Friday, October 23, 2020

Rainer Kraft, October 8, 2020, Nuclear Disposal

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/183, pp. 23105-23106.

Before us lies a draft law of the Federal government on the adaptation of cost provisions in the area of nuclear disposal. Many of the alterations are sensible – yes, you are right there, Herr Möring – yet plainly not all. We now speak on those which are not.

Those for the presently designated zones no longer allowed use of §21 paragraph 2 of the site selection law interfere with the business freedom of those which are there already actively excavating. These so far might extend excavations in a possibly select zone if similar projects were already extant underground. This is now prohibited to them. We are dealing with an underground expropriation.

We would thus be at the topic of underground exploitation. In many Federal states, projects to depths of less than 100 meters are not subject to authorization. These projects shall now in any case be subjected to the safety provisions of §21 of the site selection law. The responsible state authorities will thus be obliged to notify the federal office for nuclear disposal security of these projects. That is not only an interference in federalism, that is also an obviously bureaucratic added expense.

It is then even more astonishing when it is communicated to us in the draft law that a financial relief is to be expected. 175,00 euros shall be saved by the alteration of §21 of the site selection law, even though an administrative action will be created – dear government, that does not even begin to be plausible.

We are thereby at the interim report of the federal society for final storage. Final storage is now possible in almost half of Germany. The quarreling began immediately. It is generally indicated by the false manner of approaching the ways and means of dealing with the nuclear reusable material [Wertstoffen]. In fact, Herr Möring, the finality, namely in §1 of the site selection law, will be first be demanded in 500 years. Until then, the possibility of an excavation is legally proscribed. The topic shall be kept cooking for 500 years. You wish to artificially increase the price of nuclear technology with the eternal search for the perfect site which will then never be found. You thereby create an artificial social stigmatization.

What we need – there, you are right – is a secure interim storage until solid nuclear technological methods have been tested in practice so as to solve the final storage problem once and for all. And, yes, this technology presently does not exist in Germany. It is, among others, your fault that in the past 35 years every research project was shut down and Germany has forfeited its technological leadership.

The Russia example, of which you have spoken: Yes, Russia already uses this technology for dis-armed plutonium warheads and thereby generates electricity. And plutonium is also present in the German remainder material, disapprovingly designated as “waste”. This could be converted to electricity instead of being buried in the earth. Instead of producing costs and quarrels, added value could be pursued. This would then be – I say it because it is extremely important to some of you – nearly CO2-free.

And even if you are in want of the vision of an enclosed combustion fuel cycle, this is guaranteed to be developed somewhere in the world in the coming 500 years. If you do not believe that, then look at the technological developments and technological quantum leaps of the past 500 years.  

            Ralph Lenkert (Linke): That means, you are speculating that it will be 

                    500 years until there is a solution!

Look, for once, Herr Lenkert: The Bundestag’s plenary area is about 20, 25 years old, and we everywhere have telephone booths. After 25 years, are they still used by anyone? No.

You are splitting the society with your expensive effort to find a hole into which you wish to throw reusable nuclear material. Your childish, green spite to hide this value from the continually developing technology is a false path.  

Use the immense time period of 500 years, which you besides have given yourselves, so as to develop the technological possibilities which may make completely superfluous a final storage in the orders of magnitude of space and time which you have always established for the people. Remove your ideological blinkers and set for yourselves the social responsibility to develop this country technologically forward and not backwards.

Besides, I am in favor of an immediate end to the esoteric mask obligation in Germany on account of a lack of efficacy.

            Oliver Krischer (Greens): Inconceivable!