Showing posts with label Energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Energy. Show all posts

Monday, April 22, 2024

Rainer Kraft, April 10 2024, Energy Policy and Politics

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/162, pp. 20812-20813. 

Right honorable President. Valued colleagues. 

After many errors and confusions, the Union again professes nuclear power. This could be debated long, wide and sarcastically. Yet I simply leave it and say: Welcome back to the rational side of German energy policy. 

This is besides an energy policy represented by the AfD since 2013, thus from the time of our formation. Your obligatory expressions for an acknowledgment of the renewables of course still appear in a motion, yet have already retired from your demands, and that is a step forward. Finally recognized is that a reliable and economic electricity supply with contingent energies, dependent on season and weather, is not feasible, and is thus a risk for Germany as a business venue. 

Herr Träger, last weekend, electricity customers needed to pay up to 56 euros per megawatt-hour in electricity disposal costs so that the German excess electricity production could be dumped in foreign countries. 

Generally, a comparison with foreign countries, for example France which you so readily criticize, is eye-opening. German is faced with around 500 billion euros in system integration costs for the massive construction of the network. France does not need this construction. France will not need a hydrogen core network for 20 billion euros. 

            Harald Ebner (Greens): Nevertheless!

France does not need 16 billion euros every 20 years for large electricity storage facilities. And electricity disposal costs for excess electricity no French electricity customer will ever need pay. 

            Beatrix von Storch (AfD): Hear, hear!

Yet what France does have, Herr Träger, are emission values of around 20 grams CO2 per kilowatt-hour of electricity. I venture in this place a prognosis: With your energy policy, Germany will never achieve this value. 15 million tons of CO2 – for the science-adverse Ampel coalition, the most dangerous substance on Earth – since the final exit from nuclear power in 2023 will each year additionally be emitted in the German energy sector. 

             Harald Ebner (Greens): Wrong! Wrong! Less than ever!

To 2030, that will total up to around 90 million tons of CO2. For the Ampel, it’s all the same. 

            Harald Ebner (Greens): No, that’s simply not right! Fake news!

Dear colleagues of the SPD, Greens and FDP, finally admit that, for you, CO2 emissions are all the same! For you, it’s only about an ideology, business nepotism for the re-distribution of tax billions, and the patronizing of the citizens. Throughout Europe, the hydrogen preliminary projects are dying:           

            Harald Ebner (Greens): Remain with the atom!

Lately, the H2 Sines Rotterdam project in the billions; earlier, the German lighthouse project “West Coast 100” in Heide. Other projects like Uniper in Rotterdam are put off for the present. Nevertheless, billions in tax monies, provided for in means of promotion, die in one project after another. Yet in the BMWK [Economy and Climate Ministry], one continues to ride the dead hydrogen horse. 

It is thus right and important that the Union sees it as does the AfD, and that the society-splitting firewall falls in the energy policy. Doubts are nevertheless brought up, dear Union. The Union demands forbidding the decommissioning until a new government can conclusively clarify the question. It naturally needs be said more precisely: Until a new Chancellor and his coalition partner decide this. Since it well needs be asked, dear Union. How, with a Green coalition partner, do you want to introduce the fundamental, required change of direction in the German energy policy? 

Dear Union, if you seriously mean it with the return of nuclear energy and an end of the catastrophic green energy policy, then one thing is clear: The firewall must go! 

            Harald Ebner (Greens): Oje, oje!

To sum up. Dear colleagues, your motion goes in the right direction. We agree with it, even if it is faint-hearted and lets miss precisely what this country in the present economic situation urgently requires: A basic avowal for a fundamental, long-term and reliable change of direction in the German energy policy. Since the contingent energies with immense integration costs do not deliver what our industry and citizens need. You thus have a choice: Either you sell out the welfare of our country in an ideological coalition with the Greens, or you decide for cooperation in energy policy with the AfD. 


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Thursday, April 18, 2024

Markus Buchheit, March 26, 2024, Compulsory Refurbishment of EU Buildings

EU Parliament, Written Question to the Commission, E-000948/2024. 

The Commission has ordered the compulsory refurbishment of all public buildings in the EU. 

Can it therefore say which of its own or rented buildings in Brussels and Luxembourg, and those of its delegations and agencies, meet which energy standards? 

How much will refurbishment cost until single-glazed glass fronts, revolving doors, open garage entrances and draughty gaps between window panes and frames all meet the highest level of insulation it has prescribed?

Monday, February 12, 2024

Michael Espendiller, January 31, 2024, Foreign Office

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/150, pp. 19170-19171. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable colleagues. Dear spectators in the hall and on YouTube. And, of course, dear Frau Baerbock. 

One of my favorite headlines of last week was: “Russian Campaign Uncovered”. The Foreign Office shall have undertaken a data analysis which of course is totally trustworthy, yet quite incidentally is put forward in Spiegel

This data analysis comes to the conclusion that on X thousands of German language tweets were removed which include the accusation that the Federal government neglects its own people so as to support the Ukraine. O mein Gott! How has it come to this? One is, ja, completely shocked. Or yet: One is informed. 

One need only read the Finance Ministry’s report of December 2023 in which is found that, since the war’s beginning, Germany has arranged a total expenditure in the sum of 27.8 billion euros for the benefit of the Ukraine. This number does not at all include the German contribution for the EU program. Thus, 27.8 billion euros: That is nearly the 2024 budget for the Foreign Office, the Family Ministry and the Agriculture Ministry reckoned together. Yet for this Ampel of horrors, this presumably is all just peanuts. Electricity comes out of the socket, money grows on trees and stylists are paid by the taxpayers. 

Apropos taxpayers: While we here in this country burden our citizens’ income with tax rates between 14 and 45 percent, there is in the Ukraine a slim flat income tax of 18 percent, plus a 1.5 percent war tax. That means, the average Ukrainian oligarch pays less tax as a percentage than most of the normal employees in Germany. Presumably, the Christmas ski season in the Ukraine thus again runs recht gut. 

            Deborah Düring (Greens): You should be ashamed! This is unbelievable!

To the enjoyment of these pleasures come of course only those able to afford it and, in wondrous ways, are not with their countrymen at the front, 

            Vice-president Petra Pau: Herr member?

at the front, where entire generations of Ukrainians are sent to death by their President, instead of finally starting armistice negotiations. 

            Jürgen Hardt (CDU/CSU): Kremlin propaganda! 

            Peter Beyer (CDU/CSU): Shame on you!

Vice-president Petra Pau: Herr member – I have stopped the clock – do you accept a question or remark from member Farle? 

No, thanks. 

And this naturally interests the Ampel not at all. 

In Germany meanwhile flutter into the mail boxes the utility bills for renters, which demand in part additional payments in the four-figure range. It is estimated that an average 581 euros has been the additional payment per renter. Price driver number one: The energy costs. 

