Saturday, October 3, 2020

Alice Weidel, September 30, 2020, 2021 Budget

German Bundestag, September 30, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/179, pp. 22519-22521. 

Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable Frau Chancellor. Ladies and gentlemen.

This draft budget is a historic document, a document of irresponsible carelessness in the midst of a crisis, which most profoundly impacts our freedom, the bases of our democratic solidarity and the basis of our prosperity and economic success, and thereby also our social state.

You however stubbornly cling to your ideological errors: A euro rescue, an EU super-state, immigration without borders, energy transformation, auto transformation, an electric auto planned economy which in all the years has not worked – errors with which you have annihilated untold billions in value and produced immeasurable damage.

The Corona crisis has not brought you to your senses. On the contrary, you only use the crisis as a pretext and authorization to run the train even faster over the falsely set switches. And for that you expend, with open hand and without restraint, tax money and borrowed funds created out of nothing for which the citizens of this country must be expropriated and stiffed for generations.  

An entire library could meanwhile be filled with the mistakes of the members of this government:

A Finance Minister and Vice-chancellor who plans new, unconstitutional indebtedness, despite higher reserves, and who wants to increase taxes even further.

A pallid and scarcely visible Foreign Minister who hosts Islamists and even employs them in his house and at the UN Security Council ever again allows votes against Israel.

A Federal Interior Minister who turns faster than his shadow and who, once a temporary critic, has become the willing executioner of the welcome policy of open borders.

A Defense Minister who prefers to concern herself with political cleanliness and gendered service grades rather than the desolate state of armament and mission capability of our Bundeswehr.

A Justice Minister who stands on a war footing with the Constitution and who wishes to drive to the extreme the internet censorship law of her predecessor in office,

            Anton Hofreiter (Greens): What then do you know of the Constitution?                                                    Which you attack?

although it is clearly unconstitutional.

And over all reigns a Chancellor who, in 15 far too long years in government, has made law-breaking a political principle and who has increasingly isolated our country in Europe.

            Dagmar Ziegler (SPD): Quite prudent!

The verdict on your migration policy issued five years ago by a British political analyst, that Germany behaves like a “hippie-state led by emotion”, pertains meanwhile to all essential political fields. One can only shake his head: Over a government which in its hyper-moral self-righteousness blindly repeats the failure of 2015, and with false welcome signals and social services makes itself a magnet for illegal immigration.

            Jan Korte (Linke): Yes, clearly!

The consequences of your irresponsible, borderless asylum policy are borne by the citizens in the form of increasing insecurity and criminality. A current BKA situation report for 2019 records 95,100 serious criminal acts by immigrants. That is over 260 violent crimes by immigrants each day.

We are also long since no longer a rich country. By median assets per private household, by the rate of home ownership and by the pension level, the Germans in EU comparison have fallen far and are at the bottom. In the crisis states of the south, to which we year after year direct transfers of billions, the citizens are on average richer and the pensioners better cared for; in part, by many times over.

Germany on the contrary holds leading places in taxes, duties and the price of electricity, in the acceptance of asylum applicants from all the world, in the rate of children and elderly threatened by poverty. And this is a result of your policy. Those are not the coefficients of a rich country. Those are the numbers of a country threatened with a crash.

            Michael Schrodi (SPD): Yet you want that it goes badly in Germany!

Let it be clearly said: We have no money to give away as long as a portion of our pensioners search trash bins for deposit bottles to make ends meet!

Nevertheless, you pledge the Germans’ tax money and assets to rescue the euro and to the establishment of an utterly undemocratic EU super-state.

            Michael Schrodi (SPD): Do you pay taxes, Frau Weidel?

The open requirements of the Target-2 balances have exceeded the trillion line. These are exported domestic assets which still are only on paper but are in fact irrecoverable. Of the innumerable billions of the rescue programs, there is not a word!

The energy transformation called for by you is likewise the next European joke. Whose idea is it to celebrate that after the simultaneous withdrawal from coal-generated electricity and nuclear power?

            Stefan Schmidt (Greens): Every reasonably thinking person.

Well, clearly: Green eco-socialists and the deep green Union. The rest of Europe will not follow you into this dead end. Wind and solar power are not capable of the base load and the area requirements for the generation of the same service is higher by a factor of 1,000 vis-à-vis coal and nuclear power. In good German: Das kann überhaupt gar nicht funktionieren.

Meanwhile, our neighbors in the Netherlands are planning ten new nuclear power plants for a CO2-lean future. And here also: You are the wrong-way driver, and not the others, who is driving in the contrary direction.

You put a planned economy and state control in the place of freedom, competition and the power of innovation. The Federal Minister for the Economy , who presents brave plans to re-build the economy, should be so honorable as to replace his Ludwig Erhard bust in his office with a statue of Karl Marx.

            Micahel Grosse-Böhmer (CDU/CSU): That was good!

            Jan Korte (Linke): That was good. To already be on point at 9:07.                                                                That was good!

No state and principally no EU can plan at the green table which energy provider, which power, the coming century may bring us. Please leave the answer to that to the innovative power of our businesses, to the consumers and to free competition! The climate defense plans and the absurd, constantly intensifying EU limit values

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): For you, it must go badly!

will deal a death blow to the German automobile industry. Instead of resisting, you act as the willing executioners, just as Herr Söder who wishes to forbid the new authorization of combustion engines.

This war against the auto industry is a campaign against well-paid, productive workplaces, against prosperity and against the tax-payer who presently still finances the social state.

            Alexander Dobrindt (CDU/CSU): False!

Daimler: 15,000 jobs gone; ZF Friedrichshafen: An additional 15,000; Continental, 13,000; MAN, 9,000; BMW, 6,000; Schaeffler, 4,500. And that is only the tip of the iceberg. The fates of hundreds of thousands depend thereon, families who are losing their basic livings, hard-working Mittelstand livelihoods which will be dragged down into the abyss. They are the key players who keep this country running and out from under whose feet you are pulling the rug.

You cannot shove off this decline onto the Corona crisis. Your excessive measures are making of the Corona crisis the worst recession in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany. There is a threat of hundreds of thousands of insolvencies this autumn and winter:

            Ulli Nissen (SPD): Yet you want that!

In restaurants and commerce, the tourism and exhibition economy, in the Mittelstand and service industries. Thanks to your Corona policy, ever more people and economic branches are dependent on state aid. And that is the sure way to socialism and misery.

            Jan Korte (Linke): Yes, exactly!

Come away from this false path! Stop spreading panic and strangling one branch of the economy after another with arbitrary and excessive impositions and limitations! Do not treat the citizens of this country like immature children whose reins you pull or whom you break by force! Give again the first priority to the freedom and the responsibility of the citizen! A state socialism and planned economy simply do not work and will never work: Not eco-socialism, not climate socialism and not Corona socialism.

I am grateful.

            Jan Korte (Linke): And Merkel is Rosa Luxemburg!

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): That was a painful presentation.



[trans: tem]