Sunday, February 24, 2019

Alice Weidel, May 16, 2018, Budget

Alice Weidel
2018 Federal Government Budget
German Bundestag, May 16, 2018, Plenarprotokoll 19/32, pp. 2971-2973
[Alice Weidel is a chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland delegation in the German Bundestag. Finance Minister Olaf Scholz is a member of the SPD. Claudia Roth is a member of Bündnis90/Grünen.] 

Right honorable Herr President. Dear colleagues. 

The budget is the nerve of the State. It therefore must be withdrawn from the profane eyes of the subjects. 

This thesis, attributed to Cardinal Richelieu, have you obviously subscribed to for decades since, with the presentation of the budget, punctually begins the smoke and mirrors. Instead of sending in new wine to the sovereign, the citizen, strong sermons are to be administered. And beyond that, you feel yourselves no further obligated to the Reichstag inscription, “To the German People”. The people you yourselves wish to select and compile. 

You speak of a balanced budget [schwarzen Null], yet in truth the German taxpayer sits on an enormous mountain of debt which future generations will inherit. Year after year, the current finance minister, be it Olaf Scholz or those of yesterday, runs up the debt. How does that work? Quite simple. Simply not all expenditure items will be entered in the budget. Where, for example, is the EU appropriation to be found? Right – nowhere. The approximate 30 billion euros transferred from Germany to Brussels is secluded in the budget. After Brexit, the entry will soon become even greater. The liabilities for and the guarantees of other euro member nations, banks and various euro rescue funds are gigantic, to say nothing of the Target-2 settlements for which we pay with our exports.  

Generally only a portion of the actual debt is made public. There is of course the shadow indebtedness which you have hung like a millstone around the neck of the younger generation. The economist Raffelhüschen has in his generational accounting shown that the total debt piled up by the federal, state and local governments runs to an unbelievable 7 trillion euros, this in addition to the future statutory payments and obligations of the social security system, as well as your public pensions. I put the question, is that really responsible fiscal policy? 

You speak of responsibility, yet in truth you shamelessly squander the very sovereignty of the parliament, the budget authority, “no taxation without representation”…which is the very basis of any parliamentary democracy. The federal government’s constitution quite clearly asserts: 

As representatives of the people, the elected members of the German Bundestag must …maintain control over the fundamental fiscal decisions.  

The German Bundestag may not transfer its fiscal responsibility to other agents by means of indeterminate fiscal empowerment.

You nevertheless have agreed to the bail-out protection, a perpetual, automatic financial mechanism, and you celebrate the plan of President Emmanuel Macron – no opposition to the gigantic transfer of German tax revenue, no opposition to an EU finance minister. Entirely otherwise. It appears you cannot too quickly transfer responsibility to Paris and Brussels, and with it the taxpayers’ money, which you here have never earned, right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

You assert that your budget is socially just. Actually, Germany has one of the highest income and expenditure burdens of all western nations. By your absurd tax policy are primarily the middle and low  income earners and, before all, the families burdened. The taxpayer additionally bleeds with the melting away of his savings by the interest savings provided to the State by the EZB’s zero and negative interest rate policy. The State relieves itself of its debts at the cost of the saver and the taxpayer, and then speaks of the balanced budget! What is just, what is social, about that, right honorable ladies and gentlemen? It is nothing other than a looting of the taxpayer by the lords of the manor that you here are practicing. While the infrastructure of this country collapses and the State is no longer capable of protecting the citizen, billions flow to the reception and support of illegal immigrants in the social system. 

It is horrifying: in 20 years at the latest, every fifth retiree will be at the basic income level. Despite a lifetime of hard work, today countless seniors have scarcely enough to live on. Two examples from Bochum: One, Herbert W., till the middle of the seventies a day laborer, later at Opel, who for many years paid into the retirement system, on weekends collects trash out front of the Ruhr stadium to improve his crummy little pension. The other, Sami A., also earlier pursued a difficult calling; he was Osama bin Laden’s bodyguard. He who has never paid into the German social system, on weekends drives his moped through the park, receives from the State 1,200 euros a month, and this, believe it or not, for ten years! This is in my eyes an injustice crying to heaven for which you must answer! 

You maintain that the budget is oriented toward the future. On the contrary, you dismantle the opportunities of future generations. The basis of our nation is the people who live and work here. Yet it is not only the people who live and work here now but also those who will live here in the future. Indeed we have the principal responsibility for the people, the families, who have long lived here, and these are  people who you are to serve. The duty of the State is to administer, as trustee of the welfare of the German people, the people’s wealth built up over generations, and not to recklessly fling it out the window. The owner is the German citizen and not you, not the government! 

Since 1972, in Germany each year fewer children have been born than people have died. For the viability of a capable nation, that is a problem. What have you done about it? Nothing. At least, nothing real. Since you are exclusively for compensatory immigration – you indeed say that all the time. The birth rate of the Moslem immigrants of course appears entirely otherwise. Even the fattening of the population with immigrant criminals with multiple identities appears not to bother you at all. 

Thus, I can say to you: Burkas, headscarf girls [Kopftuchmädchen], subsidized knifemen and other such good-for-nothings will not secure our welfare, economic growth and, above all, the social state!          

            Sören Bortol (SPD): That is pure incitement! 

            Völker Kauder (CDU/CSU): Shame on you! 

To that end is required, Herr Kauder, a qualified, not an unplanned, unbridled, unstructured, immigration. Germany has long since become a borderless immigration land for the unqualified and an emigrant land for the well qualified.           

Anton Hofreiter (Bundnis 90/Die Grünen): You revel in your own loathsomeness. That is really repellent. 

And what have you done about it? Who in the future will come up with the income?  Who will pay for the public pensions; even yours, Herr Hofreiter, you wailing child? Your immigrant gold pieces, perhaps? You don’t really believe that.   

To you, the citizens appear to be all the same. You want to confine yourselves to managing the downfall of our country. To some extent, we have the impression that you are even enthusiastic for it. Yet that will simply suit your order of values. When a Bundestag vice president runs about a transparency featuring: “Germany, you poor piece of – “, to which all here have contributed in that you voted for her as Bundestag vice president – I am speaking of Claudia Roth – then one must no longer wonder about anything in this honorable house.  

The AfD, on the contrary, is enlisted for responsibility, justice and a viable future. Therefore, we require, first, a rigorous audit. All the figures must finally be laid out openly on the table.  

Second, we require that the social state be secured and the future formed. The strategy of a replacement of generations by means of unregulated immigration, partly from cultures hostile to women, has proven itself to be the wrong way. The common welfare can only be secured with investments in secure borders and the coming generations. 

Third, we want an authentic equity of taxation. Middle and low income earners must finally receive true relief. The basic exemption must at last be raised; 2,000 euros gross a month tax free. That would have once been visionary. Yet it cannot still be that a skilled worker earning 1.3 times the median compensation must already be made to pay the top tax payment. I can say to you, it is time for real tax relief.

Fourth, no further hollowing-out of sovereignty. The ultimate authority over our budget belongs in Berlin and not in Brussels. 

In this spirit, I close with a former citation of the Czech president Zeman, which has already been presented to you by the honorable former CDU member, Erika Steinbach. I quote: 

In case you live in a land in which you are prosecuted for fishing without a license, yet not for illegal border crossing without satisfactory travel documents, then you have the complete right to say, This country is governed by idiots! 

Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble: Frau colleague Weidel, you have in your speech, among others used the terms “headscarf girls and good-for-nothings”. You thereby discriminate against all women who wear a headscarf. 

            Alice Weidel (AfD): No! 

Therefore, I am calling you to order.

[Translated by Todd Martin]