Showing posts with label Marc Bernhard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marc Bernhard. Show all posts

Monday, May 29, 2023

Marc Bernhard, May 24, 2023, Heating Policy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/105, pp. 12701-12702.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

“We have erred in regards the energy transition”.

            Jürgen Coße (SPD): You have erred in regards Putin!

Who said that ten years ago already? No climate denier, no conspiracy theorist and no AfD politician. No, it was Habeck’s dismissed State Secretary Graichen, whom he last week dismissed as one of those who ran the energy transition. Graichen ten years ago verbatim:

We have erred in regards the energy transition. Not in a few details, but in a central point. The many…windmills and solar installations which Germany is building do not do what we have promised for them. It was hoped that they would replace the dirty coal power plants…Yet they do not do that…


If Graichen thus knew ten years ago that the energy transition does not work, why then has it been with all power forced through? Why was agriculture and species protection annulled by emergency decree, the fought-for minimum distance between dwellings eliminated, the environmental compatibility testing disempowered and the consultation rights of citizens eliminated so as to make possible the construction of an additional 90,000 wind industry installations, and thereby maximize the damages of the self-confessed errors, Herr Habeck?

Although Graichen knew exactly that the energy transition does not at all work, he wanted, in your motion, Herr Habeck, with the heating hammer to force more than 60 million people in the future to heat only with electricity. He nevertheless quite clearly knew that there was not sufficient electricity for that due to the shutdown of nuclear and coal power plants. Thus for example Germany’s largest housing company cannot operate countless electric heating pumps because of the lack of electricity. He nevertheless quite knowingly wrote the draft law that, for most people, only the installation of a heating pump is possible – and that, even though heating with electricity is around 30 percent more expensive than with gas. It’s good that such a person is gone!

Yet now this heating hammer must also go, and indeed completely. Since it is completely absurd that people shall be forbidden to heat with gas while the government at the same time wants to build 50 gas power plants with which it is desired, with dirty fracking gas, to generate electricity which will in the future warm the people. What an absurdity!

            Bernhard Herrmann (Greens): That is nonsense!

As I calculated for you in April that this heating hammer would cost people 2,000 billion euros, you here in the German Bundestag looked at me in disbelief and shook your heads. Now you yourselves of the FDP quite obviously have re-considered and even come to 2,500 billion euros, thus 30,000 euros per capita. Scientists confirm that with that it still comes not once to a savings of CO2. The imbecility was nevertheless confirmed by your FDP colleagues – who have reconsidered: 2,500 billion euros.

Yet one thing is clear: The heating transition is not doable; since we do not have sufficient heating pumps, we do not have sufficient tradesmen, we do not have sufficient electricity and the people certainly do not have sufficient money so as to pay for this craziness.

Now come you of the CDU to play at being the nation’s saviours and ostensibly want a socially acceptable re-start of the heating transition. As to what you understand as “social”, have you clearly and distinctly indicated with your motion in the last sitting. You therein set out to make the Brussels CO2 certificate for oil and gas so expensive that the people practically can no longer afford oil and gas. Experts proceed therefrom to that by 2027 it comes to a tenfold increase of CO2 prices and up to 300 euros per ton. For a liter of diesel, that means a price increase of almost one euro. That is what you of the CDU understand as “socially acceptable”.

The only thing that is really socially acceptable and which protects people from old age poverty and a de facto expropriation is to dispose of this entire heating transition on the dung heap of history.


[trans: tem]





Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Marc Bernhard, February 10, 2023, Electricity Meters and Surveillance

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/86, pp. 10290-10291.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

Imagine, your electricity service knows when you get up, when you go to bed, whether you are alone at home, when you cook what you eat and what you watch on television.

            Till Steffen ( Greens): What is that for complete rubbish?

And then also imagine that the electricity service can at anytime without warning turn off the heating and the electricity for e-autos.

            Markus Hümpfer (SPD): That is not right!

            Rainer Kraft (AfD): Ask Herr Müller!

That means: You come home from work glad of your warm dwelling. Which however is cold because for you, on account of electricity rationing, the heating electricity was shut off.

Maik Außendorf (Greens): You need for once use your intelligence and not cool down the level!

So you decide to drive to friends so as to warm up. Yet the accumulator of your e-auto is empty; since for that also the electricity was shut off. You believe this is from a Hollywood end-of-times movie or from George Orwell’s 1984?

            Maik Außendorf (Greens): A bad AfD fantasy, this is!

No, these are the scenarios which this government prepares with this law.

