votes, although there were long since stories which depicted the truth of Afghanistan and the situation of the coalition troops. All of you added your votes.

This morning in the breakfast television we have heard from the chairmen of the Bundeswehr associations that we only still have an observer’s role and are no more an active player. Herr Foreign Minister, who in this Federal Republic of Germany is no more an active player, and by reason of the many failures he has made cannot negotiate eye to eye with other nations, can from Afghanistan draw only one consequence and immediately submit his resignation. In this house, all other is unacceptable…

You now arrive with deceptive packaging in your motion, Frau Chancellor, in which you have us believe we want to let enter only sought-after circles of persons. No, you say quite concretely: We want designated persons, including especially Afghan civilians requiring protection. – The Foreign Minister has today stated: It should be with all who once in any form had to do with Germany or with Germans. – This opens the sluices, ladies and gentlemen. On that account, we will not vote in favor of your motion, but abstain. Some hold back differently. – Respect for your conduct.

Alexander Lambsdorff (FDP): Like the Linke party! The horseshoe theory lives! An additional proof!

This is the point why we reject your motion: You want to open the sluices. You indeed grandly say: 2015 should not be repeated. – Yet you create the pre-requisites so that it does repeat. You quite knowingly want to bring a great number of people to Germany. That, ladies and gentlemen, my AfD delegation rejects. Not again 2015! Recovery for those who are there in secure countries of origin, but no sluicing program to Germany.

Bring the people to security, that is important!

Thank you, Frau President.


[trans: tem]



Monday, August 30, 2021

Tino Chrupalla, August 25, 2021, Epidemic and Vaccination

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/238, pp. 31501-31502.

Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen.

Near the end of this special session, it is about the epidemic situation and Corona. The incidence value throughout Germany climbs from 56 in the previous week to 60 in this week. What evidentiary power and justification for the so-called epidemic emergency situation do you then derive from that, worthy Federal government?

Let us come to my home, Saxony. There, despite the lowest rate of vaccination, the incidence is at 16.2. What or who is responsible for these numbers, Herr Wanderwitz? The penchant for dictatorship with which you as commissioner for the east characterize my countrymen in Saxony? Quite clearly it is not the hapless policy of CDU Minister-president Michael Kretschmer.

Now, worthy Federal cabinet, it so appears regarding you as if something like insight and reason were to be noticed.

            Stephan Brandner (AFD): What?

This appears to be spreading in our Federal system – in this case, from the States to the Bund. This, nevertheless, is late! As a first step in the direction of reason, you now assume the number of the so-called hospitalizations as a benchmark. Finally, one can only say. The demand to thereby orient yourselves was advanced by us months ago, Herr Dobrindt.

Or could it therein possibly be that we find ourselves in an election campaign and that you with your CDU Chancellor candidate swim clear of the falls? We have, ja, today heard his limp [lasche] speech. And could it be, Herr Lauterbach, that you, with your panic-making and angst production, want to capture additional votes for the SPD? And just by the way, Frau Baerbock: Do you think that with your freight bike you succeed in driving ahead of the challenges in Germany? Your party thereby has conclusively contributed to that our society stands before a heap of rubble which was once called skilled trades and Mittelstand, German work ethic, Made in Germany – in short, the social market economy.

            Steffi Lemke (Greens): That is, ja, original!

Let me come to the vaccination theme. The recently published Oxford study shows us: Completely vaccinated persons can be infectious and the viral count is comparable with that of the non-vaccinated. Can you comprehend that under the circumstances our citizens make use of their right not to let themselves be vaccinated? The Alternative für Deutschland insists that: A decision to vaccinate must remain the individual decision of each citizen. Given the circumstances, we see no necessity to further restrict basic rights, and reject an obligation to vaccinate.

            Alexander Krauß (CDU/CSU): Yet no one demands that!

And please take notice: Citizens who do not want to let themselves be vaccinated are no “vaccination deniers”. They claim their given basic rights to decide for themselves their health and thereby their lives. And, Herr Spahn, basic rights are not negotiable. 

Worthy colleagues, beyond that, as a father of a family I say to you: In a case of Covid-19, no state vaccination obligation for children is permitted.

            Alexander Krauß (CDU/CSU): Yet no one demands that!

Our children nevertheless need be protected against the subsequent health consequences. That is the duty of policy and politicians, Herr Dobrindt. Have all the self-named virologists here in the Bundestag meanwhile lost respect for the future of the children in our country? I ask you.

