Thursday, June 30, 2022

Jörn König, June 23, 2022, Digital Euro

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/44, pp. 4569-4570.

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable colleagues. And before all: Dear savers!

The ECB has a project of which the public knows much too little. It wants to introduce a so-called e-euro; that is, digitalized central bank money, an ECB bitcoin, almost a central bank digital euro. The project is non-transparent and will be pulled through according to the motto of Jean-Claude Juncker: We decide something and wait. If then there is no great outcry and no revolt, then we go further, step by step, until there is no going back.

            Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP): Ja, ja! You certainly know that!

We, the AfD delegation in the German Bundestag, hereby [Drucksache 20/2357] make a revolt against this central bank euro. There plainly still is a going back. We want transparency and demand first an information campaign on the formation of money in a central bank system, on the duties of the central bank and the prospects and risks of the e-euro; and then secondly a referendum according to Article 20 of the Basic Law on the introduction of the central digital euro.

Right honorable ladies and gentlemen, for the euro’s introduction there was at that time no referendum. Today we have inflation, debts, poverty and a shaky currency. The euro has already needed to be saved many times. We recall the “Whatever it takes” of debts master Mario Draghi. Thereby is to be noted: Always at the expense of Germany.

Yesterday evening on “Maischberger”, Peer Steinbrück said: The over-expansive monetary policy of the ECB is to blame for the inflation. He is right. Yet the duty of the ECB, according to charter, is the securing of price level stability. The arsonist ECB is today sold to us as a fire department.

A digitalized central bank money, as the ECB wants it, makes the two-stage banking system superfluous. Indeed in Germany we have 800 Volksbanken and 400 savings banks with a total of 340,000 co-workers. If that were a thing of the past, it would be the end of Germany as a financial venue and a definitive separation from our prosperity.

The risks of the central digital euro are enormous. The data protection is questionable. Negative interest rates could be directly subtracted from digital cash. And even the selective digital expropriation of unfavored persons would be possible; for example, from anyone who anywhere does not want to renounce his diesel, from anyone who wants to continue to make short trips by airplane five times per year, from anyone who does not want to be mRNA vaccinated. Such a central digital euro is a wet dream of Klaus Schwab and his Great Transformation. Away with that!

Just be sure that paper and coin money remain the only unrestricted, legal means of payment. To that belongs that one can settle his taxes with cash; since only cash is genuine.

Many thanks for your attention. And keep an eye on your money!


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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Alexander Gauland, June 28, 2022, Ukraine War

AfD Kompakt, June 28, 2022.

Hungary’s attitude towards the war in the Ukraine coincides in many points with the view of the AfD delegation in the German Bundestag. Similar to Hungary, we draw the lesson from history that Germany needs do everything so as to avoid a direct confrontation with Russia. In no case may we let ourselves be drawn into this war, even if the more intelligible way is in the interest of the Ukraine and of the Ukrainian President Selenskiy. The AfD delegation expresses itself as opposed to weapons deliveries to the Ukraine. This alters nothing of that Russia’s war against the Ukraine is unjustified and cruel. Yet we need clearly say: This war is not our war. Our freedom is not affected by this war. In regards this dispute, it is much more a question of a post-Czarist or post-Soviet war than an after-effect of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

We may in no case permit that the strategic balance in Europe is fundamentally altered as a result of this war and thus the spore of further conflicts be sown. A future European order of peace without an equally entitled inclusion [gleichberechtigte Einbeziehung] of Russia will have no stability and will cause new harm.


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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Tino Chrupalla, June 27, 2022, Russia Sanctions

AfD Kompakt, June 27, 2022.

Penalty tariffs on Russian products harm German businesses which need to cooperate with Russian partners. Germany cannot renounce cooperation with one of the countries of the Earth most rich in raw materials.

Now would be the best time for the G-7 states to show readiness for dialogue and working together with Russia so as to quickly end the war. However, with their sanctions, they obstruct the way to possible peace negotiations.


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Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Sylvia Limmer, June 9, 2022, Combustion Engine

 AfD Kompakt, June 9, 2022.

With yesterday’s vote in the EU Parliament, the auto as we know it is history. The combustion engine at the latest by 2035 will be forbidden; yet well before, there will no longer be capable combustion engines, since the new EU legal situation does not permit this and businesses can no longer earn money with the sale of combustion engines but need to make penalty payments on account of allegedly higher CO2 emissions. Hundreds of thousands of employees will suffer, those who will lose their job in the coming years as a result of Brussels’s Green Deal hysteria and a pretended world rescue. The lie of an ostensible emissions-free mobility“ with battery autos will drive some families of the suppler industry into an existential emergency. Customers need to adjust themselves to dangerous, unreliable, poor performing and expensive E-autos. The dream of one’s own auto is increasingly obstructed due to the E-auto’s higher purchase price and operations costs.

It is long since no longer a secret that it is about the end of individual mobility and the abolition of the auto as private property. For even if the political will was at hand, it would alone fail due to the insufficiently at disposal, permanent resources for the traction batteries which are to replace the presently available combustion engine passenger vehicles by means of E-Mobile.

Germany’s competitiveness and business venue will also suffer. Instead of ourselves, with other European countries, building the world’s best combustion engines, we may now obtain batteries from the Far East and microchips from America. That thereby technological dependencies on autocratically led countries like China will increase massively is a given. That we will certainly not be able to produce the electricity for an auto fleet on today’s scale is for green climate fanatics a trifle.  

Done! Welcome to the new eco-socialism which in the last years, indeed decades, was powerfully promoted not only by the usual suspects like the Greens, the Social Democrats and the Linke but even by the Union and the FDP.