The government’s tellers of fairy tales will now again object that Putin is guilty for the high energy prices. That however is not the truth. Since it is the foreign policy and the energy policy of the Ampel and its black-red predecessor government which have gotten us into trouble. 

Besides, no one yet has been able to explain to me why it is now so much better to be dependent on American LNG instead of Russian gas. It certainly cannot be the fault of Putin's evil Politik; otherwise, the government might also make no energy deals with the United Arab Emirates. I do not know whether you have heard, but women’s rights do not look so good there. 

Deborah Düring (Greens): Since when are you interested in women’s rights? This is just a farce! 

           Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): An AfDer mouths the words “women’s rights”!

Yet to the Federal government it is quite obviously all the same – just so as the human rights of the Israelis who are routinely rocketed by their Hamas neighbors and cut down with the utmost barbarity. For years, the Federal government nevertheless supports the so-called Palestinian aid work of UNWRA with contributions in the millions. 

            Ulrich Lechte (FDP): Have pity! Mercy!

And for ever has there been evidence that this organization supports the Hamas terrorists. 

            Peter Beyer (CDU/CSU): You are the Kremlin’s useful idiots!

On X on Sunday, we were allowed to learn that twelve members had participated in the Hamas surprise attack on October 7 of last year. And for precisely these long since known reasons, my delegation for years ever and ever again demanded to stop the payments to UNRWA and to completely dissolve UNRWA. 

Yet ever again the same thing happened: When the great media wave of indignation rolled, the payments were frozen for effect in the media, only so as to again be furtively undertaken a brief time later. And thus this Federal government not only supports terrorists and murderers, but furthermore, for example, the traffickers in the Mediterranean. And here besides we have moved for the elimination of the means. 

While we are on eliminations: We have also moved that the means for the political foundations in the Foreign Office budget of around 84 million euros be cut. With this money, all of the old parties manage a kind of network of their own embassies. Look, for example, at the website of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation. There are worldwide locations; for example, in Manila, Islamabad, Lima, Harari and Tiflis. And so it is in regards all the foundations of the old parties – except of course in regards the AfD. 

Yet the question actually is: Need the German taxpayer pay for that? Our answer to that is quite clear: Nein, he need not. In that we put this question in regards all positions of Frau Baerbock’s budget, we could identify a savings potential of a total sum of 1.4 billion euros. We thereby require 21.5 percent less money than this Ampel of horrors. And quite honestly, I think, there is still more. 

Many thanks for your attention. 

            Ulrich Lechte (FDP): Dank sei Gott!


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Monday, February 5, 2024

Tino Chrupalla, January 31, 2024, German Economy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/150, pp. 19142-19144. 

Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen. Dear guests in the gallery. 

I want to begin with a citation – which is actually connected to your speech, Herr Mützenich, because you have just so presented us as if we would ruin the country – and in fact: “We businessmen have lost trust in the government.” The employers’ president, Rainer Dulger, said that to the FAZ

I need to say: Even to you on the government bench the alarm signals meanwhile should long since have arrived. Where remains, Herr Chancellor, your respect of which you have spoken so much in the election campaign, in regards to the farmers and citizens who for generations have kept running this economic engine of Germany? When one has no respect, then one does not love this country and that you show every day with your Federal government. 

It is precisely these people who elected all of us here, so to make Politik for Germany. You make Politik. Yet for whom do you actually make Politik, Frau Haßelmann? For the consulting firms with contracts in the millions in the energy transition area? For your arms lobby? For these people, there are billions of euros in money; yet not for the simple citizens, for those who work hard every day. 

Ladies and gentlemen, each tax euro needs first to be earned. Just then can we here decide where it can be well invested. 

Britta Haßelmann (Greens): You want out of the euro! An impoverishment program for the citizens! Ruin for business!

And I can only say that your central points are just not comprehensible; for the economic situation in Germany is desolate.

 In that regard, some salient points: Germany is the only G-7 state without economic growth. Germany in the second half of 2023 slid into a recession. The reasons for that are high energy costs, the green transformation and bad business conditions. The seriousness of the situation is obvious. Why otherwise do you yourselves as the Federal government, and also the ifo Insititute, reduce economic growth expectations for 2024? 

Und ja, now you come again with the international markets and wars of which we sadly again have to complain. In regard these, we as the Alternative für Deutschland have often sufficiently stated our position. We require peace, and we, like the citizens, want no more conflict of systems and ideologies. And precisely these wars are plainly not responsible that you as the Federal government continue to make allowance for local disadvantages which originate with you yourselves. 

Finally look outside the box, even if it is a strain, and clearly is also disillusioning for you. The firms are emigrating, or want to emigrate. When a businessman continually writes red figures, there is no possibility of obtaining more income than expense. 

A businessman needs to observe the applicable laws, and cannot simply go around. Only this government can do that, in that it wants to simply set aside the debt brake which it should protect against state indebtedness. In regards this economic balance, that is irresponsible and, before all things, harmful to the state. And it is – we saw it in the last budget – unconstitutional, what you are managing here in this country. 

Valued colleagues, the German economy lives on exports and good economic connections with all countries. On that, we are I think in this house agreed. Yet now the exports even to China and the U.S.A. break down. How actually can work for the citizens at all still pay when the basis for it is taken away? 

How many do you actually want to drive to feeding by the state? For some, it meanwhile appears gainful work scarcely still pays, thanks to the Bürgergeld. With all of these conditions, you as Ampel actors display neither humility nor insight. You therefore further drive a division in the society. 

Before all, you turn the responsibility around. That actually is the absolute hammer which we are currently experiencing here. Federal Finance Minister Lindner spoke on the weekend, that the AfD’s program would economically ruin Germany. Herr Habeck added: The AfD is poison for Germany as a business venue. Do you actually not see who the real poison in this country is? The citizens see that every day, in which they can no longer pay their bills, in which ever more businesses go bankrupt, in which ever more businesses emigrate and ever more citizens – farmers, tradesmen, Mittelstand – in this country are fed up, right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

Then you here position yourself, Frau Haßelmann, and again pronounce the great psalm of democracy: “Never again is now”. I grant that you are right. “Never again is now” when media houses, conformed to the state almost as a second Stasi, are built up and set against the opposition. That also is “Never gain is now”. There was all of that already, and recalls the darkest times of our history. 

We are not nervous. The only ones who are nervous are you and, before all, the SPD, when I consider this year’s elections in Germany, the European election, the state legislative elections in Saxony, Brandenburg and Thüringen. You receive the receipt from the sovereign, the German citizens. I rejoice. Had you in this entire debate and campaign let the people of Correctiv for once research Cum-Ex or Nord Stream. Of that, we await the results here in parliament, for which you are still obliged. 

