Showing posts with label Alice Weidel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alice Weidel. Show all posts

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Alice Weidel, September 11, 2024, Economy, Immigration, Democracy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/184, pp. 23858-23861. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Herr Chancellor. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

Almost three weeks have passed by since the horrific, terrorist knife attack by a rejected Syrian asylum applicant in Solingen. Ten days have gone by in the country since the crushing election defeat in Saxony and Thüringen which has degraded your Chancellor party to a splinter party. 

You still want to make believe that the voters run away from you in droves because you did not well enough explain to them your policy. The opposite is the case: The citizens have quite sufficiently grasped that your policy means prosperity destruction, de-industrialization, mass migration, and loss of domestic security. You are the Chancellor of decline, Herr Scholz. 

For the erosion of Germany as an industrial nation also stands the decline of Volkswagen. For the ostensible climate protection, you destroy the German economy. Yet the Volkswagen disaster is only the tip of the iceberg. The statistics record 500,000, a half million unemployed since you overtook the government. That is a hundred thousand families, millions of people who need to fear for their future. 

It affects all branches, especially the automobile industry and all that depends on it. Supplier ZF eliminates up to 14,000 positions. At SAP, 10,000 jobs fall away, at Ford 4,600, at Bosch 3,760, at Bayer 3,200, at BASF 3,300, at Michelin 1,500, at Miele 1,300, at Continental 1,200. The most resonant names axe workplaces in Germany and remove them to foreign countries because they are no longer competitive here. 

Britta Haßelmann (Greens): Which of those which you have counted up have been threatened by Herr Höcke?

The list becomes daily longer. Thyssenkrupp’s steel branch proves to be unmarketable because it is uneconomic, and stands before the downfall. 27,000 workplaces are in danger. The number of insolvencies in July reached a ten-year high, 40 percent more than in the previous year. A dramatic balance, and it is your balance, Herr Scholz. 

Your Heat Pump Minister Habeck, whom I miss here today – where actually is Minister Habeck at this debate? – 

            Saskia Esken (SPD): He has Corona!

– wants to compel the threatened private households to pay for the politically demanded demolition of perfectly functioning gas networks. 

The budget which you have put forward after many vain starts is as dilettante and cobbled together as your entire coalition government. You take from the citizens tax money and duties in record sums, and despite that nothing comes. You pile up mountains of debt and for you it does not suffice. To say it clearly: This budget is an insolence and a frivolity not to be surpassed. 

While you seek to soothe the citizens with alibi politics and migration summits, everyday ever more knife attacks and rapes by migrants occur. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): By rightist radicals, too!

You celebrate, shortly before the State legislative elections, an absurd luxury deportation of an entire 28 most serious Afghan criminals and on the way endow them with a princely pocket money of 1,000 euros. That is two years wages for an Afghan: 

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Unbelievable!

The pay for murder and rape and a further invitation for illegal migration. 

At the same time, The Federal Interior Ministry under Nancy Faeser finances a portal which in newspeak calls for tips and tricks against its own authority so as to elude deportations. This Federal government sabotages deportations in that, at the cost of the taxpayer, it allots residency permits for legal residence opportunities and creates additional legal assistance for those obliged to leave. The Solingen assailant could for months evade his return to Bulgaria because a Green Minister thwarted deportations and a CDU Minister-president indulged her. More than half the year, the taxpayer works for the state which entices illegal migrants into the country and robs the citizens of the security which it owes to them. 

The Solingen victims would still live and be uninjured, had those responsible acted according to law and statute. That is to say, first and foremost, not to just let illegal migrants into the country, but to close the borders and turn back everyone who wants to break into Germany without a legal claim and without papers – not temporarily, but forever! 

That is besides no option, that is a legal obligation which you have. Article 16A of the Basic Law clearly says: Those entering from secure third states have no claim to asylum. §18 of the asylum law states that the turning back of these illegals is not only permissible but ordered. No European legal obligations sets this regulation – 

Can you behind me speak a bit more softly? Yes, it does disturb. That, we do not do. 

            Dorothee Bär (CDI/CSU): How thin-skinned you are! 

            Ralf Stegner (SPD): You are screaming!

Thus: No European legal – 

With you, it’s the purest kindergarten, and the next election is coming! – 

For a third time, I begin so that you may know the law: No European legal regulation disempowers that. No sovereign state can be compelled to tolerate entries counter to its law and its intent. 

And then came a CDU Kanzlerin. This Kanzlerin nine years ago wiped away with a stroke of the pen this applicable law and established the rule of injustice which has ruined Germany. It is thus all scrap paper which the CDU tells you today, and Herr Merz will later tell. 

The CDU’s  Realpolitik we besides see in Berlin. Here, in CDU-governed Berlin, the number of naturalizations explodes. There are few rejections of those seeking naturalization: 60 percent more naturalizations in Berlin in the first eight months of this year than in the entire previous year. So looks the CDU policy! 

Mass migration and a migration policy renunciation of control have deadly consequences. We need the migration change, and indeed immediately! 

            Ralf Stegner (SPD): Yet you want deportations!

Non-Germans grab a knife six times more and commit sexual crimes seven times more than German citizens. Thus has the chief of the Federal Police, Romann, summarized the situation. 

Since 2017, as stated in the BKA numbers, more than 52,000 women are victims of a sexual crime by asylum migrants. The principal countries of origin: Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq. The numbers of gang rapes last year rose to 761, more than two of these horrific crimes every day. Of the 209 gang rapes in the State of Nordrhein-Westfalen are almost three-quarters of the suspects non-Germans or have a declared migration background. Around two-thirds of the suspects in criminal bands are non-Germans. What are you waiting for? Finally deport these criminals! 

