Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Beatrix von Storch, July 6, 2023, Assisted Suicide

German Bundestag, July 6, 2023, Plenarprotokoll 20/115, pp. 14083-14084. 

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

The Federal Constitutional Court in 2020 declared the ban on commercial promotion [geschäftsmäßigen Förderung] of self-killing to be null. Pandora’s Box was thereby opened. 

To declare suicide to be an act of personal autonomy leads us, in my firm conviction, to a terrible and deadly path. The Netherlands have gone before us in this way. The result is devastating: In 2021, 7,666 deaths by assisted suicide, and in that regard overwhelmingly by means of killing on demand [Tötung auf Verlangen]. That is 4.5 percent of all deaths there, 10 percent more than in the previous year, ten times more than traffic deaths. Calculated for Germany, that would be 34,000, three times more than presently. 

When the assisted suicide law was decided on in the Netherlands, it was about extreme cases in which people were severely ill, without a perspective of survival. Now it is not only about incurable illness, it is ever more about physically healthy people who still have a long life ahead of them who actually need and seek assistance. 

Kingston University made a study in the Netherlands. There, people with mental handicap and autism are legally killed. The study uncovered 39 such cases from 2012 to 2021 by means of a random sample of 900 from 60,000 cases. If that is calculated for Germany, then that would be 11,500 people in Germany, mentally handicapped and autistic, who would have been killed. A particularly tragic example from the study: A young man in his 20s who named the reason for his death wish: Social isolation. He wanted to die because he was lonely. 

The circle of those affected thereby becomes almost limitless. In surveys of socio-economic panels, 42 percent of Germans declare that they feel lonely. The Dutch psychiatrist Dr. Bram Sizzo explains the motivation of people seeking assistance for suicide. I cite: 

They believe this will be the end of their problems and the end of the problems of their families.

That means, they take their own lives because they do not want to be a burden on their families. That is terrifying. 

The draft laws put forward emphasize that the suicide should result from one’s own accord as an autonomous decision. They thus see entirely the danger that people take their own life under social pressure. I do not believe that they will prevent that; not one of the drafts. Against social pressure helps no double consultation obligation and no remark on a consultation document. Precisely in times of crisis, the pressure grows on the old and sick – not only on them, but on them especially – to be a burden on no one. We will have very many old and sick without families and very many more crises. 

The Chancellor has spoken for more respect. The reality appears otherwise. A frequent headline in the spring was “Housing Emergency in Germany: Pensioners Live Too Grandly”. Regensburg University has proposed forcing the pensioners into smaller residences by increasing the rental prices, and in Berlin the Berlin Church Institute has shown the door to 110 seniors. 

And added to that: The entire infrastructure of supervision, counseling and care of the old, the sick and those needing assistance, and of physically and mentally ill people, finds itself in an existential crisis. Care homes in great numbers are going insolvent. In Hesse, 25 percent closed this year. 60 percent of hospitals are in a business imbalance; many will close. The local provision for old and ill people is already bad and is becoming much worse. The emergency is growing. The average wait time for a therapy place for people in psychological distress amounts to five months. What will be the consequences if, in view of the crisis in care and health provision, it will be simpler to receive a nearby, open-ended [ergebnisoffene] suicide consultation than a care or therapy place? Before we strengthen the suicide prevention, you want to be concerned with open-ended suicide consultation. 

These are not my values. We should live our lives in freedom and responsibility before God. The beginning and end of life lie alone in the Hand of God. In that, I believe. 

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]



Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Ulrike Schielke-Ziesing, May 25, 2023, Low Wages and Small Business

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/106, p. 12834.

Right honorable Frau President. Dear colleagues. Honored citizens.

We have quite often heard it today: Employees, who have the good fortune to be paid according to scale in a business with a works council at its disposal and where there is a an employee representation worthy of the name, have not only higher incomes but in general also essentially better working conditions. Wage dumping and precarious work conditions are found especially where there is simply no representation of interests which can strengthen employee rights, So far, so good.

Yes, we of the AfD wish that as many employees as possible profit from the advantages of having a voice, and to that also plainly belong binding wage contracts. Higher wages – that is long since no more a luxury but a sheer necessity. In a country where so many citizens can no more afford daily living, in which the state squeezes the citizens with so many taxes and contributions that for many it would be more profitable to stay home with a citizen’s wage [Bürgergeld],

            Annika Klose (SPD): Ach, rubbish!

it is quite especially important that work be appropriately respected; that is to say, honored.

For too long was our country a low wage country. What we now complain of as old age poverty, and will still suffer in the future, is also the result of an abusive form of a precarious low wage sector. A third of those employed full-time today will receive a pension of not even 1,200 euros, but less – for 45 years full-time, as is well known. That is a scandal.

Here, good wage scale parameters [tarifliche Rahmenbedingungen] help and therefore we of the AfD are also for the promotion of these.