Only the AfD still stands credibly for innovation, industrial promotion, prosperity and competitiveness in Germany.


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Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Mariana Harder-Kühnel, June 21, 2022, Pension, Tax and Social Policies

AfD Kompakt, June 21, 2022.

The financial emergency appearing in the pension account comes as no surprise. The demographic development is strongly counter-productive and provides for that the income of ever fewer contribution payers needs to be distributed to ever more benefits recipients.

The Federal government intensifies this problem still further by its policy. Instead of relieving families in particular and thereby simply counteracting the demographic change by improving the financial situation of families, the tax burden, by means of among others climate duties, drastically increases.

Beyond that, the Ampel’s naturalization [Einbürgerungs] and migration policy breaks down the entire social system. Who adds ever more benefits recipients to not only the pension but also for example the statutory sickness account, who themselves pay not a cent into these, he deconstructs the social system of an entire state, especially against the background of the known numbers and facts, assuredly.

Germany needs finally a politics conscious of its responsibility, which makes our country secure for the future and dedicates itself to the real concerns and needs of the people!


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Monday, June 20, 2022

Gottfried Curio, June 13, 2022, Immigration and Germany

AfD Kompakt, June 13, 2022.

With her willingness to partake in a so-called coalition of the willing to accept illegal immigrants from the states on the southern external border of the EU, Interior Minister Faeser further increases the burdensome migration pressure on Germany. Following the so-called prospects – right of residence at the national level, the participation in the aforementioned measures at the EU level is a further signal to illegal migrants and traffickers that Germany stands open to them without limit.

It lacks any logic that states like Italy and Spain which – in relation to population – for years ordinarily show a smaller charge with asylum applicants, shall now still be relieved by Germany. Especially from the Mediterranean neighboring states, there is still a substantial, illegal secondary migration to Germany of persons who were already recognized there as asylum applicants entitled to protection.

Tellingly, this coalition of the willing consists of not over half the member states: Besides the eastern European states, the Netherlands and Austria, among others in the interests of their populations, do not take part. Ultimately, the coalition may include, with France and Germany, just two states with a large population figure and on which may then fall a large part of the burden resulting from additional migration. Instead of opening itself to still more irregular migration, it would be in the German interest to conform to the Austrian position which urgently considers an effective defense of the European external border from irregular migration.

Germany already strains all of its available reception resources for overcoming the refugee crisis following the Ukraine war, in regards to which we – after the eastern European neighboring states of the Ukraine – are the most important goal country for authentic war refugees. In just such a situation, to declare an implicit invitation for illegal mass immigration from outside of Europe is completely irresponsible.   


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Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Michael Espendiller, June 1, 2022, Foreign Office

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/40, p. 3952.

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable colleagues. Dear spectators in the hall and on YouTube.

On the pediment of this building in which we find ourselves is written: „Dem deutschen Volke“ [To the German People]. It thus must be self-evident that German foreign policy is to be aligned with this guiding principle. Yet unfortunately in many cases, we see the opposite. It would be in the German interest to deal frugally with the German tax money and be considerate of how this money is used. It would be in the German interest to reduce debts and work on solid finances.

We nevertheless have experienced at the conclusion of the budget deliberations how an optimistic tax estimate for the year 2022 has led to that the estimate for the Foreign Office was raised over the seven billion euro threshold.

The additional tax expenditures of around half a billion euros flow almost exclusively in the direction of Ukraine, in addition to what, note well, was already foreseen and which also comes from other estimates. Thereby flows the money into a country the people of which everyone who has a heart is in solidarity with; yet where at the same time the question must be put what actually happens with this money and whether it in fact arrives where it is needed and does not seep into any non-transparent channels.  

            Frank Schwabe (SPD): How offensive!

That no one at the moment wants to hear Herr Selenskyi emerges in the Pandora Papers and that just last autumn he was accused of corruption is however in fact for me as a budget member unimportant. Since the decisive point in the expenditures policy in the Foreign Office is the deficient evaluation. There is not any balance, not any evaluation, not any results control in which the use of hard earned German tax money in foreign countries is actually made tangible.

            Ralf Stegner (SPD): Offensive!

In fact, valued colleagues, the Foreign Office is not in the position to say to an inquiry what exactly, in which country, with which share, to which purpose it will be promoted. No one has an overall view over the impenetrable wild growth of projects which is financed worldwide with German tax money. Yet in committee, all other delegations are agreed that in any case more money is needed. This is absolutely insane.

Nevertheless, Frau Minister Baerbock in the deliberations has promised that by autumn will have been developed a system by which at the touch of a button data on the Foreign Office‘s worldwide projects can be summoned up. That meets not only with our approval but we also demand it. Since only when we receive for once an overall view can we also begin with an authentic evaluation and fully dedicate ourselves to the question of where we can save money. Yet until then I want to impart to the government a few brief remarks as to what does and does not serve the interests of our country.  

A gas embargo against Russia is not in the German interest; since it threatens a large number of workplaces and leads to new fiscal burdens in the areas of labor, social and economy. It leads to incalculable risks in regards our energy security. The question of with what   Germany shall be heated next autumn cannot simply be left unanswered. Germany’s dependence on energy imports created over decades can also not be ignored so to act as if it did not exist. With all appreciation of the present situation, the solidarity with the Ukraine may not go so far that we endanger our economic venue and freeze our people next winter. And for a good finale: Weapons deliveries to the Ukraine are also not in the German interest, which is what a growing majority in the population also sees.

Against this background, it is certainly ironic that the inscription „Dem deutschen Volke“ here outside on the House was made out of melted down cannons. The Federal government should perhaps ponder over the deeper meaning of this choice of material and come to its senses.

Many thanks for your attention.


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