            Peter Boehringer (AfD): So it is! 

            Alice Weidel (AfD): So it is!

Who carried out these acts of terror? Who is responsible for the money squandering and the problems connected thereto in regards Cum-Ex? 

In this sense, valued colleagues, I say to you: The German economy lives from exports and good business connections. We of the AfD will commit ourselves to that Germany is again attractive as a business venue, and that Germany, before all things, again receives what it deserves: An orderly and reasonable government. 

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): Out of the EU, out of the euro!

Many thanks. 


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Friday, February 2, 2024

Alice Weidel, January 31, 2024, Scholz Government

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/150, pp. 19128-19130. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Chancellor. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

Both of the preceding speakers have impressively shown that in them is lacking the earnestness for the true importance and problems of this country’s citizens. It is burning in Germany, 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): You’ve certainly set it afire!

and this government of overcharged miscasts and obstinate ideologues is the arsonist. This country’s exploited achievers are going into the streets: 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Do you actually pay taxes in Germany?

Farmers, tradesmen, those of the Mittelstand, hotel keepers, merchants, those in transport, they continue to protest because they can do no more – silenced by the media. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Who do better work than you can imagine!

Three-quarters of Germans stand behind the Mittelstand protesters, three-quarters want an end to this government. 

You cut a corridor of devastation through this country. 

            Saskia Esken (SPD): You should be an author of children’s books!

– The children’s books author sits there, Frau Esken. – Yet instead of correcting, you heighten an unprecedented campaign of libel, as is here impressively displayed against the Mittelstand protest and against the opposition force upon which ever more citizens place their hope, frankly according to the motto: “If the citizen becomes disagreeable, designate him as extreme right”. 

Your auxiliary Stasi, “Correctiv”, one of the many non-governmental organizations which is provisioned by your government with ample tax money, has delivered to you the matter for that with unbelievable lies, libel and the most wicked calumny. 

            Irene Mihalic (Greens): With evidence, Frau Weidel.

The chief of “Correctiv” now lies, they had never used the word “deportation”. So far has it come: Tax-financed denunciations against a competing party! 

You are not at all ashamed 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): You are not ashamed!

to pervert the right to demonstrate, a right of freedom of the citizens opposed to the state and not the reverse, instead of listening to people who carry their emergency into the public, you yourselves demonstrate against the opposition. And you find nothing in that regard when at such demonstrations are quite openly placed on display calls for murder against opposition politicians. “Kill the AfDers” are there, and you applaud. The Federal President designates AfD voters as rats and the FDP lead candidate, AfD voters as blow-flies. Shame on you! Shame on you from top to bottom! 

With your unspeakable tax-financed libel and cries for murder campaign, you divide this country only so as to cling to your own power. 

The repair of the repair of a miscarried and inflated budget draft is a document of your arrogance and your incompetence. You speak of savings, yet you impose the costs solely on the citizens. The businessmen’s morale is grounded. The Ampel is the greatest risk to Germany as a business venue. 

Mittelstand and businesses one by one throw in the towel and take to flight. The list of firms which eliminate or displace tens of thousands of positions to foreign countries becomes daily longer. Resonant names are therein: From BASF, Bayer and Bosch, through Mercedes Continental and Miele, to SAP and ZF. De-industrialization Minister Habeck, who is known to always find love of country to be “nauseating”, now demands patriotism of the businessmen – and thereby to go bankrupt. That is the concept of this government. 

Germany is stuck deep in a recession. It is the sole industrial country to shrink, and for that neither Putin nor the world nor any conjured up world climate catastrophe bears the responsibility. This incompetent government solely bears the responsibility for this disaster in our country, and indeed with its destructive policy of artificial energy scarcity and energy of increased expense, the incessant turning of the tax screws, the ban policy, the expropriation, the money squandering, while you tell the people fairy tales of a rich country. Rich in Germany is only the overfed, over-reaching state, but not the taxpayers. 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Where do you pay taxes, Frau Weidel?

Hundreds of thousands of Germans receive in these days their heating cost bill, and often do not know how they shall pay it. Normal earners, pensioners, families, those of the Mittelstand, independents, year for year need to restrict themselves more so as still be able to make ends meet. You however certainly do not think of restricting yourselves. You grant yourselves new helicopters and motor pools. Your cabinet members expend untold sums for hairstyling and photographs. The Foreign Minister flies with a grand entourage on embarrassing missions worldwide, while the average earner does not know what at all he still can do. And you hold fast to your snob Chancellor’s Office for, believe it or not, almost 800 million euros. The giganto-maniac expansion construction alone costs almost as much as the yearly special sacrifice which you want to exact from the farmers. 

You have inflated the officials’ apparatus in just two years by around 11,500 positions. Nice for your favorites, bad for the taxpayer for whom all the fun costs eight billion euros. 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Yet you pay no taxes!

Where other governments reconsider and recoil their international engagements, you intrude everywhere with German tax money. 

Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Yet you pay no taxes here, Frau Weidel. You still pay taxes in Switzerland!

You threaten the livelihoods of your own farmers so as to save scarcely a billion euros; yet for senseless agriculture projects in the world, you expend additional hundreds of millions of euros. The much cited bike paths in Peru are only one of hundreds of superfluous development aid proposals which cost the taxpayer to the sum of 33 billions euros – for nothing, only for your NGO favorites. 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): You are no taxpayer in Germany!

You squander this money, without consideration, for eco-refrigerators in Colombia, feminist foreign policy in South Africa, for the Taliban in Afghanistan and for Hamas terrorists in Gaza. 

            Bettina Hagedorn (SPD): That is a lie!

Even to India go billions, even though India flies to the moon while, with us, infrastructure falls apart, the schools spoil and the students in part are no longer able to read, write and figure correctly. 

Against the laws of physics and logic, you further drive forward the planned economy and subventions monster of the energy transition. In energy policy, Germany is the world’s wrong-way driver. The costs explode in all dimensions. They are the principal reason for the budget crisis. They sum up to almost a trillion euros. That is a one with how many zeros, Herr Habeck? – He does not know. Those are no investments in the future, that is the most expensive destruction of a functioning infrastructure which the world has ever seen! 

You further flood the country with illegal immigrants. Everyone can come, none need go. You naturalize in an accord new voters, obtain a pseudo-legality for illegals through the residence opportunity law. Your deportation acceleration law is a deportation prevention law when the taxpayers must pay for a lawyer for rejected asylum applicants so as to continue to bring process against the overdue departure. 

            Wiebke Esdar (SPD): That is called the state of law!

With this policy, you drive the local governments to despair, explode the social system, intensify the housing emergency and undermine the domestic security. Yet, before all, you take from the Germans their Heimat

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Yet you do not reside in Germany.

