Sunday, February 24, 2019

Jörg Meuthen, July 4, 2018, Euro

Jörg Meuthen
Conclusion of the third economic adjustment programme for Greece
European Parliament, Strasbourg, France, July 4, 2018, P8 CRE-REV (2018) 07-04 (16)
[Jörg Meuthen is a national chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland and the lone AfD member in the European Parliament. Pierre Moscovici is European Union Commissioner for Economics and Financial Affairs and is a former French economics minister.] 

Herr President, dear colleagues. 

Halleluja! Greece is saved. Yet again. And really for the last time. Promise.  

The reality, through the smoke put out here by Commissar Moscovici, may not be ignored. Greece is indebted at 180% of its gross domestic product. Greek banks have as before a giant mountain of distressed credits. That this is being sold as a success is simply ridiculous! 

We have from the beginning said: We want no bail-outs because we do not want Germany and the [European] Commission to govern Europe with sticks and carrots. States must be able to go insolvent because they are sovereign and thus responsible for themselves, even in the Eurozone. Eight years of crisis and not the least progress towards a state insolvency regime. That will come home to roost, since the Eurozone is kaputt. Anyone who knows monetary policy, or can read a bank balance, knows that.  

On this account, I say to you: Better not celebrate. As soon as the euro crisis returns – and it will – we here will again be discussing Greece. And as soon as the end of the euro approaches, you will think, but not say: Those of the Alternative für Deutschland, they had been right about that.


[Translated by Todd Martin]