Thursday, October 1, 2020

Albrecht Glaser, September 18, 2020, Election Law

German Bundestag, September 18, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/177, pp. 22326-22327.

Thank you. – Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

111 members, thus almost every fifth, sit in this house with an overhang or compensatory [Ausgleichs] mandate. And after 24 reform attempts in 18 legislative periods, an integration of the element of direct election into the leading principle of proportional election has not succeeded.

Much of the talk of election law reform in this legislative period is of a non-binding tenor. It ultimately comes out as feared by the hundred public law scholars: The shirt of the guaranteed vested interests is closer to them than the coat of the commonwealth.

            Carsten Schneider (SPD): Ridiculous!

Now we are one year away from the next election, a point in time at which, with some legal assurance, an authentic reform is scarcely still possible. Therefore, it is not even to be attempted. The government comes around on Tuesday with a print to be deliberated on in the first reading for 40 minutes; as in all other political fields, right honorable ladies and gentlemen, a cobbled up piece of work. There can be no talk whatsoever of reform.

The 299 constituencies shall be reduced to 280. You do not want to do that on the level but sometime later. At the same time, a reform commission shall be set up which hopefully achieves something; since your proposal would not in any way be effective. Given the CSU wins an additional overhang mandate vis-à-vis the 2017 election, the desired effect of a shrinkage would be counteracted by this result alone.

Then there is the irritating rule that up to three overhang mandates per state list are not to be compensated. That means: In the future, overhang mandates again arising, the party which achieves them, diverging from the result of the proportional election, procures additional mandates. This advantage is naturally only for the large parties, thus only those which can achieve overhang mandates. Precisely that was to have been abolished as being unconstitutional by the election law reform of 2013.

And how so this backwards flip? It might be supposed it is about a Lex CSU. Since in 2017, the CSU with its seven overhang mandates, had released 108 compensatory mandates. That was for the participants too many to be left as it was. If three of them are made non-compensatory, the CSU with the same election results as in 2017, would release only 62 compensatory mandates. Ladies and gentlemen, that is a crazy reform result for a smaller future Bundestag.

Finally, overhang direct mandates shall supplant list mandates of the same party in other states. No voter in Germany will ever understand the pertinent calculation.

The proposal of the three small parties was dealt with here in July and is no alternative, although powerfully solicited and appraised as a great deed in the media. 50 fewer constituencies in parallel with an increase of the prescribed number of mandates: That in fact would not remain ineffective but the core problem of overhang and compensatory mandates will generally not be solved.   

There remains the authentic alternative of the AfD. In no Federal state may parties obtain more direct mandates than the list mandates due them after the second vote. By this means is produced the result that only direct candidates with the strongest vote catch the train – a democratic normality which thus certainly cannot be unconstitutional. The inconsiderable number who thereby do not catch the train will not be punished, but only not rewarded.

Think it over: To confer direct mandates with simply a relative majority is unusual. At the local level, no one has the idea of electing an Oberbürgermeister with a relative majority.

            Mahmut Özdemir (SPD): The CDU in Nordrhein-Westfalen!

And further consider: The average holder of a list mandate is clearly backed up by more votes than the average one directly elected. Colleague Amthor in this place in fact asserted the opposite. This was, nevertheless, demonstrably false.

If it had been desired, an orderly reform in the prescribed time might have been agreed upon. It was, nevertheless, not desired and in fact all the other parties did not want it – with the exception of the AfD.

Hearty thanks.


[trans: tem]