Sunday, February 24, 2019

Beatrix von Storch, February 14, 2019, Asylum Policy

Beatrix von Storch
Asylum Policy
German Bundestag, February 14, 2019, Plenarprotokoll 19/80, pp. 9352-9353
[Beatrix von Storch is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from Berlin.
She is a lawyer and here responds to a recent proposal by CDU chairman Annegret
Kramp-Karrenbauer for a series of CDU workshop discussions concerning the
 government’s asylum and immigration policies.]

Right honorable Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.

When catastrophe is at hand, then there is ultimately no one who wants it. Thus it is with Merkel’s asylum disaster. 

With the workshop discussions, the Union now attempts to draw a safe distance between itself and the Chancellor; an arm’s length, one might think. In the autumn of 2015, it was still “We can do it!” and Merkel was celebrated as Mother Teresa. Any who opposed was a populist or much worse. Now, with the Social Democrats, it is no longer “Refugees Welcome” but that the autumn of 2015 does not bear repeating. Dear Social Democrats of the CDU, I congratulate you on the belated insight. 

            Marian Wendt (CDU/CSU): Learning curve! 

You are where we already were in the autumn of 2015. 

That you also now at least verbally acknowledge a willingness to re-work the scandal in the confines of your reduced possibilities is, I might say, progress. However, this re-work naturally belongs not in the workshop of a party but rather here in the Bundestag.

Before you all lies our motion to set up an committee of inquiry. We have invited all delegations to conduct informational hearings. Should you want to factually and fundamentally re-work, then you can readily do so. 

We must re-work the past, and we must now solve the enormous problems produced by Merkel and her asylum policy. Before the election, the Chancellor announced a national deportation effort. After the election, there was Minister Seehofer with his master plan for migration. The consequences? None. 

We have nevertheless noted with interest the CDU proposal, the present Kramp-Karrenbauer workshop. The third trap. Since announcements cost nothing, there is now a whole series of them: Asylum procedures and rejections at the EU external border, national border control – and without consultation with the EU – 

            Armin-Paulus Hampel (AfD): Ultima ratio! 

- withdrawal of right of asylum for false statements, mandatory age verification by medical tests for alleged minors. 

Dear colleagues of the Union, that is excellent. That comes namely from us. That is AfD pure. 

            (CDU/CSU): What you wanted was firearms on the border! 

That comes from you only passing late. Obviously, you spent the years of the welcome culture on the far side of the moon. But we say to you, A hearty welcome back to Earth! 

We wish now to know from you which consequences does this have for the practical workings of the federal government? 

            Armin-Paulus Hampel (AfD): None! 

Any bets? None. There are two reasons why this will have no consequences. First, Angela Merkel. Merkel is not gone. She continues to direct the policy guidelines and she has no thought of altering her direction. And second: Your coalition partner, the SPD, and your desired coalition partner, the Greens, will never go along. 

Dear colleagues of the SPD and the Greens, use this session and tell the colleagues of the Union what you make of the workshop proposals. And then lastly inform the voters. 

Dear colleagues of the Union, here in this place sits your dilemma. It is not about this Chancellor and it is not about your coalition partner. For a change of asylum policy and for a solution to the fateful question of our nation, of our culture and of all Europe, there is a majority only from the right of center. One sees this in Austria. One sees this in Denmark. And in Germany, there is a right of center majority only with the AfD. 

For so long as you fail to place yourself in this reality, all your announcements will remain nothing but hot air.


Many thanks.



 [Translated by Todd Martin]