Tuesday, October 20, 2020

René Springer, October 8, 2020, Skilled Labor Immigration

German Bundestag, October 8, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/183, pp. 22957-22958.

Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

The Alternative für Deutschland here in the Bundestag moves the suspension of the skilled labor immigration law. Why do we hold that to be necessary? Quite simple: Because the Corona preventative measures of the Federal government have thrown our country into chaos and thereby have injured many businesses and employees. Unemployment has increased almost 30 percent.

            Peter Weiss (CDU/CSU- Emmendingen): It decreases.

The number of positions reported as open has broken down massively. We have 600,000 more unemployed. We have 4 million in part-time work, many of whom will come back to their workplace only once – to clear out their desks.           

            Peter Weiss (CDU/CSU- Emmendingen): An impertinence!

All these people now look to politics and ask: What are you actually doing for these people?

            Michael Grosse-Böhmer (CDU/CSU): Have you missed the last three months,                                        or what?

The Federal Agency for Labor regards the wave of bankruptcy still to come upon us. The government’s Institute for Labor Market and Occupational Research does not figure on the job losses being quickly compensated. In such a situation, we hold adherence to the recruitment of foreign skilled labor to be dangerous, irresponsible and wrong.

It must now be stated: Domestic skilled labor first – whose livelihood and whose future must now stand in first place. We want no additional competition in the labor market for any of those who have now lost their jobs.

Once we have suspended the skilled labor immigration law, then we shall use the time to correct this completely failed immigration policy of the Federal government; since the Federal government’s immigration policy solves no problems, it creates additional problems.

The Federal government is responsible for massive wage dumping. We recruit skilled labor which is ready to make 1,000 to 1,500 euros less per month for jobs presently here.

            Peter Weiss (CDU/CSU- Emmendingen): That’s not right! The evidence for that!

I am louder than you.

            Peter Weiss (CDU/CSU- Emmendingen): But you are dumber!

The Federal government is responsible for an unprecedented immigration into the social system. Of 100 skilled workers from third states who take a job here, 80 happen to receive Hartz-IV. We have unemployment even in occupations with shortages. Look at care for the elderly. There, unemployment among Germans has come back and among foreigners has increased 40 percent.

            Susanne Ferschl (Linke): That is false!

And that is shortage occupation number one – you all know the numbers, since they are the numbers of the Federal government.

The Federal government is responsible for an unprecedented emigration of German skilled labor. Each year, tens of thousands of Germans leave this country and do not again return.

            Filiz Polat (Greens): Because of you!

I hear no one here inquire as to why that is so.

Ladies and gentlemen, we of the Alternative für Deutschland advance the interests of the German employees again to the mid-point of political negotiations. Support us in this. I look forward to an objective debate.

Many thanks.           

            Michael Grosse-Böhmer (CDU/CSU): How, please?



[trans: tem]