Over 1,000 women every year become victims of sexual violence by an immigrant, 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Has your co-worker written the speech?

7,000 since the 2015 welcome putsch by the CDU Chancellor. Yet of that, you are silent; of that also, the media is silent. Under the swindle label of “Bürgergeld”, you have created a migration magnet the costs of which are long since out of control. The next budget gap already stands at the door. 

You leave the citizens in the lurch where the state would be urgently needed. What has become of the compensation for the many of those harmed by the vaccine of your Covid vaccination? What actually has become of it? What at all has become of the reappraisal of this entire disaster? 

Again and again I have here presented what is required to bring this country to the front rank. Again: Closing and control of borders, sending back illegal immigrants, following up rejected and criminal asylum applicants and anyone who has no right of residency – that is the enforcement of law and statute after years of the rule of injustice; you want to criminalize deportations; that we have seen in your campaign – a stop of energy transition, a restriction of state spending and of course an elimination of Bürgergeld for foreign citizens who have never paid into the social accounts; benefits in kind instead of money benefits is the watchword. 

Yet rational arguments clearly no longer suffice for you. You cannot well govern Germany, and you do not want to. You are ruining it. And I say to you, why: Because you your own country, because Germany, you hate.                

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): You do not live in Germany!

This government hates Germany. At least accept the possibility of a democratic change of power, and make the way free for new elections! 

I am grateful. 


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Monday, January 22, 2024

Bernd Schattner, January 18, 2024, Farmers’ Protests

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/147, pp. 18622-18623. 

Many thanks. Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

Since 18 December 2023, tens of thousands in Germany again go into the streets for their right to a self-determined future. 

            Karl Bär (Greens): Against the AfD!

Ever fewer people want to allow their lives to be dictated by a removed, left-green political elite. The people have recognized that this Ampel does not represent their interests, but pursues one-sided ideological goals without regard to this country and its citizens. 

If the income figures from 2021-22 are superficially looked at, which have been identified in the 2023 agriculture report, one could gain the impression that for the farmers it doesn’t go so bad. After all, an income increase of 50 percent in the conventional area was again attained; in the eco area, still more four percent was earned. Yet who now says: “These figures show that it goes well for the German agriculture”, completely fails to recognize the seriousness of the situation. These profits only still occur because the farmers meanwhile no longer carry out urgently necessary investments. No one still invests in a stable or tractor when he does not know whether this investment is accounted long-term. Many farmers today do not know whether tomorrow their stable construction fulfills the animal welfare prerequisites. Thus ever more agricultural entrepreneurs consider giving up. 

So it sounds harsh: Regrettably, many farmers have decided for surrender. After all, since the year 2020, 7,800 agricultural operations have closed for ever; that is five and a half operations per day, a tendency strongly rising. The present figures also show this. Thus meanwhile the profits of the high-earning operations in the 2023-24 year have again in part broken down by 53 percent. 

And what does our Agriculture Minister do? 

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): Where is he, actually? He’s gone already! He’s                                afraid of you!

He demands that our farmers make their contribution to the savings measures. – Ja gut, substantive themes apparently do not interest him. – It is inexplicable that the farmers in times of higher fuel prices should also accept the most massive tax increases for farm diesel. At the same time, our neighbors from Belgium and Luxemburg, without any taxation on farm diesel, drive with their tows. After the elimination of the reimbursement, beside the Dutch, the German farmers drive with Europe’s most expensive diesel. 

At this point, a look at the CDU is worthwhile. For a good year, they have rejected an AfD motion which has the goal of doubling the refund. 

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): The CDU rejects all that is good! 

            Johannes Steiniger (CDU/CSU): You want to abolish all subventions!

Interesting before all is the reason why the motion was rejected. It is said in the conclusion that the CDU rejects the motion since it regards diesel as an environmentally harmful material. Now at once, the great change: The CDU commits itself to the maintenance of the diesel refund. 

Alfred Stegemann (CDU/CSU):  The AfD wants to abolish all subventions!

That shows the hypocrisy of this party in the face of the farmers and the working population; since, for all that, it is the Union which introduced the idling of acreage and has pushed forward the bureaucratization of agriculture. To now portray themselves as saviors of agriculture is to the highest degree untrustworthy. 

Ladies and gentlemen, now to the enemies of the Mittelstand and the working class. The Ampel government plans to introduce the farmer soli, and would thereby burden the German consumer with an additional 3.6 billion euros per year – an absolutely scandalous plan which hits those who are least able. Meat and milk will thereby become still more expensive. The money will trickle into the trade, and never arrive at the producer. 

Herr Özdemir, with this measure you make the country’s Tafeln [food banks] into the new supermarkets, because no one can longer afford the meals. The cheap imports from the Mercosur states and eastern Europe will further weaken the domestic farmers. The Ampel government again demonstrates that it wants to ruin its own people. 

We therefore demand: No alibi motions, but authentic solutions for our farmers’ problems. The farmers want to live by the work of their hands, without continual patronization by the Politik, especially by the Greens. Germany has the best soils, the cleverest heads – with exception of the government – 

            Lisa Badum (Greens): Unfortunately not in the AfD!

and the best technique to manage agriculture. Yet sadly we have a government which does not know how to value these resources. 

I would like to close with a new farmer’s rule: Who knows nothing and can do nothing, he then joins the Greens. 

Many thanks. 


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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Jörg Urban, January 8, 2024, Farmers’ Protests

AfD Kompakt, January 8, 2024. 

In regards the protests, we stand on the side of the farmers. The enthusiastic participation of tradesmen, shippers and a large part of the citizens shows: Our country urgently needs a change of politics. The green course of the established parties and the “climate transformation” of all areas of life moreover lead Germany to the abyss. 

We also in the future want affordable foodstuffs from the homeland. By means of fertilizer bans and a steadily increasing load of charges, the Federal and State government drive the domestic farmers to ruin. If this negative development is not stopped, we will soon need to feed ourselves by foodstuff imports. 

The CDU’s support of the protests is more than hypocritical. Certainly it has enormously increased the problems for the Saxon farmers, in that it has installed the Green Agriculture Minister Wolfram Günther in Saxony. And the steadily increasing CO2 tax is an invention of the CDU. 


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Monday, January 15, 2024

Dietmar Friedhoff, December 14, 2023, Food, Africa and the AfD

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/144, pp. 18370-18371. 

Herr President. Valued colleagues. 

Germany is stuck in a budget crisis, the people in Germany become poorer and the government distributes ever more money ever further to all the world. And the CDU now sets out to strengthen the worldwide food security, yet in that regard seemingly does not entirely grasp the realpolitischen facts. 

I first want to state that the 17 sustainability goals also apply for Germany. 

