Showing posts with label Italy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Italy. Show all posts

Monday, November 6, 2023

Stephan Brandner, October 19, 2023, Migrant Trafficking

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/131, pp. 16391-16392. 

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

You, Herr President, have correctly read the theme of this point of the daily order. It is not called “private rescue at sea”, but is directed against traffickers [Schlepper] and smugglers [Schleuser]. Eduard Zimmerman – who one or another still know – created the television series “Aktenzeichen XY…ungelöst” and mal ranVorsicht, Falle!” and there warned of swindlers, traffickers and confidence men. This we of the AfD also do in regards to you of the old parties 

            Ulrich Lechte (FDP): Nazi speech!

and indeed nearly every day and rightly so. Yet not only you yourselves are those, but you even still support traffickers and smugglers in the Mediterranean. As it is only about Germany, so it is only about you of the old parties. And is actually what must be immediately halted and stopped. 

            Clara Bünger (Linke): Lies! Lies!

A few days ago, on October 13, a ship by the name of Sea-Eye 4 departed so as to bring still more refugees to Germany. It is the first time that the taxpayer financially supports quite official smuggling activities and smuggling and human trafficking in the Mediterranean, embellished and camouflaged under the name of “private rescue at sea”. 

A dubious mesh of criminal associations in Germany, state and non-state organizations, churches, associations and so-called rescue ships shall in the coming four years receive eight million euros which the Federal government of Greens, Yellows and Reds has let loose. In the midst of this mesh is an association with the name of “United 4 Rescue” of which the founder and director is a Herr Thies Gundlach and who furthermore is by chance the life partner of the Green Vice-president of the German Bundestag, Göring-Eckhardt. Ladies and gentlemen, that stinks, that stinks bad, and is an additional prime example of how Green sleeze functions in Germany. Here, we think of Habeck and Graichen; we not only think thereof but therefrom draw parallels, an additional example of which is besides that the Greens and the other old parties have looted the state and distribute this loot among one another without restraint. That German tax money will be used to finance smugglers and human traffickers in the Mediterranean, and to thereby further incite this dangerous business in the millions, is to be justified by nothing but simply nothing.   

In that regard, for us of the AfD it is fully beyond question that people who are in an emergency at sea of course need to be saved; you do not believe it, but it is in fact so. 

            Dunja Kreiser (SPD): Nay, we really do not believe it.

A true rescue at sea however means a shipwreck and to save people found to be in an acute emergency at sea, and to bring them to the nearest safe harbor. 

            Julian Pahlke (Greens): Right. Ten points.

It does not mean to ship people hundreds of kilometers across the Mediterranean to a previously made meeting point where the fully overloaded so-called rescue boats, intentionally brought to an emergency at sea, will be overhauled by the rescue ships. That is an abuse of the rescue at sea. That has nothing at all to do with rescue at sea. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Your descriptions have nothing to do with it!

We can authenticate that there are radio conversations to meet off the coast of North Africa, and then the refugees will be transferred. 

            Clara Bünger (Linke): Lies! Lies! 

They will then make for Italy, for the most part illegally, and from there they are quite quickly in Germany and become a component of the asylum industry in the billions in Germany which in our view is in broad parts actually nothing other than organized criminality to the burden of the taxpayers who need to cope with hundreds of billions in costs by the migration into Germany, the society of which all of you of the old parties are destroying. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): That is inhuman, what you say here!

We of the Alternative für Deutschland strongly stand for: The criminal smuggling business needs to be dried out. German state attorneys need to engage with the activists, with the actions, with actors of these so-called NGOs in Germany and ascertain whether not, for example, assistance for human trafficking is a question of a punishable offense.   

Here, the German state attorneys need to have a go, need to be encouraged to look for once at the whole under the aspect of German criminal law.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you do not want to continue to make of the Mediterranean a mass grave for people, follow our motions [Drucksachen 20/8872, 8873]. We stop the migration across the Mediterranean, thereby save many lives, and also the German society. 