That the intelligent electricity counter, the so-called Smart Meter which the government wants to extensively bring to every household, makes possible the deepest insight into the private life of citizens is even confirmed by a study of your own Federal Research Ministry. Researchers of the FH Münster could with this Smart Meter exactly determine when which household equipment was used and even which television program was watched.

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): What you peek at, I know without a Smart Meter!

How valuable this data is can be seen in that Google is giving consideration to making free electricity available to customers for access to their data.

The government asserts that with Smart Meter electricity costs would fall and the stability of the network would improve. Yet what the government here is actually doing is to shift onto the backs of the citizens the blame for its own failures in its botched energy transition. Since, who  may disconnect all, withdraw from all, and wants to provide for an industrial nation with wind and sun alone, is himself the greatest danger for the stability of our energy supply.

Counter to better knowledge, the Federal government asserts – you too, Herr Habeck, plainly – that with the Smart Meter electricity costs would fall. Yet the Ernst & Young analysis commissioned by your own ministry comes to the conclusion, as can be read word for word in evaluations of your analysis, “that no costs are to be saved in average households with intelligent counters”. It is further said: “Accordingly, the costs considerably exceed the possible savings.” An extensive installation obligation is evaluated in this analysis “as unreasonable”. And consumer protection organizations in States which have already introduced these Smart Meters confirm that as a result costs have even further increased.

What you are thus doing here is to knowingly deceive the people in this country so as to divert from your own total failures in regards the energy transition. According to the federal association of consumer centrals, you thereby expose people to dangers of criminal machinations, since this data can be abused. For the people, this law yields no use, but only harms and risks.  

Simply let the world’s safest nuclear power plants and cleanest coal power plants continue to run! Then we need not at all occupy ourselves today with this entire madness. Do not give Big Brother a chance!

            Michael Kruse (FDP): We give the rightists no chance!


[trans: tem]








Monday, December 19, 2022

Marc Bernhard, December 1, 2022, Home Ownership

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/73, pp. 8602-8603.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

In Germany, 75 percent of renters dream of their own four walls. Yet only the fewest have succeeded in also realizing this dream; since, according to the ECB, the Germans are the poorest in the euro zone. Thus, the assets of an average Greek family are double as high as that of a German family, in Spain and Italy even four times as high as with us. And in regards the pension level, Germany with just 48 percent is far behind. Spain, for example, has 83 percent, Austria 89 percent and Italy even 91 percent.

We have the world’s highest energy prices, and we have with just 45 percent the lowest rate of home ownership in the EU. Here in Berlin it is even just 15 percent, while in France 64 percent, in Italy 72 percent, in Greece 76 percent, in Czechia 80 percent and in Slovakia even 92 percent live within their own four walls. The European cut thus lies over 70 percent. We thus have not only the highest energy prices, the smallest household assets with the lowest pension level, but also the lowest home ownership rate in the EU.

Now the inflation also devours the rest of the citizens savings. It is therefore now certainly much more important to bring as many people as possible within their own four walls. Since this is the best inflation protection, the best safeguard for elders, and provides in crises like today’s stability and security to people. And therefore we want to make Germany from a land of renters into a land of homeowners.

Yet then why is Germany at all the taillight in the EU’s home ownership rate? The German Bundesbank states in a study that for one thing it lies, in international comparison, in the much too high real property sales taxes [Grunderwerbsteuer]; and for another, that the mortgage interest, unlike as in many other countries, cannot be deducted even for the self-use dwelling. Yet that was once in Germany otherwise, as in the administration of Helmut Kohl, – it is already quite a while – the costs for one’s own home could be deducted from taxes. That then made home ownership possible, despite astronomical rates well over 10 percent.  

We demand in our motion [Drucksache 20/3204] that the real property sales tax be lowered to 3.5 percent throughout Germany, and before all, that the purchase of one’s own first home must be completely free of taxes. That would of course finally eliminate the social injustice that large capital companies pay practically no real property sales tax, while the normal citizen always needs to pay for everything.

In addition, the prices for home ownership need again to become affordable. For that, the construction guidelines and the cost-driving climate guidelines are to be reduced, the contract procedures accelerated and the rural area finally again made more attractive. Since while in the urban centers 2 million affordable dwellings are lacking, 1.7 million dwellings in rural areas stand empty.  

Let us finally do it like our European neighbors and as the German Bundesbank recommends: With one’s own four walls, we attain for the people inflation protection, an old age safeguard, stability and security. Let us finally make Germany from a country of renters into a country of owners! 


[trans: tem]