Against exploding migrant criminality, only immediate, robust measures help: A strict moratorium for immigration, a stop of reception and naturalization of all migrants for at least five years and no naturalization of people who are dependent on our social system, a closure of the borders, a turning away of all illegals without exception, an immediate identification of all illegals and criminals, limitation of all financial, legal and social state incentives, benefits in kind instead of money, and finally the overhaul of the asylum law. That, a responsible, AfD-led government would do now. 

You all in the last years have driven forward the migration policy failures of the state. Still more: You have stamped out the way of reason and instead divided society. You have systematically defamed critics and, with noxious comparisons and wicked scatological and Nazi language, dehumanized and set the secret service on them. Herr Hofreiter of the Greens, with his demand to ban the platform X, has shown the hateful grimace of the totalitarian malignant spirit which you command. 

That is also to say: You hold freedom of opinion to be more dangerous than the boundless import of murderers and terrorists. Instead of seeking in fair arenas the best solution, 

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): Fair? That doesn’t go together with the AfD!

you rob the opposition of important parliamentary rights. To this day, you deny to us due positions in the Bundestag praesidium, in decisive bodies, in the committees. You thereby rob six million voters of their full parliamentary representation. You are those who truly scorn democracy and the state of law. 

With threadbare manipulations, your comrades in Saxony and Thüringen want to continue this election fraud and, with all means, keep the power, to which a third of the voters have given a quite clear mandate, away from the government and its rights. Your democratic middle, which you constructed for that, is as democratic as the middle D in the DDR. In the election campaign, the CDU copied from the AfD, yet rejected all of our motions – comical – and after the election they close ranks with the leftist unity front. 

Yet that changes nothing of our resolution, in the interest of our country, to put a stop to this grotesquerie, and at the latest in the next election period which hopefully does not just begin in a year. 

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): Where? In Switzerland or here?

Since Germany can no longer wait so long for reforms, and so long may our country no longer endure it [und so hält das unser Land auch nicht mehr aus]. Who wants authentic change and reforms, votes for the Alternative für Deutschland. 

I am grateful. 


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla, July 16, 2024, Compact Magazine

AfD Kompakt, July 16, 2024.

The ban on the Compact magazine is a serious blow against freedom of the press. We view this proceeding with great concern. To ban an organ of the press means a refusal of discourse and variety of opinion. A ban is always the most far-reaching step. Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser thereby abuses her competences so as to suppress critical reporting. We demand of the Minister to respect the freedom of the press.


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Friday, June 7, 2024

Alice Weidel, June 6, 2024, Immigration, Economy and War

German Bundestag, June 6, 2024, Plenarprotokoll 20/172, pp. 22137-22139. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Herr Chancellor. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

The foregoing speeches completely by-pass the core of the problem. The Mannheim knifeman ought not to be here. The bloodbath on the Mannheim market place brings to public awareness the decline of security in public areas and the murderous consequences of an irresponsible migration policy. 

The German state can no longer fulfill its obligation to protect the citizens and their rights. First, an Islamist attacker killed a young, on-duty, German police officer. A young father of a family could yet live, Herr Stürzenberger might not lie seriously wounded in hospital, if the authorities had fulfilled their duties and immediately deported the Afghan knifeman to his home after his illegal entry. 

The Mannheim police murderer, who came to Germany over ten years ago as an ostensibly unaccompanied minor and despite rejected asylum demands remained in the country all the years at cost to the taxpayers, is a prime example of the migration policy failures of this government and the CDU/CSU-led preceding government. It is a product of the politically willed loss of control over our borders. It is the product of the millions of tolerated abuses of the asylum system for illegal immigration into our country. It is the result of a fully out of control, pretend  asylum. And it is no single instance. He is one of many assailants and violent criminals who have come to our country as supposed refugees. 

The result is in the criminal statistics: Forty percent of suspects are foreign citizens – three times more than their portion of the entire population. In regards the exploding crimes of violence, the portion of foreigners is four times higher. Asylum seekers from the countries of origin of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Turkey, are over-proportionately charged with a high criminality;  that is a fact. Since 2021, the number of knife attacks has increased by a third. There were almost 15,000 knife attacks last year, almost 40 per day. And in that regard, much of the knife crime  included in the State statistics, falls under the table. In the past year alone was registered the horror number of 761 gang rapes. That is more than two of these horrific crimes every day in our country, 111 in the City of Berlin alone. 

Half of the suspects are foreign citizens. How many suspects with a German passport have a migration background is still not recorded. Double and multiple citizenship counts in the criminal statistics as German. 

            Sara Nanni (Greens): Yes, they also are German. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): They are German!

That shows that even the horror numbers of the police criminal statistics are still considerably distorted. 

From the collapse of the domestic security can there be only one reasonable consequence, and that is a fundamental migration change, and indeed immediately. In clear text: Law and statute need to be consistently applied. The borders must be closed. Illegal entry must be prevented. Those without residency rights, primarily criminals and Islamist fanatics, must be deported, and certainly also to Afghanistan. 

Yet you do not think of ending your fatal policy. You do the opposite and naturalize in quick processes precisely these Afghans, Syrians, Iraqis and Turks. While citizens and colleagues still mourn the murdered police officer, and already you again speak of facilitating the immigration from Islamic countries and let in still more migrants from Afghanistan, you put off the victims, the traumatized relatives and terrorized citizens with empty phrases. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): You are instrumentalizing the victims! 

– That the interruptions come straight out of your delegation, from the Greens, does not surprise me.

You relativize the threat and, with unbearable trivialization, place religious fanatics on a level with drunken howlers, as your party chairman Ricarda Lang has done. You abuse the resources of the security authorities so as to proceed against oppositionists instead of addressing the greatest and most urgent danger for our domestic security: The imported Islamist extremism and its extreme left assailants. That is not only irresponsible, but cynical. Your hypocrisy is deadly. Your ideology of open borders and the unrestricted, uncontrolled mass immigration is based on illusion and lies which cost human lives. 