Many thanks. 


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Monday, October 2, 2023

Gottfried Curio, September 21, 2023, Immigration

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/122, pp. 15098-15099. 

Right honorable Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

Had Interior Minister Faeser invested as much zeal in her own area of duties as in Schönbohm’s dismissal - in border defense, domestic security, deportations  - Germany would then have no acceptance problems, Europe no migration crisis, there would be no pictures from Lampedusa. For it might lie within her power to make an end to it all. The migrants primarily want Germany. Yet Faeser rather wants to show solidarity, to take these migrants from Lampedusa. If again next week an armada lands there: Germany in case of doubt takes them – France however not. 

Germany is concerned that the stream does not dry up. Therefore Germany last year had three times as many asylum applications as Italy. That indeed must be the much praised EU solidarity by which those already most heavily burdened will then be ever more heavily burdened to the benefit of others. We require no acceptance in solidarity, no European distribution, certainly not from the CDU Frau von der Leyen, but decisiveness. No one from inner Africa is in flight on the Mediterranean. Germany in area fits into Africa 85 times, yet Africa into Germany not once. It is so simple. 

Europe's attractiveness will nevertheless remain; since the grade of living standards will remain. Better to live on support in Germany than to work in Africa.

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): Oh, man! 

            Clara Bünger (Linke): Disgusting! ****!

The solution thus bids, when the next fleet of welfare migrants invades Europe: Bon voyage home! Build yourselves a beautiful continent! 

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): Cynical!

Therefore an immediate stop of all programs by which Germany itself acts as a trafficker [Scheluser]. No family reunion for illegal immigrants. It must not occur in Germany. 

            Filiz Polat (Greens): All of that is just untruth!

The yearning appears not to have been so great as the billeting officers were sent forward – from, besides, well to do families who gladly afford the trafficker costs and danger to life so as to later have it paid back a hundred times in the fools’ paradise of Germany. 

From non-refuge transit countries like Tunisia or Turkey, no one can be accepted. No Nigerian is in refuge in Tunisia, no Syrian, Afghan in Turkey. As soon as these countries speak of themselves as deadends, the fortune hunter caravan stream immediately dries up. “Afghan local auxiliaries”, a perverted term. Perhaps there were a couple hundred, the government invents 44,000 

            Clara Bünger (Linke): Lies! Those are lies! You lie! Of course there were                                               more auxiliaries than you say!

plus each year again 12,000 in the scope of an arbitrary acceptance program. 

When the Polish government underhandedly sells hundreds of thousands of work visas, Italy refuses to again accept those first registered there, when for Greece it is supposedly unreasonable, then can Schengen not even defend the external borders. Germany itself needs, at least for the time-being, to take the required defense and control measures at its borders. Who does not process deportations just so is allowed to again accept no one. 

Yet instead Faeser sends quite different signals: Opportunities to remain for those without a right to remain, turbo-naturalization as soon as the Afghan can read the three letters, SPD. 

            Tabea Rößner (Greens): What rubbish! 

In Hesse, the desperation is so great that now even the right to vote shall come for asylum applicants! Mein Gott, how embarrassing is that then? 

            Johannes Fechner (SPD): Nonsense! 

            Tabea Rößner (Greens): Nonsense!

We are indebted to the unsustainable migration situation for exploding immigrant violence: For New Year’s in Berlin, our new citizens’ festival of destruction, public swimming pools no longer to be entered by girls and women, clan war in the inner cities, 

            Clara Bünger (Linke): ****!

faction compromise managed by Scharia judges. When there is again a slugfest of hostile groups of foreigners, Faeser somewhere says: Violence with us certainly does not go. – When thus again a traumatized case in need slits open innocent people, she says: We really need more social workers.   

            Filiz Polat (Greens): Sickening!

What do all parties other than the AfD want? Continue with the immigration from the Near East and black Africa. The Ampel just as so. 

            Filiz Polat (Greens): Shamelessness!