Deborah Düring (Green): Hä? You nevertheless normally do not want it. Be a bit congruent! 

Meaning: It is a top priority duty of the German government to also directly and successfully implement the 17 goals in Germany. Thus in this case: No hunger also in Germany. In Germany are presently six million people, of whom two million children, affected by nutrition poverty. According to the association of child and youth doctors, in Germany far over 500,000 children regularly suffer unallayed hunger – here, in Germany. Inflation, rising rent, benzine and energy prices, an ideological trucking fee and CO2 duties will further intensify this situation. Germany becomes more and more a problem child and even a developing country. 

Question: If a country does not fulfill its own sustainability goals, how can it then set out wanting to fulfill them elsewhere? It sounds like the “You’ll never walk alone” of our Chancellor. It sounds like weitere Häme. It sounds like Doppel-Wumms and “change of times” [Zeitenwende]. 

Yet where are now the most starved? In Ethiopia, for example, the former development policy exhibit country. Here will be built with assistance of the United Arab Emirates a palace on a grounds of 500 hectares; cost, 15 billion euros, which corresponds to the Ethiopian state budget. 

            Wolfgang Stefinger (CDU/CSU): Yet not with development monies! Mein Gott!

The UN presently investigates in Ethiopia because assistance deliveries have vanished into obscure channels and have been converted to money. Finally: In the last 20 years in Ethiopia, a man-made de-forestation of over 60 percent has taken place as a result of the high increase of population. That and not climate change is the principal problem in regards dried-out ground, water scarcity and the decrease of agricultural area. 

            Deborah Düring (Green): Ach Gottchen! 

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): Oje, oje!

How now is this challenge to be solved? Solution: An end to the classic development policy, into an economic cooperation guided by German interests for a sustainable strengthening of the African continent. To that pertains: Who says A, needs also say fD. AfD is the solution. 

Industrialization of Africa for A: Value-creating, sustainable work and training places. Which is concerned with f: Financial Freiheit, Fortschritt und Förderung [freedom, progress and promotion] of African industry and infrastructure. Which ultimately has positive effects on D: Democratic processes, demographic challenges and Durchhaltefähighkeit [perseverance], thus the countries’ resilience. 

            Vice-president Wolfgang Kubicki: Come to a conclusion, please. 

Exactly this provides for food security also in Germany. 

            Vice-president Wolfgang Kubicki: Herr colleague. 

Sustainable, stable and effective – plainly AfD. 

Thank you. 


[trans: tem]

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Tino Chrupalla, December 13, 2023, Economy and War

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/143, pp. 18091-18093. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

            It needs be well stated following the government declaration of Chancellor Olaf Scholz and  after Herr  Merz’s speech, that they have argued completely past the primary cares and problems of one’s own country. Frau Haßelmann, your speech was a pure war speech, nothing other. That has really shaken me.  

            It thus need not be wondered that ever more citizens look at the Federal government with concern and really with a lack of understanding. If one peeks at the half-time of this Federal government of which it needs be truly said: This country has never been so run down since the Second World War. Within a few months, the economic nation of Germany has been decisively changed by this Federal government: Inflation, a shrinking economy, rising insolvencies. And, as a crown, the Federal Constitutional Court declares your special debts budget unconstitutional. Your conclusions from that – we have today already again heard it: You do not allow yourselves to be diverted, and run exactly so as ever, with the KTF and eyes open into the dead end. – Thus appears this government’s present policy.


From the SPD we hear at the party day: Social spending certainly belongs to the SPD’s DNA, social spending which is meanwhile most deeply unsozial because it no more cushions the emergencies of individuals but presents in the form of Bürgergeldes [citizens’ wage] a kind of basic income. This is tied neither to conditions, 

            Christian Petry (SPD): Nonsense! 

nor is partially worse paid work motivated and generally something done for the social state. You see, valued colleagues: This policy continues to create one-sided dependencies and plainly no innovations.  

            Christian Petry (SPD): No idea!

Herr Chancellor, we know you are not a man of many words. You will perhaps go into the history of the Federal Republic as the eternally silent Chancellor. 

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): Olaf, the Forgetful! 

For you, not only the information for the Warburg Bank has gone missing; there is also no idea in your cabinet – none which we notice – of what you actually want to make of Germany. In that regard, we have again today heard nothing. The entire world you want to save and the climate, too. Yet these cannot be the only goals of a German Federal government. 

The citizens of this country need to stand quite high on the agenda for you. In your election campaign, your yourself ever again spoke of “respect”. Where remains the respect for those in this country who are economically active, for the Mittelstand, for the trades, for industry? Instead, you artificially restrict the energy supply. You disconnect intact nuclear power plants, permitting, with the attacks on Nord Stream, that our critical infrastructure be destroyed, and stop the import of Russian gas. 

The Economy Minister conducts his green economic war within Germany and in the entire world. These also he will not win. He so far fails with that, as the economic sanctions against Russia indicate. These have for a consequence – we certainly see it presently – that the Russian economy grows and ours shrinks. That is presently the situation. 

Today, almost every second large business considers emigration from Germany, and every third already sits on packed bags. In that regard, no words from you, Herr Chancellor. And with the rising CO2 prices which you today have announced, you make Germany as a business venue even more unattractive. Industry associations warn of a de-industrialization. The Alternative für Deutschland had done that already for years. For that, we were accused of conspiracy theories; that was then your assertion. The CO2 duty – Frau Haßelmann has just said it, subventions were cut – will not then rise around 30 euros per ton, but around 45 euros. Thereby will the inflation be further heated up next year, and this business venue be further ruined. That is your policy, and that we will prevent. That, I can promise you. 

Ladies and gentlemen, Germany finally needs a prosperity policy in the citizens’ interest. There is therefore finally required an audit. Unnecessary spending needs to give way, and to that belongs the entire theme complex of Ukraine. What I have heard here today really leaves me to an extent stunned. Presently there is six billion euros yearly of Bürgergeld for 700,000 Ukrainians. To the year 2027 shall be expended an additional 17 billion euros for weapons deliveries and five billion euros for the reconstruction. And that – we have heard today what you want to arrange at the European Council – also includes the planned entry of the Ukraine in the EU. This will cost 130 billion euros; the Institute for the German Economy has calculated that. As primary financier, we will of course again need to finance that. 

These expenditures should now before all be defrayed from the regular budget. And here is seen how this Ukraine emergency situation, which you today in principle have announced for next year, shall be planned in the future: By overtaking future, eventual payments lapses of other countries   this you have already today said. Here is seen that we ever more become a war party. We really cannot allow that we continue to impose ourselves in the Ukraine and make ourselves, as single payer and a war party, co-responsible for misery and suffering in the region. 

