Thursday, October 29, 2020

Marc Bernhard, October 9, 2020, Fuel Emissions

German Bundestag, October 9, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/183, pp. 22972-22973.

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.

When on vacation you drive with your diesel through Finland, Sweden, Holland, Austria, Spain, Lithuania or Denmark, you expel 65 percent less CO2 than in Germany with the same auto; since these countries by means of synthetic fuel with one stroke reduce CO2 emissions by diesel vehicles by 65 percent, and all that without any technical adjustment of the auto. On Germany’s roads drive over 46 million autos which could immediately fill up with synthetic fuel at the presently existing fuel station network. CO2 emissions could just the same be thus reduced 65 percent without being in any way a charge to the people.                 

 Yet what does the government do? What does the Federal government do? You prevent the authorization of synthetic fuel and instead prefer to rip off the people with the introduction of an additional CO2 tax.

            Anja Weisgerber (CDU/CSU): That is not a tax! When will you learn that?

And why do you do that? Why do you do that?

            Jan Korte (Linke): Just don’t shout so!

So as to enforce, against every sense and understanding, the dirtiest type of drive of all; namely, battery autos.

            Jan Korte (Linke): Thanks.

Despite the most massive subventions and purchase incentives, in the last half year electric autos were not 4 percent of all new registrations. That shows quite clearly: No one wants your expensive, harmful to the environment, life-threatening electric vehicles.

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): Ogottogott!

If, for you, it actually and really had to do with CO2 reduction, then you would give new technologies a chance, as for example the C.A.R.E. diesel, produced from waste materials. The operators of European refineries themselves wish to invest 650 million euros for the change to CO2-neutral synthetic fuel and you of the government block that, destroying millions of workplaces by means of electric mobility and instead introduce a CO2 tax

            Anja Weisgerber (CDU/CSU): That is no tax!

which today, even before its introduction, you wish to raise 150 percent.

            Anja Weisgerber (CDU/CSU): Such rubbish!

A family of four now already pays 4,000 euros per year for your climate hysteria without having reduced in any significant way Germany’s CO2 emissions.

Yet that is not enough: Now you have put forward your master plan for de-industrialization, the so-called Green Deal, which shall cost 3,000 billion euros. For a family of four, that means an additional charge of 4,000 euros per year. The measures decided and planned on by you will thus in the future cost this family of four around 10,000 euros each year.

            Anja Weisgerber (CDU/CSU): What is that for a reckoning?

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): A milkmaid’s reckoning!

What you are doing here is to drive the German automobile industry into the ground, to annihilate workplaces and to rip off the citizens.

You destroy the prosperity which the people of our country have achieved with many, many years of hard work and thus abolish Germany.

            Anja Weisgerber (CDU/CSU): Panic making! Not serious!

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): Ogottogott! One is not right just because one shouts! 


[trans: tem]