The Union demands hundreds of thousands yearly simply as a quota [Kontingent]. 

            Philip Amthor (CDU/CSU): What?

What a madness, ladies and gentlemen. 

You now bring the ugly pictures of 2015 into our cities. Train stations, parks, schools: Ever more often zones of fear. Daily, dozens of knife attacks, twice daily gang rapes, swimming pool terror through the entire summer, repeated large family brawlings. Lübeck: Faeser’s police want to suppress the evidence videos of migrant violence. Instead: A quick right to vote for all. No politicians want to take the lead to stop these illegal border crossings other than the AfD. We say: Deportations make security. Who defends borders, defends people. 

Yet the Union certainly does not want to change the destructive migration policy of Ampel-Faeser. They want to hypocritically copy the AfD motions, 

            Philip Amthor (CDU/CSU): We have no need of that.

yet at the same time want to keep Ampel Minister Faeser, as they showed yesterday. One needs for once to imagine it. Who then needs such a pseudo-opponent which wants that the government remain in office?           

            Clara Bünger (Linke): You cannot do more than recite, or?

You Union voters, you voters in Bavaria, you voters in Hesse. Look at this hall and recognize that you might not trust and could not trust this Union. 

            Gulistan Yüksel (SPD): But you! 


[trans: tem]



Monday, March 13, 2023

Joachim Wundruk, March 3, 2023, NATO and the Mediterranean

German Bundestag, March 3, 2023, Plenarprotokoll 20/89, pp. 10681-10682.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

For the seventh time, the Federal government now moves a robust mandate according to Chapter VII of the UN charter for the continuation of the NATO Operation Sea Guardian – this, although it has become clear in the previous years’ debates on the theme that this mandate is a deceptive packaging, is an empty shell, a “cardboard comrade” [“Pappkamerad”], as the colleague Tobias Lindner, today State Secretary, then in opposition quite pertinently stated. The colleague Lindner rightly then further stated that a mandate of the German Bundestag serves for the parliamentary control of the Federal government, especially if it is a robust mandate. A robust mandate may be granted if the substantive dangerous situation requires it. Robust supply mandates are to be strongly rejected; since they might amount to the same as a blank check for the government.

If the specific missions of Sea Guardian are now looked at, it is ascertained that two of them are purely routine missions which are ordinarily fulfilled by NATO naval forces in all operational areas and without a robust mandate. A third mission, which would not be obligatory, arises only from a conjuncture, namely the possible support of the EU mission Irini. And: Other than as you have presented it, Frau State Secretary, the necessary agreement for that between NATO and the EU has for years not occurred.  

And for years Sea Guardian primarily does duty in a secondary function. That is to say, sea-going units of NATO members report for the length of passage through the Mediterranean to NATO’s permanent Maritime Command at Norwood near London and thus contribute to the overview. The mission relevant to the robust mandate, namely for the fight against terrorism and against weapons smuggling, does not occur and has never occurred.

And the predecessor operation Active Endeavor of 2001 to 2016 which was based on Article 5 of the NATO treaty, according to the information of the Federal government, has never amounted to a threat or an application for the robust mandate.

That means that the German Bundestag for 22 years at the motion of the respective government decided on a robust mandate for fighting terrorism and weapons smuggling without there existing a real necessity for that.

            Beatrix von Storch (AfD): Hear, hear!

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Unbelievable!

And the argument that robust proceedings were not necessary because of the functioning deterrence of Sea Guardian’s presence is contrived and unworthy of credence.

Finally – this was already mentioned – it is not evident to me how, according to the motion, a robust Operation Sea Guardian shall promote a just, green and digital transition in the southern Mediterranean. Here, for me, access for a feminist foreign policy is lacking.

            Karamba Diaby (SPD): You can even pronounce the word! Crazy!

Nevertheless, the German Navy step by step is removing presence forces for Sea Guardian. In the present security policy situation, these forces should better increase the security in the principal mission territory of our Navy, namely the North and Baltic Seas.