We presently see – let us peek at the U.S.A.: The U.S. Republicans in the Senate block a package in the billions for the Ukraine and for Israel, because the U.S. citizens plainly do not want to spend more money for foreign wars. The German citizens also no more want that. We need no invented enemy images and firewalls. We finally need – it is what the economy also demands – reasonable parameters so that the remaining businesses continue to produce here. Grasp tax reductions as investments! Businesses and end consumers could figure on a relief of seven billion euros were you, for example, to take back the increase of the [trucking] fee. So as to justify your own budget, you continue to invent additional possible emergency situations. For the hospitality industry, the emergency situation ends in January of next year, and the complete value-added tax will again be due. We say: Seven percent needs to be retained, because otherwise the 19 percent will also apply for meals in day-cares and schools and here also prices for families will further rise. 

Valued Federal government, you all flit through the political everyday. You have no concepts, no goals. Yet with your chair circle policy, you have meanwhile again made hyper-morality and black-white thinking socially acceptable [fähig]. You promise everything to everyone, and of that can thus passably hold to nothing. And therefore, dear colleagues, it lies at hand: This Ampel – so long as it should exist – stands permanently in the red and thus at a standstill. Germany requires change. Germany requires the Alternative. 

Many thanks. 


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Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Rainer Kraft, October 20, 2023, Hydrogen

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/132, pp. 16606-16607. 

Right honorable Frau President. Valued colleagues. 

The speaking time is brief, yet despite that I need to begin with a joke which the colleague Spaniel told to me here – an engineer joke: The hydrogen, that was the technology of the future; the hydrogen, it is the technology of the future; and the hydrogen, it will also in the future be the technology of the future. 

Michael Kruse (FDP): You simply have nothing to do with a future!

I know: One needs know what a MINT-Fach [Mathematics Engineering Science Technology subject] is, otherwise one does not understand. 

            Götz Frömming (AfD): The Greens are still thinking!

Dear Union, your motion for a hydrogen start-up is completely out of date. The hydrogen strategy was of 2020, thus two decades after the beginning of the failed energy transition,  invented by irresponsible Union politicians so as to save what was no more at at all to be saved. The simple truth is: Hydrogen will not be able to store our electricity in sufficient quantities. 

Since then were billions of euros distributed in research of little purpose so as to ascertain what we all already knew: That hydrogen squanders enormous quantities of energy for manufacture, which we certainly do not have, its storage and transport ability is poor, and its employment quickly has every associated cost at an astronomical height. In the Pkw [passenger vehicle] area, despite your expensive resuscitation efforts, the hydrogen has already twice died. In the bus, trucking and trains area, hydrogen still appears in press articles. Yet the Union again rides a dead horse and thereby hopes to alter the laws of Nature. 

Yet in this the Union is not alone. The Ampel also pays its respects to the dead Gaul. There ultimately is tax money to distribute and posts to be filled with friends and acquaintances. The Ampel can thereby not generally disguise its own cognitive dissonance. According to the Ampel, the same hydrogen is inappropriate for home heating. Why? Because it is too expensive. Yet at the same time these same charlatans assert that the same hydrogen will be sufficiently economic to produce globally competitive green steel and green chemicals in Germany. That does not everywhere go together; thus you either deceive just yourselves, or yet deceive here your sovereign, namely the German people. 

While you thus merrily annihilate additional workplaces, the German citizens shall be forced to install heating pumps because these have a higher efficiency than hydrogen. Yet neither the SPD nor the Greens nor the FDP can guarantee the constant availability of electricity from wind and sun. How thus shall the people heat when Mother Nature someday leaves the German planned economy in the lurch? To that, the progressive coalition, ja, once again has no answer. 

This planned economy of yours also does not stop at the German border. With a new form of colonialism you want to generate energy in foreign states and allow transport back to Germany without a coverage of local requirements. Your entire post-colonial hypocrisy was well summarized by Antonio Osvaldo Saide, Vice-minister for Resources and Energy of the Mozambique Republic: That of course a nation, in which only every second generally has an electrical connection, can besides have no energy for export as long as not everyone in the country has access to economic energy. 

            Götz Frömming (AfD): That is all the same to the Greens!

This position, which he communicated to us at his visit in Berlin, I and my delegation completely share. 

Back to the rainbow colors of the Union’s hydrogen fantasies. In regards all of your color scenarios is noticed that one color in your spectrum is lacking: The so-called red hydrogen, made from nuclear energy. Yes, that would have been a very good opportunity to produce hydrogen competitively and approaching a coverage of costs. Yet unfortunately you, ladies and gentlemen of the Union, have already refused twelve years ago the branch upon which you so happily want to sit. 

Dear Union, your hydrogen fairy tales stop here. Your motion does not perch in the realm of reality, but bestirs itself in a post-factual fantasy world. There is no energy for that from unreliable wind and solar power and there never will be. Your motion is pure wishful thinking and we therefore reject it. 


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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Gunnar Beck, October 4, 2023, Green Bonds

AfD Kompakt, October 4, 2023. 

How deficient actually is the so-called Green Economy is seen not only in the horrendous promotion programs for windpower and photovoltaic at the cost of the citizens and consumers, but also in the so-called Green Bonds. So as to be even only rudimentarily competitive, these loans require a green EU mark of quality so that they will at all be purchased and traded in large quantities. 

Under normal circumstances – without this unspeakable EU economy planned around the Green Deal – the current loans would scarcely arouse an interest. And this mark of quality shows how stubborn and aloof the EU elites act, far from any connection to reality. We of the AfD work for the citizens and want to return a sense of freedom, prosperity and growth to the expensive as sin Green Deal. 


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Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Tino Chrupalla, September 26, 2023, Nord Stream Pipelines Attack

AfD Kompakt, September 26, 2023. 

The attack on Nord Stream was an attack on our energy sovereignty. The lifeline of German industry was severed. Advantageous gas from Russia was replaced by expensive and dirty fracking gas. Energy and electricity are now so expensive that every second large business considers emigration. Hungary’s Minister-president Viktor Orban declared in a recent interview that he would consider a similar attack on Hungary’s critical infrastructure as a reason for war. Our Bundestag delegation demands an investigating committee. We will never forget 26.9.22: Nord Stream needs to be repaired, opened and secured.


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Monday, September 11, 2023

Alice Weidel, September 8, 2023, Building Energy Act

AfD Kompakt, September 8, 2023. 

While the alarm sounds for the construction business because there are scarcely any more orders for the erection of new dwelling space, the Ampel unperturbed further pursues the disposition of the GEG [Gebäudeenergiegesetz, Building Energy Act]. Especially Economy and Energy Minister Robert Habeck thereby shows how far distant he is from reality. Who, like Energy Minister Habeck with unbearable arrogance demands of the citizens to leave the “comfort zone of self-contentment”, he demonstrates with what contempt he regards Germany. The assertion that the Ampel solves problems “like never before” is the crowning touch. 