Your migration policy does not defend those politically persecuted, but criminals and asylum cheaters. You play with the lives and health of the citizens. You take from them their right to freedom and security in the public space. And with reprisals, tricks and defamation, you threaten those who remonstrate and name the abuses by name. That is also shown by the devious knife attack on our common council candidate Heinrich Koch in Mannheim. 

You leave in the lurch police officers who, with suppressed rage over your irresponsibility, must take the heat and, before all, are ready with their lives to stand up for the defense of law and freedom, like the murdered Rouven Laur. Yet you rob the citizens not only of their domestic security, you also take from them the economic and financial security and hard-earned prosperity. Inflation, rising charges and energy prices politically driven to the heights by a green transformation force the working population into a spiral of cold expropriation. And Habeck, the De-Industrialization Minister, drives the productive industry out of the country. Businesses weekly report massive elimination of positions, and displacement of production to foreign countries or insolvencies. The attraction of Germany as a business venue rapidly declines. The exodus of the flagship BASF is only one of countless alarm signals. The number of business closures in the past year has climbed to a gigantic 176,000 and strikes the productive core of our economy. 

You expend untold billions on the illusion of being able in a few decades to influence the climate; yet for the securing against real dangers in the here and now there is no money. German tax money goes to all the world, the flood and catastrophe protection in our own country is neglected and skimped to ruin; that belongs to the truth. And then you run in rubber boots to photo ops and promise state aid to those affected by the flood catastrophe. In Ahrtal, they are still waiting, after more than two years, for your state aid. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Where then is your protection concept?

While you destroy the economic foundation of our prosperity and allow the domestic security to erode, you sleepwalk to the edge of a Third World War. The war in the Ukraine goes into its third year. A military victory of the Ukraine is illusionary. The Ukraine cannot win this war; that belongs to the truth. The search for a diplomatic solution is in this situation the order of the hour. There must be a diplomatic solution, and not the endless prolongation of death as a result of your weapons deliveries. 

            Sara Nanni (Greens): The AfD recommends capitulation!

Retired General Harald Kujat, the Bundeswehr’s former Inspector-general and chairman of the NATO military committee, expressed the fear that the Ukraine War could become the ur-catastophe of the 21st Century. 

Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP): The Alternative für Deutschland is the ur-catastrophe! 

            Markus Frohnmaier (AfD): Frau Zimmermann, when then do you volunteer?

And I am of this opinion. The irresponsible escalation rhetoric of the agitators in this government coalition and from the ranks of the Union has contributed an essential part to this danger, and daily the amnesiac situation is intensified. 

            President Bärbel Bas: Please come to a conclusion, Frau Weidel.

Yet we know that at the end of any war is the peace. Thus why prolong the bloodshed and suffering which increase the immense danger of a major war? Commit yourselves instead finally for peace negotiations, and bring the parties to the table, 

            President Bärbel Bas: Frau Weidel, come to a conclusion.

so as to end the dying and before all to avoid the danger of a Third World War. 

I am grateful. 

            Dorothee Bär: That was for TikTok!


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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla, May 16, 2024, Petr Bystron and EU Election

AfD Kompakt, May 16, 2024. 

The lifting of the immunity and the search of the office and private space of Petr Bystron are a serious proceeding. So far, no evidence has been presented for the accusations raised for weeks against Herr Bystron. The AfD delegation therefore hopes for a speedy conclusion of the investigations so that the suspicion does not arise that here officials and instructed state prosecutors are attempting to influence the European election campaign. 


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Friday, March 22, 2024

Alice Weidel, March 20, 2024, War and Peace

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/159, pp. 20331-20332. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Herr Chancellor. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

The omens under which you set out for this European Council are dark. The Ukraine war is already in a third year. Serious efforts to end the fateful bloodletting in the midst of Europe are  not in sight. Warmongering and war rhetoric determine the tone in Brussels as well as in Berlin. 

            Friedrich Merz (CDU/CSU): Not in Moscow?

Michel, the President of the European Council, demands: Europe needs to prepare itself for war and change over to a war economy. 

            Friedrich Merz (CDU/CSU): In which world do you live, actually?

The French state President Macron speaks of the mission of NATO troops in the Ukraine theater  of war, and boasts that France would be in the position for that. 

            Friedrich Merz (CDU/CSU): What you say, Putin could not say better!

In the ranks of the Union, in a remarkable historical amnesia, –  Herr Merz, because you the entire time interrupt – 

            Till Steffen (Greens): That’s in your manuscript, but he didn’t do that!

one dreams of carrying the war to Russia. The Union stands for that. In lock-step with the FDP armaments lobbyist Strack-Zimmermann forms a black-green coalition of warmongers which flatters itself with martial rhetoric – even you, Herr Chancellor; a shame that you are not here – and accuses others of defeatism. 

            Till Steffen (Greens): I believe that was a failure of translation from the Russian.

The bellicose over-bidding competition rings the more absurd against the background of the desolate state of our own armed forces. The Bundeswehr has at its disposal, as before, not one, single mission-ready army brigade. Nevertheless, the debate revolves steadfastly around new weapons deliveries and financial aid in the billions to Kiev, while the reconstruction of our own army and the recovery of capability for our own national defense is here obviously of no priority. It was right, Herr Chancellor, that you spoke against the delivery of the Taurus cruise missile to the Ukraine. 

Dorothee Bär (CDU/CSU): Yes, praise from the AfD! That is super for the SPD! Madness!

