Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Alexander Gauland, July 26, 2019, Brexit

Alexander Gauland
AfD Kompakt, July 26, 2019

Boris Johnson has made clear that the Brexit treaty in its present form is unacceptable to the British. The EU must therefore finally jump over its shadow and do what it always promises: bring people together. It should go to the British and at least re-negotiate the rules for Northern Ireland and so make possible for Great Britain an orderly and dignified exit.

No one can have an interest in Brexit resulting in chaos, with the British leaving the EU in enmity. Great Britain is too important to Europe for that. Brussels must finally accept that a majority of the British in a referendum have declared themselves for an exit. Should the responsible EU politicians not give up their blockade and deny London new negotiations, then is formed the impression that a disorderly Brexit will be allowed so as to terrify other states from also leaving the EU.

[Translated by Todd Martin]

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Armin-Paulus Hampel, July 22, 2019, Ukraine Election

Armin-Paulus Hampel
Ukraine Election
AfD Kompakt. July 22, 2019

[Armin-Paulus Hampel is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from the western German state of Lower Saxony. He is a former television journalist and is currently the AfD’s foreign policy spokesman in the Bundestag.]

I salute the overwhelming victory in the parliamentary election of the Ukrainian party “Servant of the People” with a vote portion of around 42 percent. That is a satisfying signal for which I can only congratulate the party of President Wolodymyr Selenskyi. His new plurality in the parliament primarily indicates that he has achieved no one-time victory. The way now appears clear for an extensive change in Ukrainian domestic and foreign policy. Especially the new President’s offer of talks to Vladimir Putin allows one to hope for a peaceful settlement in the conflict zone of eastern Ukraine. I expect that the western nations will now put no stone in the way of the new President Selenskyi’s attempt at a settlement solution with Russia. Since only by negotiations and peacefully can this problem be adjusted in a form acceptable to both sides.

The Ukrainian election result with the advance of the party “Servant of the People” under the leadership of President Wolodymyr Selenskyi is additional evidence of a European-wide rolling away of the stones of voter suppression of the people.The much-abused, so-called “populist parties” are there in the not to be overlooked zone of ascent. The old parties are almost entirely resigned to the remarkable formation of fresh movements under the leadership of new and cross-over climbers. These are good signs of a living democracy. Since democracy is nothing other than the “mastery of the time”. And the time of the old powers is clearly running out.

[Translated by Todd Martin]