The GEG will expropriate home builders and demolish their pension plans. At the same time, it presents landlords and renters with unimagined additional costs while it offers not the least little added value – neither for climate nor for the citizens in Germany. And this law is a symptom of a Federal government exclusively motivated by ideology for which it cannot go fast enough to destroy our country. The AFD will, should it participate in a Federal government, revoke all of these laws and direct the focus on what is really important for the people in this country. 


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Monday, September 4, 2023

Enrico Komning, July 6, 2023, Maritime Industry and Energy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/115, pp. 14130-14131. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Herr Minister. Ladies and gentlemen. Colleagues. Dear visitors from my constituency up in the gallery. 

It was once earlier said: The future is good for us all. – Yet that now is certainly at an end. Your Scholz Zeitenwende [change of times] lacks a “d”; it needs be said, Zeitendwende, if not to say: End times change. 

            Enak Ferlemann (CDU/CSU): Oh Gott!

Ladies and gentlemen, German shipbuilding lies prostrate. The insolvency of the Genting Werften in my home State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern cost the taxpayer hundreds of millions on account of bad political decisions. 50 percent of the entire worldwide ship production meanwhile takes place in China, 40 percent in South Korea. And do you know how high is the portion of German shipbuilding worldwide? I will tell you: At just 0.3 percent. That is the result of your maritime industrial policy, ladies and gentlemen of the Ampel, yet also previously of the Union. 

Investors in droves flee from Germany – see the net 125 billion euro capital flight of last year. With your energy disaster, you drive the still halfway functioning Mittelstand supply industry to foreign countries and into bankruptcy. And what is your idea? A “climate neutral Federal fleet”, an environment symbolic “environmentally friendly sea-going ship design” 

            Lukas Benner (Greens): Super!

and the regulated examination of Federal waterway sluices. Na, hearty congratulations. Your Ampel motion is more a threat than an assistance for the maritime industry. 

Nevertheless, you now want to investigate the adjustment of the import turnover tax collection in other European states. Ja, good morning, ladies and gentlemen! We of the AfD proposed that already in May 2019! You assert keeping as much as possible value creation in country, yet, at the order of the Chancellor, sell off a part of the port of Hamburg to China. The truth nevertheless is that primarily large foreign concerns, which finance Habeck’s lobbyist network, make a fortune, while the people in Germany no more know how they can pay their electric or gas accounts. 

            Felix Banaszak (Green): I am sorry about your constituency.

You promise a growth of 400 gigawatts of offshore wind output in the next 20 years. Herr Westphal presently speaks of an output yielding 8 gigawatts. And in view of the just 38 new installations in the past year with a nominal output of 342 megawatts, that is nevertheless just a dream wish. At that tempo, you need 1200 years instead of 20 years. 

You assert to want to make the seaports into hubs of a renewable energy system, yet build an LNG terminal for expensive and before all dirty U.S. fracking gas in the middle of a nature preserve area at Rügen. Not even your expert, Felix Heilmann, – besides, formerly active for Graichen’s Agora Energiewende – holds that to be a good idea. 

And the Union motion clearly shows how you, ladies and gentlemen of the Union, are as before imprisoned in the woke embrace of the Greens. 

            Michael Grosse-Brömer (CDU/CSU): We? Since when? Now I do not                                    understand that! 

            Enak Ferlemann (CDU/CSU): That is just ridiculous! 

Colleague Westpahl has also just approved of your motion. The Union motion throughout breathes the insecurity between compliant green obedience and the public pressure of needing just once to play at a little opposition. 

            Christoph Ploss (CDU/CSU): Name for once an example!

The crisis of the maritime industry is the crisis of German industry – a crisis created by all of you. Affordable energy: That is what Germany needs before all. 

            Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Herr colleague, your speaking time                            is at an end.

            Felix Banaszak (Green): Yes, finally! 

And finally put an end to your bureaucracy crusade in unholy alliance with the EU.           

             Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Herr colleague.

I thank you. Many thanks. 

            Michael Kruse (FDP): Rubbish Comedy Club for free!


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Monday, July 31, 2023

Alice Weidel, July 7, 2023, Heating Law

German Bundestag, July 7, 2023, Plenarprotokoll 20/116, pp. 14329-14330. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

The Federal Constitutional Court’s decision has spared us the disgrace of an ignorant, half-baked and bungled law, cobbled together with the crowbar, being enforced. 

You wanted to flog through this green ideological project, with disdain for the citizens’ concerns and the rights of the parliament, and arrogantly wipe away the reasoned objections of an entire host of experts. You obviously still have not heard the shot; for you stubbornly cling to this project. And you of the CDU also do not really want to prevent the heating law; you also have said yes to it. 

Thorsten Frei (CSU/CSU): Then you have not listened to the speech of the delegation chairman! 

A heating law in two months is just as wrong as now. Nothing therein is to be repaired. For the entire proposal by which you want to prescribe to the people how they have to heat their dwellings and houses is not only wrong, it is also unconstitutional.   

You speak of respect. Yet you seize hold of the citizens’ private property, without shame. Constitutional law defends this private property. 

            Konstantin Kuhle (FDP): And human dignity!

Your impoverishment and expropriation law forces owners of private property to sacrifice their reserves and resources for expensive, inefficient and in many cases unsuitable electric heating. You drive them into indebtedness. Many will not be able to maintain their property. International investors stand by, ready for the great sell-out. 

            Johannes Fechner (SPD): That is just rubbish!

Millions of renters will need to pay the bill as a result of rising rents. 

The world laughs at Germany because its government needlessly destroys the nation’s wealth, ruins the middle class and drives industry out of the country. For the reduction of CO2 emissions and the influencing of the world climate, the heating law is completely useless. You have tinkered with it for months. Yet you still cannot say how great the CO2 savings generally shall be. 

Over the true costs, you leave the citizens in obscurities, and deceive them with promises of subventions which you cannot pay. You do not tell the truth to the people of the additional attacks on the national wealth which threaten by way of the EU’s subterfuges, moreover pushed by CDU/Commission President Ursula von der Leyen: An intensified renewable energy law, the forced reconstruction by means of the impending EU building guidelines, and the introduction of the monstrous EU CO2 certificate trade in the construction sector, threaten entire population classes with an annihilation of prosperity and expropriation. And herein is seen once again the double-standard and the hypocrisy of the CDU. 

A heating law of use to no one other than the international investors and the heating pump lobby which, even without clan chief Graichen, here have a tight grip on the Economy Ministry. And which is used by climate ideologues who thereby want to realize their dream of an eco-socialist, planned- and scarcity-economy, with its freight bicycles and candles, in which prescriptions and compulsion take the place of private property, of prosperity, reason and fair competition. 