It would not be in the German security interest to strip our armed forces of an additional important weapons system. In that regard, the Bundeswehr does not even have at its disposal a sufficient number of these cruise missiles so as to fulfill its obligations vis-à-vis NATO. The delivery of this system, which as an offensive weapon may have effect far into Russia and can even reach the Kremlin, would be a quite clear participation in the war. The commitment of German soldiers for servicing would necessarily follow after it and thereby dramatically increase the potential of escalation. 

And even you, Herr Scholz, have ever again fallen down and have let yourself be forced into escalation. First should German armored howitzers bring the war’s turning point, then German defensive panzers and finally German combat panzers. None of that fulfilled the ratcheted-up expectations. Now the escalationists extol the Taurus as a game-changer or wonder weapon. Even with the Taurus, the Ukraine has not the faintest breath of a chance to achieve its war aims. The truth is needed for that. 

Even if this time you remain steadfast, the Nein to Taurus does not suffice. Germany is acting de facto as a war party. Germany participates by means of the sanctions in an economic war against Russia. Germany delivers weapons to the Ukraine. Germany gives to considerable extent financial assistance, 

            Christoph Meyer (FDP): Has the Kremlin written down all of that for you?

and Europe expropriates capital income on Russian reserve deposits – from my viewpoint, that is forbidden. 

Friedrich Merz (CDU/CSU): Russia Today speaks! Here is the latest news from Russia Today!

Instead of driving forward the escalation with warmongering and weapons deliveries, the German policy needs to call to mind its strengths. That means: It needs to venture all to step forward as a mediator and get negotiations underway. To that, we are besides also obligated by the peace precept in the German Basic Law. 

Without question is Russia’s war in the Ukraine an attack contrary to international law. 

            Friedrich Merz (CDU/CSU): Ach ja? 

            Christian Dürr (FDP): Ah!

Just so without question has the Ukraine the right to self defense. 

            Friedrich Merz (CDU/CSU): Aha!

The decision in that regard to support it does not however release us from the obligation to rational policy in the well understood interests of our own country and our own people. 

German interests are represented and defined in Berlin, not by chance in Kiev or in Washington. Even in the U.S.A. are there long since signs of an exit [Ausstieg]. To believe the Europeans could alone continue to conduct the U.S.A.’s proxy war against Russia would be folly and hubris in one. 

            Kordula Schulz-Asche (Greens): Proxy war?

The Ukraine war has long since run aground. It devours month by month billions in money and material and countless soldiers’ lives. The talk of victory and endurance from Kiev is unrealistic. This war must not be frozen in, it must be ended. 

            Katja Mast (SPD): Putin can pull out!

A Ukraine as a theater of war, de-populated and devastated for years, helplessly dependent on foreign payments and under the continual danger of the escalation to a Third World War, is neither in the German nor European interest. It can also ultimately not be in the interest of the Ukrainian nation. 

Germany’s interest is peace in Europe, the normalization of economic relations with all countries, Russia also, and the ending of the sanctions war which most harms us alone. The way there leads through negotiations. You cannot execute this charge, in that you glorify one of the war’s opponents and demonize the other. Realistic foreign policy has the duty, in the propaganda thunder of the war parties which we here everyday hear, 

            Patrick Schnieder (CDU/CSU): Just from you!

to find the contact points for a durable exchange of interests. Certainly, when the weapons speak, diplomacy is not allowed to be silent. 

            Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Your time is expired, Frau Weidel.

Act for the best of one’s own people and the peoples of Europe. Seek the way to peace 

Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Frau Weidel. 

so as to prevent a major European war.


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Friday, February 2, 2024

Alice Weidel, January 31, 2024, Scholz Government

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/150, pp. 19128-19130. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Chancellor. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

Both of the preceding speakers have impressively shown that in them is lacking the earnestness for the true importance and problems of this country’s citizens. It is burning in Germany, 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): You’ve certainly set it afire!

and this government of overcharged miscasts and obstinate ideologues is the arsonist. This country’s exploited achievers are going into the streets: 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Do you actually pay taxes in Germany?

Farmers, tradesmen, those of the Mittelstand, hotel keepers, merchants, those in transport, they continue to protest because they can do no more – silenced by the media. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Who do better work than you can imagine!

Three-quarters of Germans stand behind the Mittelstand protesters, three-quarters want an end to this government. 

You cut a corridor of devastation through this country. 

            Saskia Esken (SPD): You should be an author of children’s books!

– The children’s books author sits there, Frau Esken. – Yet instead of correcting, you heighten an unprecedented campaign of libel, as is here impressively displayed against the Mittelstand protest and against the opposition force upon which ever more citizens place their hope, frankly according to the motto: “If the citizen becomes disagreeable, designate him as extreme right”. 

Your auxiliary Stasi, “Correctiv”, one of the many non-governmental organizations which is provisioned by your government with ample tax money, has delivered to you the matter for that with unbelievable lies, libel and the most wicked calumny. 

            Irene Mihalic (Greens): With evidence, Frau Weidel.

The chief of “Correctiv” now lies, they had never used the word “deportation”. So far has it come: Tax-financed denunciations against a competing party! 

You are not at all ashamed 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): You are not ashamed!

to pervert the right to demonstrate, a right of freedom of the citizens opposed to the state and not the reverse, instead of listening to people who carry their emergency into the public, you yourselves demonstrate against the opposition. And you find nothing in that regard when at such demonstrations are quite openly placed on display calls for murder against opposition politicians. “Kill the AfDers” are there, and you applaud. The Federal President designates AfD voters as rats and the FDP lead candidate, AfD voters as blow-flies. Shame on you! Shame on you from top to bottom! 

With your unspeakable tax-financed libel and cries for murder campaign, you divide this country only so as to cling to your own power. 

The repair of the repair of a miscarried and inflated budget draft is a document of your arrogance and your incompetence. You speak of savings, yet you impose the costs solely on the citizens. The businessmen’s morale is grounded. The Ampel is the greatest risk to Germany as a business venue. 

