Sunday, February 24, 2019

Alice Weidel, January 22, 2018, Élysée Treaty

Alice Weidel
55th Anniversary Élysée Treaty
German Bundestag, January 22, 2018, Plenarprotokoll 19/9, pp. 700-701

[Alice Weidel is a chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland in the German Bundestag. Her speech was preceded by speeches by other Bundestag members referring to the Élysée Treaty as a basis for the present day policies of the European Union. President François de Rugy and members of the French National Assembly were in attendance. Emmanuel Macron is president of the French Republic. Martin Schulz is a former president of the European Parliament.] 

Esteemed Mr. President, esteemed Mr. President Rugy, dear colleagues, honorable colleagues of the National Assembly. 

Germany as beneficiary of the euro – stop at last this nonsense, stop this fairy tale! You understand nothing of economics, altogether nothing!  

Today in the upper house will be held a celebration of the signing of a treaty which will be completely misinterpreted by you. The signers, Konrad Adenauer and Charles de Gaulle, regarded the Élysée Treaty as a German-French friendship agreement, a purely bilateral treaty as consideration given by the young Federal Republic for joining NATO. Especially de Gaulle kept in view a Europe of nations, honorable ladies and gentlemen. You however quite knowingly put forward a biased account when you take the treaty as pretext to establish a centralized European super-state to which the principles of power-sharing and democratic participation are fully foreign. 

No wonder then that the parties which have for so long been sitting here prefer to arrange among themselves a common resolution and have completely and thoroughly ignored the AfD delegation and thereby 13 percent of the electorate. For that, shame on you! 

It is correct that the European unity which began with the 1951 coal and steel union was a retort to the horrifying catastrophe of the preceding century, to chauvinism and national socialism.           

[Britta Hasselman (Bundnis 90/ Die Grünen)]: Do not play the role each week, Frau Weidel! 

Simply listen, then perhaps even you can begin to learn something. Just keep quiet. 

To the generations which have had to experience war and ruin, the European peace project shines as hope for a better future. Yet the original vision of a Europe of sovereign nations of equal rights was quickly swept aside. There are powers which have wanted to construct a political reality out of an irreversible-as-possible intertwining of the national economies. A great European who understood the error of this way was the economist Wilhelm Röpke. He once stated – I quote: 

…To define the essence of Europe to be a unity in variety and thence to centralize all…is the betrayal of Europe, even in the economic area.           

End quote. 

At the latest, this betrayal was struck with the introduction of the euro. Many economists had issued warnings prior to this introduction. It was clear to them it would lead to a powerful redistribution by means of public capital transfers, the result of the lack of currency exchange to correct disturbances in the balance of payments. Contrary to all economic common sense, the euro was nevertheless introduced. Henceforth, it will be permanently and illegally rescued and artificially kept alive by all means, by money dilution, by zero and negative interest rates, by asset price inflation, to the sorrow of every European citizen whose real purchasing power and savings melts dramatically away under your policy, so that you can relieve debtor nations of their debts. And that I call an expropriation, honorable ladies and gentlemen! 

That is also why the EU is stuck in an acceptance and legitimacy crisis. Foremost in southern Europe, and in France as well, this has led to higher unemployment and to consequently heavier social spending. And the spiral you wish to further spin. That is no good testimony for a project which even today perceives itself to be a guarantee of peace and freedom, especially when it is the German taxpayer who at the end of the day must stand by and pay for each and all. 

Emmanuel Macron’s socialist, planned economy proposals – this I want to say with all clarity –
for example, a European unemployment insurance, a banking union or a common budget, speak a language which we in the AfD definitely reject, honorable ladies and gentlemen. Germany cannot be the paymaster of Europe. 

[Martin Schulz (SPD)]: That is German nationalist drivel. 

Not only is the domestic tranquility threatened, one must fear for freedom itself. The strategy of faits accomplis destroys the democratic right of the eligible citizen to openly debate and freely vote on the decisive questions of the future. At the same time, an arrogant bureaucracy intervenes in nearly aspect of peoples’ lives. The self-determined man who takes in hand his own responsibility and claims his freehold vis-à-vis the state will be forced increasingly onto the defensive. That is a striking regression from what concerns civil rights, democracy and the political culture in general. 

Therefore, finally must Europe again return to its roots, to be a free continent, a unity in variety maintained by the rule of law, honorable ladies and gentlemen.

[Translated by Todd Martin]