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Jawohl!

This is indeed urgently necessary – it was already mentioned – as shown by the explosion of the Nord Stream pipelines.

We will not vote in favor of the presented motion for a robust mandate for Sea Guardian. Sea Guardian can continue without problem the hitherto fulfillment of the mission without a robust Bundestag mandate as a NATO operation.

I thank you for your attention.


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Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Albrecht Glaser, September 30, 2022, The Germans’ Atom Bomb

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/58, p. 6461.

 Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

The EU states are indebted far beyond the Maastricht criteria. This was in the year 2019, well before Corona. The numbers: Over 10 trillion euros, which corresponds to a debt ratio of 84 percent, instead of the required 60 percent consistent with the treaty.

In 1997, the stability and growth pact was decided on in the EU. Parallel to this, the manipulation of Greece’s debts situation, which was to make the country capable of accession, was known. The corresponding dossier on this manipulation still lies under lock and key at the ECB, although complaints were made; that has come out. The contradiction between treaty obligations on one side and the action of governments and states on the other side is since then the red thread of debts policy, and this benevolent consideration which we have just heard is an irony.

The 2008 financial crisis in the EU was principally a state debts crisis. Thus in 2012 a fiscal pact was concluded which obligated all treaty partners to create domestic regulations to prevent overflowing debts. Since then, the legal framework of debts policy is screwed around with until it is past recognition.

The consequences of that: France has debts of 113 percent, Spain of 118 percent, Portugal of 127 percent, Italy of 150 percent and Greece of 193 percent of gross domestic product. Wise heads in the Center for European Policy and at the Bundesbank state: Many members have never made the debts rule their own. Hundreds of violations have been committed by the states. That is around half of all possible treaty violations. The organs of the EU have imposed not one sanction – in regards this number of violations, ladies and gentlemen.

The CDU motion describes in numeral 1, letter a, a correct goal and it names many correct specific requirements, possibly in letters b to f. Yet it will surely find no majority in this house; it does not concern us. If it were found, it would not be enforceable in the EU. If it were enforceable in the EU, a majority of the member states would not adhere to it. That is your problem.

France, Italy and their retinue in southern Europe, which have a broad majority in all organs of the EU, from the Commission through the ECB to the EuGH [European High Court], because for example Cyprus and Malta have the same vote weight as Germany and the Netherlands, want the opposite of what the CDU motion wants. All of the “Club Med” states want the debts union and we are thereby at the crux of the matter.

At the beginning of the 90s, Mitterand spoke of the D-Mark as the Germans’ atom bomb. He said to Margaret Thatcher, I cite: Without a common currency, we are all, you and I, subject to the will of the Germans. – Therefore were Lagarde, who was a French minister prior to her ECB office, and Trichet, who previously was counselor to Giscard d’Estaing, sent into the running – we have left our candidates standing in the rain – and Draghi manages a limitless and illegal state financing of Italy by means of the ECB. That is the neutrality of the ECB for which you of the Union strongly stand, as you to this day write.   

We thus have in Germany not only a migration policy, a foreign and defense policy, an energy policy and a debts policy bankruptcy but also a euro policy one. That is the result of the years-long policy of all parties in this house. We therefore require a new one.


[trans: tem] 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel, September 26, 2022, Giorgia Meloni

AfD Kompakt, September 26, 2022.

According to initial projections, the Italians have voted for Giorgia Meloni, her party the Fratelli d’Italia, as well as their partners the Lega and Forza Italia, with an absolute majority in both chambers of parliament. We of the Alternative für Deutschland congratulate Giorgia Meloni on her election and hope, as the first woman at the head of an Italian government, that she may stand [stehen möge]. Despite all the undemocratic warnings from EU Commission President von der Leyen and other politicians, the Italians, as previously the Swedish Democrats, have decided on a political turn. And that is their good, democratic right. The Fratelli d’Italia’s election success is an additional victory of reason. Germany, with its left-green Ampel coalition, seemingly stands alone in Europe.


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