Sunday, February 24, 2019

Jörg Meuthen, January, 15, 2019, European Central Bank

Jörg Meuthen
European Central Bank Report for 2017
European Parliament, Strasbourg, France, January, 15, 2019, PV 15/01/2019 14
[Jörg Meuthen is national co-chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland and the lone AfD member in the European Parliament. He here addresses Mario Draghi, retiring president of the European Central Bank (EZB). The Target program is part of the euro rescue regime designed to narrow the spread between German bond yields and those of other members of the euro zone and whereby the Germans are in effect required to pay for some of their own exports.]  

Herr President, right honorable Herr President of the EZB. 

Your balance does not come out well. When you began in 2011, you were considered a hawk. That was already then false.  

The interest rates are low as never before. They have not once been raised in your seven years in office. Germany, the most important engine of the eurozone, is on verge of a recession. That will drag down the eurozone. You no longer have the possibility of reacting thereto with a reduction of rates.  

You have bought bonds by the billions and stretched the EZB balance to the extreme. You have thereby made the poor poorer and the rich richer. You have driven the most expansive monetary policy that there is. The Target balance is completely out of control. Germany has claims of almost a trillion euros which may be worthless. Your last move now is to play for time during the remainder of your term so as to leave this shambles to your successor. 

My hope is that annalists will recognize that it is you who is responsible for the economic disaster in the eurozone. This disaster will be exposed in a not distant time when you long since have been enjoying your retirement.

 [Translated by Todd Martin]