And there is no end to the political influence. The experts of the STIKO [standing committee on vaccination] for long refused to speak in favor of a Corona vaccination recommendation for all minors from twelve years. Union politicians like Söder and Spahn did not want to leave it at that, and ever again exercised pressure on the STIKO. Consequently, un-Health Minister Spahn set aside the experts’ position and, on August 2 with the States’ health ministers, decided on a so-called vaccination offer for all minors from twelve years.

What comes next? The citizens of our country shall soon be purchasing participation in everyday life with the obligatory costs of testing. And that will again be at the cost of the local economy and retail trade, to say nothing of culture. You thereby further divide this country, Herr Dobrindt.

Worthy Federal government, please finally for once work with our citizens in your communications to de-escalate.

Alexander Dobrindt (CDU/CSU): Is that what you do when you speak of a “Corona dictatorship”?

Especially I request of colleague Karl Lauterbach: Finally for once propagate courage and confidence in our country instead of weekly conjuring up a new apocalypse. The AfD delegation rejects a prolongation of the epidemic situation in Germany.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]








Saturday, August 28, 2021

Alexander Gauland, August 25, 2021, Afghanistan

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/238, pp. 30999-31000.

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.

In Afghanistan, the results of a 20-year-long Western engagement have been pulverized within a few days. The Taliban could re-conquer the country without striking an opposition worthy of the name and the German government knew nothing of it. The BND [Federal Intelligence Service] knew nothing of it, Foreign Minister Maas was entirely surprised while the Taliban conquered Kabul, the Chancellor sat in a cinema, and the Defense Minister publicly baked tarte flambée.

The mission has cost the lives of 59 Bundeswehr soldiers and the health of hundreds. Billions of euros were wasted in the Hindukush. And all of that for what? Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, the Americans had started a war against terror and sent troops to the Hindukush. It was the sheer action for action’s sake of a great power attacked. Thus a reason for war need be subsequently furnished. It left off at friendly names like the “export of democracy” and “nation building”. Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer with hindsight based the mission on women’s rights. Without the Bundeswehr, she said – the Chancellor has indeed today repeated it – there would today apparently be no schools for girls and no women in the highest offices.

In other words, ladies and gentlemen, so as to carry gender justice into the Moslem world, German men need lose their lives there.

            Mechthild Rawert (SPD): Oh, that is disgusting!

How many Afghan women in high office or girls in school actually make up for one dead German soldier?

In March 2004, the Defense Minister Peter Struck – the Chancellor has recalled it – had declared: The security of the Federal Republic will also be defended in the Hindukush. – Today we can, in view of the expected migration streams form Afghanistan, subsequently correct Herr Struck. It needs be rightly named: The security of Germany was first endangered in the Hindukush – and then lost.

While the Bundeswehr officially fought terror, the oppression of women and violent ethnic structures there, the policy imported the carriers of such structures to Germany. The soldiers offered their bones to the Hindukush for a policy which brings the Hindukush to Germany. The Allies were always a year, an army, an idea behind.

In Afghanistan, the idea of “One World” and the export of the Western way of living has failed with a crash. Our values, ladies and gentlemen, are not universal. The majority of Afghans whistle at Westernization.  Who believes that generations of ethno-cultural formation can be treated with enlightenment courses and gender-mainstreaming only attests to a monstrous ignorance. Every culture is simply not compatible with every other culture. Many people do not want to live like us at any price and we also not like them.

Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, it is foolish, and sometimes life-threatening, to haul them to us. Nevertheless, the EU Interior Commissioner Johansson demands that endangered persons from Afghanistan be quickly re-settled in Europe so as to here find a new home; the number of which she estimates to be up to 5 million; the Federal Interior Minister has propagated this same number. That, ladies and gentlemen, is complete madness!

According to an estimate of high-ranking soldiers who had long served in Afghanistan, the number of the local auxiliaries [Ortskräfte], that is those natives who in fact have worked loyally for the Bundeswehr, varies in the lower four-figure range. To an inquiry of the Greens in the year 2018, the government named 576 Ortskräfte. To these people and their families we can and will give asylum, but to no one beyond that.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has already declared that his country will accept not a single Afghan. Most other Europeans will react similarly. Our country can cope with a second 2015 neither financially nor in terms of security policy.

The lesson of the Bundeswehr’s Afghanistan mission reads: Our army has nothing to seek in foreign lands. Exceptions to that are where proximate German interests are affected, such as the fight against piracy. Otherwise, it is to be exclusively an instrument of national defense. Instead of defending women’s rights against the Taliban in the Orient, it should preferably defend the German borders from dangers

            Claudia Roth (Greens): My goodness!

which arise from the influx of people to whom our way of living is fully foreign.

I thank you, ladies and gentlemen.


[trans: tem]