Mittelstand and businesses one by one throw in the towel and take to flight. The list of firms which eliminate or displace tens of thousands of positions to foreign countries becomes daily longer. Resonant names are therein: From BASF, Bayer and Bosch, through Mercedes Continental and Miele, to SAP and ZF. De-industrialization Minister Habeck, who is known to always find love of country to be “nauseating”, now demands patriotism of the businessmen – and thereby to go bankrupt. That is the concept of this government. 

Germany is stuck deep in a recession. It is the sole industrial country to shrink, and for that neither Putin nor the world nor any conjured up world climate catastrophe bears the responsibility. This incompetent government solely bears the responsibility for this disaster in our country, and indeed with its destructive policy of artificial energy scarcity and energy of increased expense, the incessant turning of the tax screws, the ban policy, the expropriation, the money squandering, while you tell the people fairy tales of a rich country. Rich in Germany is only the overfed, over-reaching state, but not the taxpayers. 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Where do you pay taxes, Frau Weidel?

Hundreds of thousands of Germans receive in these days their heating cost bill, and often do not know how they shall pay it. Normal earners, pensioners, families, those of the Mittelstand, independents, year for year need to restrict themselves more so as still be able to make ends meet. You however certainly do not think of restricting yourselves. You grant yourselves new helicopters and motor pools. Your cabinet members expend untold sums for hairstyling and photographs. The Foreign Minister flies with a grand entourage on embarrassing missions worldwide, while the average earner does not know what at all he still can do. And you hold fast to your snob Chancellor’s Office for, believe it or not, almost 800 million euros. The giganto-maniac expansion construction alone costs almost as much as the yearly special sacrifice which you want to exact from the farmers. 

You have inflated the officials’ apparatus in just two years by around 11,500 positions. Nice for your favorites, bad for the taxpayer for whom all the fun costs eight billion euros. 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Yet you pay no taxes!

Where other governments reconsider and recoil their international engagements, you intrude everywhere with German tax money. 

Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Yet you pay no taxes here, Frau Weidel. You still pay taxes in Switzerland!

You threaten the livelihoods of your own farmers so as to save scarcely a billion euros; yet for senseless agriculture projects in the world, you expend additional hundreds of millions of euros. The much cited bike paths in Peru are only one of hundreds of superfluous development aid proposals which cost the taxpayer to the sum of 33 billions euros – for nothing, only for your NGO favorites. 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): You are no taxpayer in Germany!

You squander this money, without consideration, for eco-refrigerators in Colombia, feminist foreign policy in South Africa, for the Taliban in Afghanistan and for Hamas terrorists in Gaza. 

            Bettina Hagedorn (SPD): That is a lie!

Even to India go billions, even though India flies to the moon while, with us, infrastructure falls apart, the schools spoil and the students in part are no longer able to read, write and figure correctly. 

Against the laws of physics and logic, you further drive forward the planned economy and subventions monster of the energy transition. In energy policy, Germany is the world’s wrong-way driver. The costs explode in all dimensions. They are the principal reason for the budget crisis. They sum up to almost a trillion euros. That is a one with how many zeros, Herr Habeck? – He does not know. Those are no investments in the future, that is the most expensive destruction of a functioning infrastructure which the world has ever seen! 

You further flood the country with illegal immigrants. Everyone can come, none need go. You naturalize in an accord new voters, obtain a pseudo-legality for illegals through the residence opportunity law. Your deportation acceleration law is a deportation prevention law when the taxpayers must pay for a lawyer for rejected asylum applicants so as to continue to bring process against the overdue departure. 

            Wiebke Esdar (SPD): That is called the state of law!

With this policy, you drive the local governments to despair, explode the social system, intensify the housing emergency and undermine the domestic security. Yet, before all, you take from the Germans their Heimat

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Yet you do not reside in Germany.

Over 1,000 women every year become victims of sexual violence by an immigrant, 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Has your co-worker written the speech?

7,000 since the 2015 welcome putsch by the CDU Chancellor. Yet of that, you are silent; of that also, the media is silent. Under the swindle label of “Bürgergeld”, you have created a migration magnet the costs of which are long since out of control. The next budget gap already stands at the door. 

You leave the citizens in the lurch where the state would be urgently needed. What has become of the compensation for the many of those harmed by the vaccine of your Covid vaccination? What actually has become of it? What at all has become of the reappraisal of this entire disaster? 

Again and again I have here presented what is required to bring this country to the front rank. Again: Closing and control of borders, sending back illegal immigrants, following up rejected and criminal asylum applicants and anyone who has no right of residency – that is the enforcement of law and statute after years of the rule of injustice; you want to criminalize deportations; that we have seen in your campaign – a stop of energy transition, a restriction of state spending and of course an elimination of Bürgergeld for foreign citizens who have never paid into the social accounts; benefits in kind instead of money benefits is the watchword. 

Yet rational arguments clearly no longer suffice for you. You cannot well govern Germany, and you do not want to. You are ruining it. And I say to you, why: Because you your own country, because Germany, you hate.                

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): You do not live in Germany!

This government hates Germany. At least accept the possibility of a democratic change of power, and make the way free for new elections! 

I am grateful. 


[trans: tem]

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Alice Weidel, November 28, 2023, Crisis

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/139 pp. 17646-17648. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Chancellor. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

Not two years Ampel, and Germany is stuck in a permanent crisis and stands on the edge of insolvency. This breach of the constitution is unexampled in the history of Germany. 

            Ralf Stegner (SPD): Unexampled is your stupidity!

The citizens in this situation did not await your government declaration, Herr Scholz, but your resignation declaration. Two-thirds of Germans want there finally be an end to this Ampel. That this government is still in office shows your contempt for the sovereign, the citizens. 