It is completely clear why you wanted to so hectically enforce this: You are afraid of the citizens, of your own voters; since they very well understand that they will be lied to, cheated, expropriated and made poorer [belogen, betrogen, enteignet und ärmer gemacht]. Your calculation nevertheless will not proceed. Four-fifths of this country’s people are against the heating law. Four-fifths! That you cannot do fractions and math is fully clear. Have it explained to you what four fifths actually means. 

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): By you, simply nothing is to be explained!

Be that as it may. The best heating law is no heating law. Use the hiatus which the Federal Constitutional Court has graciously given you to completely pulp this unspeakable law. 

I am grateful.


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Friday, June 23, 2023

Alice Weidel, June 22, 2023, Scholz Government

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/112, pp. 13642-13644.

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Herr Chancellor. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

You have made of Germany a country which takes leave from the ranks of nations to be taken seriously and which abolishes itself as an industrial country. Your energy, economic and migration policy is seen by the rest of the world as just a frightening example. Even for our nominal allies, we are primarily a money automat and a provider of weapons to a war zone, while our own army has lost the capability for national defense.

 Why should others have respect for a government in front of whose nose vital infrastructure like the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline is blown up without remonstrance? And if soon the Russian natural gas no longer comes via the land route, because the Ukraine no longer wants to extend the current transit contract, then – explains to us the Federal Minister for De-industrialization and Destruction of the Economy – we just need to shut down our industry so that no one in neighboring countries need freeze. 

Herr Habeck, who in regards the national anthem shuts tight the mouth, clearly and distinctly signals to us that his policy serves neither this country nor its citizens. He himself said it: He can – I cite – “of Germany make” nothing, and finds love of this country, the citizens of which are besides paying him, – quote – “nauseating”. And so his policy appears thus.

For that, the heating law concocted by Herr Habeck’s gang of lobbyists is the best evidence. And with a couple of re-decorations, this law remains a frontal attack on the property of the citizens. Your great plan, your great leap forward, the Great De-carbonization, would cost our economy, according to thermal physicist André Thess, 10 trillion euros by 2045 – billion, mit “B” – around 500 billion per year.

You compel the energy-intensive, productive business into emigration or directly into insolvency – a term of which Herr Habeck knows not what to make. And you drive the automobile industry to suicide by means of your e-auto planned economy. From where shall come the additional electricity for the heating pumps and e-autos, no one knows.

And all of this for a green, grotesque ideology without connection back to reality. Since for neither the worldwide CO2 emissions nor the heating ban law will the German de-industrialization driven forward by you make a difference. Thus, talk nothing of climate defense! For otherwise you need to build and not disconnect the nuclear power plants. For the electricity which is lacking due to the disconnection of the last three modern German nuclear power plants, you now import from old, French clunker works. What an absurdity!

Your green transformation is no use to the citizens nor does it save the climate or the planet. Yet surely profit from this re-distribution from below to above the lobbyists who have a tight grip on this government. For the nepotism in the Economy Ministry, Herr Habeck would have long since needed to take his leave in any normal government.

You thereby manage the splitting of society, which you still intensify by means of the current out-of-control poverty migration which this government further incites. Even if on the EU level a satisfactory [bescheidener] compromise is found to at least somewhat check the asylum storm, your ministers have nothing better to do, Herr Scholz, than to sabotage this minimal solution.

You send further invitation signals for access into the social system: Who comes will be cared for, need fear no deportation and is allowed to speculate on a quick naturalization. The Federal Interior Minister refuses effective border controls despite all the cries for help from the overburdened local governments. And thus this government makes Germany an outsider in Europe.

The citizens bear the costs. They pay the price when the public space becomes a no-go area and brutal knife violence and sexual crime become everyday phenomena. Summing up the State statistics, there were in last year alone over 21,000 knife attacks, at least 60 every, single day.

– I can well understand why you here bellow.

            Jan Korte (Linke): We certainly do not!

The fact is: This government leaves the home population with this perverse – you scream, ja.

            Till Steffen (Greens): We laugh!

That you now laugh, speaks volumes. You leave in the lurch ice-cold the home population with this perverse, imported criminality. A total failure of this government and the foregoing government, lead besides by the CDU.

Yet it primarily affects the normal citizens when the housing market is picked clean – you laugh, that I know – because the public hand pays any price for the sheltering of migrants, tosses seniors out of their residences and new construction, due to political  manipulation,

            Saskia Esken (SPD): Pathetic populism!

            Anke Henning (SPD): That’s just not right! What are you saying?

– look, you are nonetheless screaming –

            Dunja Kreiser (SPD): Tell the truth for once! No fake news!

simply does not at all take place. The citizens – Can you please intervene, Frau President. I would anyway gladly continue my speech.

President Bärbel Bas: Colleagues, quiet now here again in the hall! Everyone quiet down a bit! Frau Weidel has the word.

            Katharina Dröge (Greens): She started it!

Many hearty thanks, Frau President. The citizens of this country are the ones suffering when they no longer receive doctors’ appointments, when medicines become scarce, yet the account contributions nevertheless increase because your irresponsible policy drives benefits recipients into the social system to which they generally make no contribution. The job centers report that more than half of the citizens’ wage [Bürgergeld] recipients have no German passport. Who actually gave you the right to so unrestrainedly distribute the citizens’ hard-earned money to economic refugees from all the world? This money does not belong to you.

This policy we ourselves can longer pursue. Germany for long is no more a rich country. You are making it a candidate for decline. We must do that for which we still have the means and power, to concentrate on averting the crash, and that means: A parting from the the green ship of fools and the madness of saving the world; instead, to bury the energy transition, to secure the energy supply, a re-entry into nuclear energy, to close the borders, to prevent social migration, to finally deport those obliged to depart and criminals – yes, of course –

            Katharina Dröge (Greens): A nightmare, what you are saying here!

            Saskia Esken (SPD): When the criminals from your own ranks are also deported!

to lower taxes, to de-construct bureaucracy, to reduce state expenditures, to end checkbook politics, to toss out unqualified government officials, to strengthen Made in Germany [Standort Deutschland], instead of deliberately weakening it – back to normality!

Yet a word to the CDU. While this government runs this country into the ground, you squander resources and time on anti-democratic firewall debates. You are no opposition power; you are those who refuse to oppose!

The only firewall that we need

            President Bärbel Bas: Come please to a conclusion.

is the firewall against the Green policy which ruins our country and deprives [umbringt] the citizens of their prosperity and their freedom.

Many hearty thanks.

            Thorsten Frei (CDU/CSU): A superfluous excess speaking time!


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