Thursday, September 30, 2021

Gunnar Beck , September 29, 2021, Asylum and Immigration

AfD Kompakt, September 29, 2021.

Not taken into account in the statistics are all newborns of asylum applicants [in the EU] who meantime make up over one-third and up to one-half of all asylum applicants. They are thereby in Germany by far the largest group, growing year by year, of asylum claimants. Then comes the Syrians, the second largest group of those seeking asylum  (20%, or 20,640 claims), followed by Afghans (13%, or 13,680 claims), and Pakistanis (4%, or 4,430 claimants), an increase of 148%, or 216% and 183%, compared to the second quarter of 2020. The number of claims of Syrians and Afghans has now exceeded the pre-Corona crisis level by 28% or 38%. The birthrate of asylum applicants is around four times higher than that of the overtaxed, domestic population, especially in Germany, world’s champion in wage deductions.

The highest number of claimants in the second quarter were registered in Germany: 29,545 claims, or almost 30%. France and Germany together figure for half of all asylum claimants in the EU. Germany remains an especially attractive goal for unaccompanied minors seeking asylum in the EU. According to the statistics of the Federal Family Ministry, an unaccompanied minor costs the German state up to 65,000 euros per year. These numbers are dramatic.

Following the debacles of a Western interventionist policy in the Near East and with the prospect of a new leftist government in Berlin, the situation in the coming years will further intensify. SPD and Greens support the EU migration pact which shall become reality after the French presidential election and could haul up to 70 million Africans in the next 10 to 15 years to Europe. Meanwhile, the FDP even pleads for 400,000 migrants per year to Germany alone.

The AfD is the only party in Berlin and Brussels which wants to stop this invasion. We now require an immigration stop, not a welcome policy.


[trans: tem]

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Thomas de Jesus Fernandes, September 28, 2021, Democracy

AfD Kompakt, September 28, 2021.

A democrat is he who speaks with the other democratically elected representatives of the people. I am therefore astonished at such a statement [FDP refusal to speak with AfD in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern], especially since it is not even clear whether the FDP is to be participating in the formation of a government – and as an opposition party should certainly interact with other opposition parties. Last year, FDP State chairman and current Landtag member René Domke would certainly have been ready to have himself elected Minister-president by the AfD. That makes Wulff’s statement still more surprising.

Yet in the Nordmagazin it was still more bizarre. There, the FDP had plainly first been elected with pre-paid praise to the Landtag and Herr Wulff appears to be agitating as to who must sit beside the AfD in the plenary hall. Such is on the level of a kindergarten and has nothing to do with political work. The AfD members will in any case self-evidently maintain good practices and democratic customs vis-à-vis all elected representatives of the people. And perhaps the ladies and gentlemen of the FDP may recollect themselves and then come to the conclusion that that is the better way. In the past legislative periods, the Linke delegation also indicated no particularly marked readiness to cooperate with us. That however has not brought them far, as can be seen in Sunday’s election results.


[trans: tem]

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Jörg Urban, September 27, 2021, AfD in Saxony

AfD Kompakt, September 27, 2021.

With the Bundestag election, the AfD has become the strongest power in Saxony and now presents the clear majority of election constituency members. Meanwhile, the ground under the feet of the governing CDU was pulled away. They have plunged to 17.2 percent. In 2013, they still came in at 42.6 percent.

It is clear that this shift in the political balance of power has wide-ranging effects in the Free State of Saxony. As the strongest power in Saxony, we must and will take responsibility.

The CDU herein stands before the greatest upheaval in its history. Their forced marriage with leftist radical powers like the Green Justice Minister Katja Meier has failed with a crash. With close attention I am following which consequences the CDU’s particular currents draw therefrom. Minister-president Michael Kretschmer appears to stand for a continuation despite all, by which he attempts to shift all responsibility onto Armin Laschet and the Konrad Adenauer Haus.

Who goes along this red-green way of the CDU renders Saxony a disservice and provides for a weakening of conservative positions. We therefore call upon all conservative powers in Saxony in common to usher in a bürgerliche change. So long as Herr Kretschmer stands at the head of the State and the CDU, this can only mean supporting the AfD.


[trans: tem]


Friday, September 24, 2021

Alice Weidel, September 22, 2021, Corona and Wages

AfD Kompakt, September 22, 2021.

Federal Health Minister Spahn in January 2020 considered Corona to be milder than a flu, a week before the first lockdown rejected rumors of a lockdown as “fake news”, and in September 2020 regretted the closing of retail businesses before in December he again had recourse to a lockdown. When this Spahn now announces for next spring the end of the pandemic and the return to normality, the citizens know that both recede into the far distance.

The Health Minister further divides society into vaccinated and non-vaccinated and increases the vaccination pressure by taking sick pay [Lohnfortzahlung] from the healthy, non-vaccinated citizens in mandatory quarantine. We call upon the employers to not play along with this game: Show yourself to be in solidarity with your employees and continue to pay the wages during the quarantine and without state compensation!


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