They have enough of a Chancellor who with ostensible memory lapses wants to wiggle out of his entanglement in one of the Republic’s largest tax fraud scandals where evidence vanishes. 

They have enough of an economic illiterate as Economy Minister who ruins the economy and who expropriates the citizens by means of a heating diktat

They have enough of a Foreign Minister who expends 100,000 euros per year for her styling, yet stumbles from one diplomatic disaster to the next. 

            Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP): We have enough of you, Frau Weidel!

It is wondrous that you of the FDP again bellow there. They also of course have enough of an FDP Finance Minister who issues unconstitutional budgets so as to finance this green ship of fools and who wants to abolish the debt brake. 

            Christine Aschenberg-Dugnus (FDP): Such idiocy!

And they have enough of an Interior Minister who herself is the greatest security risk because she does not want to defend the borders and the citizens. 

This coalition governs against reason, against reality, against the will and the welfare of the citizens. 

            Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP): Against you!

And it governs against our constitution. 

We are stuck in the deepest economic crisis since there was a Federal Republic of Germany. The de-industrialization is fully underway. One insolvency tsunami after another rolls across our country. That is your work, the work of your planned economy minister and your highly subsidized energy transition and climate policy. 

You make energy more expensive by means of state intervention, then distribute subventions to parts of industry, while you leave the Mittelstand hanging with horrendous energy prices and, by means of CO2 duties and a transportation fee increase, additionally raise the prices. This intervention spiral leads directly to impoverishment. Businesses, normal earners and pensioners bleed for your transformation. You yourselves break your promise not to again raise the value-added tax for the restaurant trade. You thereby give the death blow to the hospitality industry. 

            Matthias W. Birkwald (Linke): She’s right, there!

Your citizens wage [Bürgergeld] makes the social crisis acute: The diligent are punished. No wonder that in entire branches valuable labor forces flee from the tax and duties spiral into the Bürgergeld

            Matthias W. Birkwald (Linke): That is just rubbish!

He who works is the dummy and no longer bends his back for himself and his, but for profiteers from all the world. 

62 percent of families receiving Bürgergeld have no German passport. Your Bürgergeld is a labeling swindle. It is migrant money, an immigration magnet. 

The migration crisis brings our country to the edge of collapse. Almost half a million social migrants this year alone, figuring together the asylum applications and family reunification – according to official numbers, that costs 50 billion euros per year. You shelter these masses of  people in luxury hotels and quarter them in old folks homes, while the normal earner and pensioner scarcely make ends meet. 

Despite that, you leave the door wide open and believe you can again pacify the people by ineffective action for action’s sake. Yet citizens feel in their bones that uncontrolled mass immigration has led to an encompassing security crisis. 

Many more Germans than immigrants become victims of crimes of homicide, violence and brutality than the reverse. Violent crime explodes, the number of foreign perpetrators also. 

For women, the public space has become an area of risk which they prefer to avoid. The crime statistics record more than two brutal gang rapes per day. What have you let loose on our people? For the decay of the domestic security, you of the CDU and CSU bear exactly so the responsibility. 

And for once rouse yourselves over the imported, Islamist Judenhass; that it, as you might have noticed, exists. You have hauled hundreds of thousands of young men into the country who are socialized in violence-prone cultures hostile to Jews. 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): With hostility to Jews, you of the AfD                                know best.

You allow that fundamentalist Islamic assemblies form a state within a state. 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Shabby! So shabby!

The responsibility for growing anti-semitism you, with fake statistics, have ascribed to the home population. Your sudden activity is hypocritical as long as you continue to be silent concerning the everyday terror, hostile to Germans, against the home population. 

The crisis has long since become a comprehensive, manifest crisis of trust. Your policy delegitimizes democratic institutions in the eyes of honest citizens. You do so as if the devastating decision of the Federal Constitutional Court had not been given. You want to have this breach of the constitution followed by the next. 

Yet you certainly have no gap in the billions; that is ridiculous. It is absurd considering a record total tax intake of one trillion euros. 

            Christoph Meyer (FDP): Just in 2025. 

That needs be imagined: One trillion euros. That means, you have not too little. You have a record total tax intake with which you are unable to deal, like all socialists. 

The way out of the crisis leads through a return to reason. Stop the mass migration, by which you close the borders and turn off immigration magnets like Bürgergeld, children’s basic security, cut-rate passports and residency for all.

Abolish the climate funds and end the energy and mobility transition grab in the billions. It is so simple. Renounce distributing tens of billions to all the world for ideological development aid, for climate defense in India, and for the Ukraine. 

Reduce the payments to the EU. Commit yourselves to a free reform of the European community of states. Then money also remains for our country’s urgent problems: Lowering taxes and duties, promotion of families, secure pensions, healing the healthcare system, housing construction, better schools, secure inner cities and borders and a functioning army. 

Yet you risk control collapse, chaos, and state bankruptcy. We therefore need a new government so as to come out of this crisis swamp. Open the way to new elections and redeem this country from the Ampel government. 

I am grateful. 


[trans: tem]

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Alice Weidel, October 24, 2023, Deportation

AfD Kompakt, October 24, 2023. 

It apparently required two crushing election defeats and massive, anti-semitic migrant rioting for Olaf Scholz and Nancy Faeser to at all take notice of the continual failure of the state in regards the deportation of rejected asylum applicants and the return of migrants with no right of residence. Without a fundamental migration change, which comes to grips with the roots of the problem and also has acts follow the announcements, their emphatic words are nevertheless to remain patchwork. 

Chancellor and Interior Minister want to tread lightly [einen schlanken Fuss machen] while they guide the attention on the deportation deficit so as to be able to shove off a large part of the responsibility onto the States. Yet as before, the Federal government, with eased residence and naturalization regulations, high social benefits and open borders, entices illegal migrants to immigration into the German social system. 