Yet what surely does not work is to write your ideal into a motion and then to believe it works out in the implementation. That is wishful thinking. And what happens when a socialist dream meets reality can you certainly experience in the heating transition debacle of your green comrades.

For us in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern soon threatens the care collapse – because ambulatory care service was recently placed under the wage contracts law and soon its employees can simply no longer perform. That is the reason why the first Federal states again already say goodbye to their own wage contracts laws – must say goodbye. That means: Please, some more honesty! And so it appears that we find ourselves in a crisis, and that we have many small businesses which only with difficulty can keep themselves above water. Those employed and the businesses would thereby be better served if their work was not daily hindered.

A Left party which gets chummy in the climate chaos so to win recruits, and on its website brags

            Pascal Meiser (Linke): Remain with the motion! Or have you again not read it?

of going into the street with the youth climate movement, is part of the problem and not the solution. Here then the pious wish for a collective agreement is of no additional help.

Many thanks.

            Pascal Meiser (Linke): You’ve sniffed too much adhesive!


[trans: tem]



Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Gereon Bollmann, April 21, 2023, Vaccination Harms

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/98, p. 11809. 

Frau President. Dear colleagues. Ladies and gentlemen in the tribune. Good morning!

It composes 22 pages, the concluding report for the health effects of Corona on children and youth. One should thus actually expect a comprehensive and complete clarification. Yet to me appears noteworthy is not what the report describes but what it keeps quiet. One perhaps recalls the 17 year old gymnast who, after the second BioNTech shot, needed a year in hospital. Valued colleagues of the CSU, here it is about the well-known Markus Söder shots and about vaccination harm. The theme of vaccination harm simply imposes itself.

Yet if the reader now leafs through these 22 pages so as to learn what the Federal government plans to do to clarify and comprehend the vaccination harms in regards children and youth, what it plans so as to at least prevent in the future the current harms, what it plans so as to compensate children and youth for vaccination harm, one is left thus disillusioned as to what was actually expected of you. Since of that is found simply nothing.

Now then, dear colleagues, I for once explain to you. – Listen well! Clarification never harms! – The Paul Ehrlich Institute up to February of this year registered 3,227 suspected cases of serious vaccination harm for 12 to 17 year olds. Even this horrific number does not describe the true extent. The doctors indeed need to report vaccination harms. Yet for that a doctor requires more than 30 minutes and that is still without fee! A clear legislative failure – a rogue who thinks it evil [ein Schelm, wer Böses dabei denkt]. Professor Werner Bergholz – also known to you as an evaluator – has recently referred to the vaccination of 266 dead children in Europe and to over 15,000 serious side-effects. To be added of course is the large gray area.

A study published in the U.S.A. this year of 8,000 students from 12 years who received the second vaccination with the Pfizer preparation – I know that the numbers do not please you – yields for example a 17 percent indication of diverse kinds of heart damage; that is nearly every fifth child. With reference to the 12 to 17 year olds and their vaccination rate in Germany, this yields some 260,000 cases. That would be of the highest alarm – and the government turns away and even cloaks the shrill alarm clock with a mendacious concluding report.

Nein, it does not suffice, Herr Rix, that you have three times referred to the failures, to what has happened. These are no more than crocodile tears. We need clarification. Nothing is to be hushed up, hindrances to an understanding of vaccination harms must be removed, and the victims must be appropriately compensated. It’s bad enough that I here at all need to mention this.

            Leni Breymaier (SPD): You need not!

            Emilia Fester (Green): You could have spared yourself!


[trans: tem]

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Michael Kaufmann, March 15, 2023, Vaccination Side-effects

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/990, p. 10773. 

Right honorable Herr President. Esteemed colleagues.

You, dear colleagues of the CDU, in your motion focus almost exclusively on the research on the so-called Long Covid Syndrome. The research on the vaccination side-effects, named Post-Vac, you appear to regard rather as a kind of additional matter [Beifang]. Yet you thereby presume to already anticipate the results of the research animated by you. Science initially proceeds from observed phenomena and from there seeks origins and relations, yet does not previously anticipate these.

Solely ascertainable today is that in the wake of the Corona epidemic there arrived an enormously increased number of lasting, manifest, in part very distinct pathologies [Krankheitsbilder]. Yet whether these various pathologies are to be traced back to an infection or to the vaccination, serious research must first determine.

Contrary to the emphasis in your motion, the vaccination side-effects are not marginal phenomena. The EMA’s data bank as of February 18 lists almost 2.2 million cases of side-effects of the Covid shots throughout Europe, around 630,000 of which are serious. It comes to 27,669 fatal cases. And those are only the reported cases!

