Sunday, August 30, 2020

Alice Weidel, August 28, 2020, “Wir schaffen das”

AfD Kompakt, August 28, 2020

Angela Merkel’s infantile watchword “Wir schaffen das” [We can do it] has become the leitmotiv of the rule of injustice, uncorrected to this day, in the German migration policy. Five years after the issuance of this watchword, its failure is obvious: Millions of migrants have been admitted into Germany – it certainly cannot be said there has been a successful integration into the German labor market. Three quarters of the Syrians living here today draw Hartz IV [unemployment compensation]. It is no better with those from the other principal countries of origin. The number of foreign Hartz IV recipients has risen in the past ten years by almost a million. And the number of foreign recipients of benefits continually further increases due to a prolific birthrate and the reunion of families.

In addition, constantly come new asylum applicants and illegal immigrants. Over a quarter million asylum applicants, ordered to depart, presently live in Germany; not having departed, they must likewise be financed. The intensified competition for dwelling space and workplaces for the less qualified as well as the overloading of the social system are already today a great burden. In the time of the Corona economic crisis, of the recession and of the progressive senescence of society, it will lead to massive social problems.  

The costs of Merkel’s “Wir schaffen das” must be borne by a shrinking German population. According to conservative estimates, its overall economic costs exceed the trillion mark. The enormous social damages, like the partial disempowerment of the legal order, the de facto legalization of the smuggling [Schleuser] industry, the high cost of criminality and, not least, the Islamic terrorists, which with Merkel’s migration wave have attained unacknowledged admittance into the country, are still far from being definitively balanced.  

[trans: tem]

Peter Boehringer, August 28, 2020, EU Corona Package

AfD Kompakt, August 28, 2020

The “PEPP” [Pandemic Emergency Purchase Program] presently has a volume of 1,350 billion euros of which 440 billion has already been paid out as of the end of July. With these loan purchases, the ECB [European Central Bank] in obvious ways over-steps the limits advanced by Federal Constitutional Court to guarantee observance of the European treaties – here, the ban on monetary state financing. The ECB especially does not oblige itself to observe a maximum limit in regards the purchasing of loans, nor a minimal rating of the loans, nor to observe an essential and conclusive application of the capital subscription key [Kapitalzeichnungsschlüssel].

The AfD delegation will bring suit on grounds of the so-called Prozessstandschaft [procedural standing] according to §64 of the Grundgesetz [Basic Law]. We see injury to the Bundestag in its rights because the Federal government – as well as the Bundestag itself – has with its own means quickly or in timely fashion failed to prevent the PEPP program.   

Based on the evident violation of the European treaty, the Federal government without delay must bring an action for annulment [Nichtigkeitsklage] according to Art. 263 AEUV [Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union] on account of the the ECB’s decisions of March 18 and 24, 2020, and June 4, 2020 and the Bundestag must oblige the Federal government to do so. The acceptance of evident treaty violations is incompatible with the integration responsibility and overall budgetary responsibility of the Bundestag and the Federal government.

With this organizational suit [Organklage], the AfD delegation brings the influence of the German Bundestag’s overall budgetary responsibility to bear upon ECB’s offense of exceeding powers [Ultra-vires-Verstoß]. The AfD delegation thereby relies on the Federal Constitutional Court’s legal protection [Rechtsschutz] to litigate the integration responsibility which is borne by all of the Bundestag’s delegations.

[trans: tem]

Friday, August 28, 2020

Alexander Wiesner, August 26, 2020, House Occupation

AfD Kompakt, August 26, 2020

[Alexander Wiesner is an AfD member of the Saxony state legislature.]

In Saxony, the CDU holds the office of Interior Minister and could act immediately. Roland Wöller however appears to tolerate, as in Dresden, the occupation of houses by leftist extremists, since he does not wish to pick a fight with his Green coalition partners.

The Greens once again show their true face with the support of the house occupation. It is now really obvious that there are no peaceful activists at work here, as suggested by the media, but adherents of the violence-prone Antifa.

A glance at the group’s Twitter channel and internet site verifies that: There are found links to Indymedia, to groups under observation by the Constitution Defense and yet also to some members of the legislature who, well aware, seek the vicinity of leftist extremists.

[trans: tem]