As long as the Federal government does not close the German borders and consistently sends back illegal migrants, refuses an effective securing of the EU external borders, and isolates itself in a Europe in which it wants to require of other EU countries the acceptance of undesired migrants, the announcements of Scholz and Faeser are to remain pure alibi politics. Germany needs a unified [aus einem Guss] remigration policy, and not just declarations of intention which will foreseeably remain without consequence. 


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Monday, September 11, 2023

Alice Weidel, September 8, 2023, Building Energy Act

AfD Kompakt, September 8, 2023. 

While the alarm sounds for the construction business because there are scarcely any more orders for the erection of new dwelling space, the Ampel unperturbed further pursues the disposition of the GEG [Gebäudeenergiegesetz, Building Energy Act]. Especially Economy and Energy Minister Robert Habeck thereby shows how far distant he is from reality. Who, like Energy Minister Habeck with unbearable arrogance demands of the citizens to leave the “comfort zone of self-contentment”, he demonstrates with what contempt he regards Germany. The assertion that the Ampel solves problems “like never before” is the crowning touch. 

The GEG will expropriate home builders and demolish their pension plans. At the same time, it presents landlords and renters with unimagined additional costs while it offers not the least little added value – neither for climate nor for the citizens in Germany. And this law is a symptom of a Federal government exclusively motivated by ideology for which it cannot go fast enough to destroy our country. The AFD will, should it participate in a Federal government, revoke all of these laws and direct the focus on what is really important for the people in this country. 


[trans: tem]


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Alice Weidel, August 16, 2023, Olaf Scholz

AfD Kompakt, August 16, 2023. 

In Germany, failure of the state has a name: Olaf Scholz! The result of the latest survey of the German people’s trust in the state is a ringing slap in the face for Chancellor Scholz and the Ampel government. These office-holding failures of the state ultimately bear the responsibility for that ever more people are losing their trust in our state. All state services and institutions in comparison to last year were evaluated as worse and on the whole miserable. That can and may not so continue! We of the AfD are doing all to reverse these fatal mis-developments. We are putting an end to open borders, escalating criminality, a desolate transport infrastructure and the destruction of Germany as a business venue. 


[trans: tem]

Monday, July 31, 2023

Alice Weidel, July 7, 2023, Heating Law

German Bundestag, July 7, 2023, Plenarprotokoll 20/116, pp. 14329-14330. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

The Federal Constitutional Court’s decision has spared us the disgrace of an ignorant, half-baked and bungled law, cobbled together with the crowbar, being enforced. 

You wanted to flog through this green ideological project, with disdain for the citizens’ concerns and the rights of the parliament, and arrogantly wipe away the reasoned objections of an entire host of experts. You obviously still have not heard the shot; for you stubbornly cling to this project. And you of the CDU also do not really want to prevent the heating law; you also have said yes to it. 

Thorsten Frei (CSU/CSU): Then you have not listened to the speech of the delegation chairman! 

A heating law in two months is just as wrong as now. Nothing therein is to be repaired. For the entire proposal by which you want to prescribe to the people how they have to heat their dwellings and houses is not only wrong, it is also unconstitutional.   

You speak of respect. Yet you seize hold of the citizens’ private property, without shame. Constitutional law defends this private property. 

            Konstantin Kuhle (FDP): And human dignity!

Your impoverishment and expropriation law forces owners of private property to sacrifice their reserves and resources for expensive, inefficient and in many cases unsuitable electric heating. You drive them into indebtedness. Many will not be able to maintain their property. International investors stand by, ready for the great sell-out. 

            Johannes Fechner (SPD): That is just rubbish!

Millions of renters will need to pay the bill as a result of rising rents. 

The world laughs at Germany because its government needlessly destroys the nation’s wealth, ruins the middle class and drives industry out of the country. For the reduction of CO2 emissions and the influencing of the world climate, the heating law is completely useless. You have tinkered with it for months. Yet you still cannot say how great the CO2 savings generally shall be. 

Over the true costs, you leave the citizens in obscurities, and deceive them with promises of subventions which you cannot pay. You do not tell the truth to the people of the additional attacks on the national wealth which threaten by way of the EU’s subterfuges, moreover pushed by CDU/Commission President Ursula von der Leyen: An intensified renewable energy law, the forced reconstruction by means of the impending EU building guidelines, and the introduction of the monstrous EU CO2 certificate trade in the construction sector, threaten entire population classes with an annihilation of prosperity and expropriation. And herein is seen once again the double-standard and the hypocrisy of the CDU. 

A heating law of use to no one other than the international investors and the heating pump lobby which, even without clan chief Graichen, here have a tight grip on the Economy Ministry. And which is used by climate ideologues who thereby want to realize their dream of an eco-socialist, planned- and scarcity-economy, with its freight bicycles and candles, in which prescriptions and compulsion take the place of private property, of prosperity, reason and fair competition. 

It is completely clear why you wanted to so hectically enforce this: You are afraid of the citizens, of your own voters; since they very well understand that they will be lied to, cheated, expropriated and made poorer [belogen, betrogen, enteignet und ärmer gemacht]. Your calculation nevertheless will not proceed. Four-fifths of this country’s people are against the heating law. Four-fifths! That you cannot do fractions and math is fully clear. Have it explained to you what four fifths actually means. 

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): By you, simply nothing is to be explained!

Be that as it may. The best heating law is no heating law. Use the hiatus which the Federal Constitutional Court has graciously given you to completely pulp this unspeakable law. 

I am grateful.


[trans: tem]



Friday, June 23, 2023

Alice Weidel, June 22, 2023, Scholz Government

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/112, pp. 13642-13644.