Let us recall: Especially Herr Lauterbach – he is not here today; the government bench on the whole is astonishingly empty – and with him the entire previous and current government bench spoke at the time of a highly effective vaccination free of side-effects. Today we know that both were not right, not to say were lies. Had not this government been so resistant to advice, then they would have listened to the numerous, worldwide warnings of recognized scientists like the co-inventor of the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone. Instead, the citizens were driven to this experimental gene therapy with a mixture of false promises and massive pressure.

Even still in November of last year, to my written individual inquiry, Herr Lauterbach had informed me – I cite: “Accordingly, there are now no risk signals for the complaints designated by the term Post-Vac Syndrome”. In that regard, at that point in time the sparrows were already whistling from the roofs that the Covid shots are entirely other than free of side-effects.

            Rupert Stüwe (SPD): It’s vaccinations!

Sunday evening, the so-inclined viewers needed to watch Herr Lauterbach’s embarrassing squirming on the ZDF’s “heute journal” as he finally under stress for once addressed his seriously false descriptions of the Covid vaccination. A supposed health expert and then Health Minister who has to answer for such catastrophic mis-estimates must immediately resign.

Your motion, dear colleagues of the Union, sets false priorities. The tens of thousands of people in our country who suffer under the side-effects of the shots need finally to be helped. For the research on Long Covid preferred by you, considerable means have already been made available. For that, there are no fewer than ten research associations. On the other hand, the Health Minister was so far not ready to commit even one euro for the research on vaccination side-effects. That is a mockery of the people who once trusted him.

We are anxious for the deliberations in the committees, but we now say to you that we will not vote for your motion in this form.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Thomas Dietz, December 2, 2022, Hospitals, Labor and Immigration

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/74, 8809-8810.

Right honorable Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

Hospital care in Germany presently stands before the horrifying result of the years’ long ignorance of the ruling policy in regards this fundamental area of a sozial society. Now already, necessary care measures often cannot be implemented with the needed expenditure because there is a shortage of time, personnel or the corresponding training. It comes to an implicit rationing; care of patients, surveillance of patients, conversation with relatives and a correct documentation are scarcely still to be appropriately realized.  

The actual care work is increasingly hollowed out because our highly qualified and well trained care staff need to undertake duties which could be ensured by other personnel. The nurses need to concern themselves with the sick, and ought not to serve as a collection and delivery service, as cleaning staff or as full-time documentation staff.

The discontent resulting therefrom ever again ends in the flight of qualified staff to other professions. The more than unjust Corona care bonus law, in regards to which many co-workers came out empty-handed, has led to further displeasure – thus to a devilish circle which cannot be broken if you are not able to answer the question of how you want to obtain more personnel.

In the discussion of the draft law in committee, in regards my proposal, it came to one of the usual cries of the left-green bloc: “And more immigration!”  That means: So as to solve the problems in the hospital care, we need, according to the red and green view, additional immigration.

            Kordula Schulz-Asche (Greens): Of course we need it!

            Nicole Westig (FDP): For all!

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Exactly, the others who cling to the staff!

Yet that exactly is your psychological problem, valued colleagues. You believe to be able to solve with immigration all the problems which in the last decades in Germany have piled up to a Kilamanjaro. Germany is long since no more an attractive immigration land for foreign skilled labor.

Kordula Schulz-Asche (Greens): We have demographic problem! We have a demographic problem because women were prevented from combining career and children!

I am speaking here.

The taxes and duties in this country are much too high and the working conditions too poor.

            Götz Frömming (AfD): That is the truth! Place 13, behind Roumania!

Yet Germany is meantime the most attractive immigration land for sozial refugees.           

Kordula Schulz-Asche (Greens): Yet who have no care training. On that account, this plays no role here!

Our European neighbors and friends meantime fill special trains so as to bring these people for free. We need now state: That out of this potential of two to three million immigrants of the last years,

            Christos Pantazis (SPD):  We are speaking on a hospital care relief law!

we could not once obtain sufficient skilled labor to sort the baggage at the airports, to say nothing of trained care staff with the absolutely indispensable knowledge of the language.

I want here to explicitly mention the nationwide study “I may nurse again, if…” of the Bremen employees chamber of April 2022 with more than 12,000 questioned.

            Heike Engelhardt (SPD): The theme!

In this was said: There might be at least 300,000 full-time nursing staff in Germany as a result of a return to the profession, or by making available an additional increase of working hours in so far as the working conditions were improved. You have managed, at a time in which there was a personnel shortage, to force thousands out of the profession by means of the institutionalized vaccination mandate, and to intimidate others from becoming active in this area. There continues to be a slackness in hiring because the illegally institutionalized vaccination mandate still runs to the end of the year and was not previously set aside.

If you do not now grasp healthcare and nursing as one of the core duties of the state, we will unavoidably slide into the care catastrophe, and you will be asked who is responsible for that a once so exemplary healthcare system as that in Germany could be so seriously damaged.

Therefore, do justice to your duty, take responsibility, and appropriate more money for our healthcare system.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]