Saturday, October 10, 2020

Stephan Brandner, October 1, 2020, 2021 Budget – Justice

 German Bundestag, October 1, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/180, pp. 22653-22654.

Ladies and gentlemen. Herr President.

The Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection which – according to the committee name – should actually be the Ministry of Law and Consumer Protection, under the aegis of the last six ministers, and especially under the last three ministers – I recall Herr Maas, Frau Barley and Frau Lambrecht – has become a ministry that does all possible things, only it does not strengthen the state of law and defend the rights of freedom and of the citizens.

It much more gives itself over to ideological spin doctors of every art. To be sure, you must be red-green and diverse. Let us consider the past: Internet Enforcement Law, the unconstitutional “marriage for all” law – not at all milestones. Let us leave the past in peace, ladies and gentlemen.

Ideological entanglements and obscurity unfortunately do not otherwise allow the clarification of Frau Lambrecht’s appearances and assertions. So what currently worries Frau Lambrecht in the time of the economic crisis, the immigration crisis, the state of law crisis, the Corona crisis and other challenges? How in family law mother one and mother two should be dealt with. Quite important according to the interpretation of Frau Lambrecht: How the legal quality of the birth mother to the other mother should be regulated. So is seen, Frau Lambrecht, that even biology, according to which there is always a mother and a father for us people,

            Mechthild Rawert (SPD): Apparently not in a few years!

will be sacrificed on the altar of your left-green madness.    

Suddenly, there is a mother one and a mother two. Many other mothers will apparently follow, parent one and parent two. Of fathers, there is certainly not a word. You are thereby working on the nationalization of the children. Nothing other, according to Article 6, which you wish to amend – children’s rights – is to be understood…

Frau Lambrecht, supported by the public media, you fight all rights like one possessed. Frau Lambrecht also devotes herself to internet censorship. One may only consider the unspeakable Internet Enforcement Law which devours millions of euros. You ponder over upload filters and wish to permit clarification of conspiracy theories in the schools. A good idea, if the central point would perhaps for once be those of the Federal government in Corona matters.

The hysterias of the old parties should just there be uncovered. That apparently will not be the case. Conspiracy theorists are always those who deviate from the straight and current opinion of the state media. Previously, conspiracy theorists were those who warned of Corona. Today, conspiracy theorists are those who criticize the Corona measures. You are very flexible there, Frau Lambrecht, you and your Federal government.

            Niema Movassat (Linke): Would that you simply remained in the toilet!

Yet, Frau Lambrecht also gladly denounces and denigrates the citizens of our country, ladies and gentlemen, primarily such as those who wish to exercise their freedom to demonstrate in the streets, as guaranteed by the Basic Law. For her, those are the extremists.

Finally, Frau Lambrecht devotes herself – she has here previously again done so – with great gusto to the topic of hate and agitation.

            Niema Movassat (Linke): You are the experts!

I surmise that soon “HassundHetze” as the new one word creation will be found in Duden. Hate and agitation, Frau Lambrecht: Diction from the thank God past times of the old, downfallen DDR. With you, criminal acts from the DDR are enjoying a revival.

Frau Lambrecht, in pushing through your hate and agitation laws, you have apparently overlooked the unconstitutionality which we of the AfD designated from the beginning. Embarrassed, you should actually resign, Frau Lambrecht, or be dismissed by Frau Merkel. Yet in fact you have heard from a previous speaker of the FDP that evidently with Frau Merkel not only failed CSU politicians are a protected species. Evidently, that also goes for SPD politicians.

It was now to be heard that it shall be necessary for the Federal president to sign this unconstitutional law. I personally have no doubt that Herr Steinmeier, whose vita exhibits relations in the extreme left milieu and who is familiar with Constitution Defense observation, will sign this law. Nevertheless, I attempt here to prevent the worst. I call upon Herr Steinmeier, wherever he may be: Herr Steinmeier, do not sign this hate and agitation law! Do not make it possible for the Federal government to once again break constitutional law.

Finally – I come to an end, Herr President: Try, Frau Lambrecht – to close the circle – to again make your ministry one for for Law and Consumer Protection, and do not further pervert it into a ministry against rights, against the state of law and for ideology.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]