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Herr Chancellor. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

You have made of Germany a country which takes leave from the ranks of nations to be taken seriously and which abolishes itself as an industrial country. Your energy, economic and migration policy is seen by the rest of the world as just a frightening example. Even for our nominal allies, we are primarily a money automat and a provider of weapons to a war zone, while our own army has lost the capability for national defense.

 Why should others have respect for a government in front of whose nose vital infrastructure like the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline is blown up without remonstrance? And if soon the Russian natural gas no longer comes via the land route, because the Ukraine no longer wants to extend the current transit contract, then – explains to us the Federal Minister for De-industrialization and Destruction of the Economy – we just need to shut down our industry so that no one in neighboring countries need freeze. 

Herr Habeck, who in regards the national anthem shuts tight the mouth, clearly and distinctly signals to us that his policy serves neither this country nor its citizens. He himself said it: He can – I cite – “of Germany make” nothing, and finds love of this country, the citizens of which are besides paying him, – quote – “nauseating”. And so his policy appears thus.

For that, the heating law concocted by Herr Habeck’s gang of lobbyists is the best evidence. And with a couple of re-decorations, this law remains a frontal attack on the property of the citizens. Your great plan, your great leap forward, the Great De-carbonization, would cost our economy, according to thermal physicist André Thess, 10 trillion euros by 2045 – billion, mit “B” – around 500 billion per year.

You compel the energy-intensive, productive business into emigration or directly into insolvency – a term of which Herr Habeck knows not what to make. And you drive the automobile industry to suicide by means of your e-auto planned economy. From where shall come the additional electricity for the heating pumps and e-autos, no one knows.

And all of this for a green, grotesque ideology without connection back to reality. Since for neither the worldwide CO2 emissions nor the heating ban law will the German de-industrialization driven forward by you make a difference. Thus, talk nothing of climate defense! For otherwise you need to build and not disconnect the nuclear power plants. For the electricity which is lacking due to the disconnection of the last three modern German nuclear power plants, you now import from old, French clunker works. What an absurdity!

Your green transformation is no use to the citizens nor does it save the climate or the planet. Yet surely profit from this re-distribution from below to above the lobbyists who have a tight grip on this government. For the nepotism in the Economy Ministry, Herr Habeck would have long since needed to take his leave in any normal government.

You thereby manage the splitting of society, which you still intensify by means of the current out-of-control poverty migration which this government further incites. Even if on the EU level a satisfactory [bescheidener] compromise is found to at least somewhat check the asylum storm, your ministers have nothing better to do, Herr Scholz, than to sabotage this minimal solution.

You send further invitation signals for access into the social system: Who comes will be cared for, need fear no deportation and is allowed to speculate on a quick naturalization. The Federal Interior Minister refuses effective border controls despite all the cries for help from the overburdened local governments. And thus this government makes Germany an outsider in Europe.

The citizens bear the costs. They pay the price when the public space becomes a no-go area and brutal knife violence and sexual crime become everyday phenomena. Summing up the State statistics, there were in last year alone over 21,000 knife attacks, at least 60 every, single day.

– I can well understand why you here bellow.

            Jan Korte (Linke): We certainly do not!

The fact is: This government leaves the home population with this perverse – you scream, ja.

            Till Steffen (Greens): We laugh!

That you now laugh, speaks volumes. You leave in the lurch ice-cold the home population with this perverse, imported criminality. A total failure of this government and the foregoing government, lead besides by the CDU.

Yet it primarily affects the normal citizens when the housing market is picked clean – you laugh, that I know – because the public hand pays any price for the sheltering of migrants, tosses seniors out of their residences and new construction, due to political  manipulation,

            Saskia Esken (SPD): Pathetic populism!

            Anke Henning (SPD): That’s just not right! What are you saying?

– look, you are nonetheless screaming –

            Dunja Kreiser (SPD): Tell the truth for once! No fake news!

simply does not at all take place. The citizens – Can you please intervene, Frau President. I would anyway gladly continue my speech.

President Bärbel Bas: Colleagues, quiet now here again in the hall! Everyone quiet down a bit! Frau Weidel has the word.

            Katharina Dröge (Greens): She started it!

Many hearty thanks, Frau President. The citizens of this country are the ones suffering when they no longer receive doctors’ appointments, when medicines become scarce, yet the account contributions nevertheless increase because your irresponsible policy drives benefits recipients into the social system to which they generally make no contribution. The job centers report that more than half of the citizens’ wage [Bürgergeld] recipients have no German passport. Who actually gave you the right to so unrestrainedly distribute the citizens’ hard-earned money to economic refugees from all the world? This money does not belong to you.

This policy we ourselves can longer pursue. Germany for long is no more a rich country. You are making it a candidate for decline. We must do that for which we still have the means and power, to concentrate on averting the crash, and that means: A parting from the the green ship of fools and the madness of saving the world; instead, to bury the energy transition, to secure the energy supply, a re-entry into nuclear energy, to close the borders, to prevent social migration, to finally deport those obliged to depart and criminals – yes, of course –

            Katharina Dröge (Greens): A nightmare, what you are saying here!

            Saskia Esken (SPD): When the criminals from your own ranks are also deported!

to lower taxes, to de-construct bureaucracy, to reduce state expenditures, to end checkbook politics, to toss out unqualified government officials, to strengthen Made in Germany [Standort Deutschland], instead of deliberately weakening it – back to normality!

Yet a word to the CDU. While this government runs this country into the ground, you squander resources and time on anti-democratic firewall debates. You are no opposition power; you are those who refuse to oppose!

The only firewall that we need

            President Bärbel Bas: Come please to a conclusion.

is the firewall against the Green policy which ruins our country and deprives [umbringt] the citizens of their prosperity and their freedom.

Many hearty thanks.

            Thorsten Frei (CDU/CSU): A superfluous excess speaking time!


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