German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/137,
pp. 17298-17299.
Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and
Certainly in the last days has it become clear: The alleged conspiracy
theory of an increasing Islamization of Germany is in fact a terrifying
Lamya Kaddor
(Greens): Such nonsense!
The pictures of pro-Hamas demonstrations on German streets
allow no other explanation: A situation over which you are now overheated, yet
a situation which you have brought about.
These demonstrations are only the current high point of a
creeping Islamization of Germany which is expressed in many facets: So-called
honor killings, forced marriages, yet which is also manifested in the symbolic
occupation in day-cares and elementary schools by means of wearing the children’s
head scarf, and in polygamy which unfortunately becomes ever more prevalent. All
of this is the result of our own weakness, of a woke culture, which hates all
that is one’s own and our cultural identity as well as our tradition. And this
self-hate makes one susceptible: To welcome culture and to mass migration,
Lamya Kaddor
(Greens): Apparently you really need to hate yourself.
to children’s head scarves and to polygamy. It becomes high
time to esteem one’s own, instead of sacrificing it to the foreigners.
Otherwise, Germany becomes a caliphate. And we want no caliphate. We want a
Germany that remains German, dear friends.
Let us thus begin with the little ones. Let us ban the head
scarf for children under 14 years in schools and day-cares. Since this head
scarf for little girls is nothing other than a continual bodily and psychic
disciplining. Free running, playing, swimming, etc., with it is scarcely
possible. The writer Fatma Bläser, who as a child was herself forced to wear a
head scarf, sees therein an “endangerment of children’s well-being”. The head
scarf may become for young girls a “second skin” by which they are robbed of
their freedom and childhood. It suppresses the children of today and makes them
the suppressed women of tomorrow – and that may no longer be.
And no, the children’s head scarf has nothing to do with
religious freedom, since there is in Islam no religious precept for children to
wear it. Until a few years ago, it was fully unusual in Islamic countries.
The state of law is not allowed to tolerate it when little
girls are thereby abused for transporting Islamist messages into our
kindergartens and schools. For it is nothing other than political child abuse,
what is happening here. This political child abuse needs to be forbidden; since
it leads to parallel societies, it leads to the dis-integration of young girls
and to the suppression of women. Such power demonstrations of political Islam
have nothing to lose in Germany.
These days, this becomes more clear than ever. The French
and Austrians have long since recognized this and forbidden the head scarf in
schools – in France besides, with the votes of the socialists. Let us thus
defend young girls from the head scarf, and let us defend Germany from parallel
Polygamous marriages are also an expression of these
parallel societies and they lead to a parallel justice. Where that leads to is
shown in the many so-called honor killings. A stop to them must be ordered. To them must be opposed law and
order, and in fact our law and our order. Here, the statistical registration of
polygamous marriages in Germany is required. Here, a general ban on religious
early marriage is required. Here, polygamous marriages concluded in foreign
countries need to be annulled. Here are required rigorous penalties for
violations against the ban on bigamous marriage.
Children’s head scarves and polygamy do not go in our
country. Germany may no longer decay into a multicultural test laboratory;
since it is not compatible with these imported conflicts. There must finally
Yvonne Magwas: Please come to a conclusion.
be recollected its culture and tradition. Germany must
finally again be German.
Many thanks.
[trans: tem]