Sunday, February 24, 2019

Martin Hebner, January 17, 2019, Brexit

Martin Hebner
German Bundestag, January 17, 2019, Plenarprotokoll 19/74, pp. 8600-8601

[Martin Hebner is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from the southern German state of Bavaria and is an information technology consultant. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas was German Justice Minister in the summer of 2017 when the Bundestag passed the German internet enforcement law (NetzDG) which places substantial financial liability upon social media firms which fail to achieve a required degree of censorship on the internet. Edmund Stoiber is a former Bavarian Ministerpräsident and chairman of the Christian Social Union in Bavaria who subsequently served as an advisor to the EU Commission.] 

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

All contracts must be announced, including those of marriage. For all are there rules, already made known before concluding the contract. Not so for EU membership! A separation for the EU was unthinkable, a sacrilege as formerly was divorce. And now we are experiencing a quite unpleasant, frankly dirty divorce. 

Herr Minister Maas, the British know what they want. They want not to be defined by foreigners [fremdbestimmt]! 

Over 60,000 bureaucrats work in Brussels, of whom 30,000 alone are engaged by the EU Commissioners. Naturally, they will at no price surrender their power and position. The Brussels bureaucrats will not allow their institutions and authorities to be questioned or be seen to be questioned. Yet the EU bureaucracy is not without alternative, exactly so, Frau Merkel, as the euro rescue policy. 

            Reinhard Houben (FDP): Like the European Parliament! 

We therefore want to help the British. The EU commissioners in Brussels direct us with their thousands of employees and lord over the citizens, who know not even one of the names of the EU Commissioners, with the possible exception of Herren Juncker and Oettinger.

Herr Minister Maas, you are responsible and known; one sees you at least occasionally. Here, when a minister, to put it crudely, makes a mess, then he is dismissed –  

Franziska Brantner (Bündnis90/Grünen): The Commissioners also, Herr Hebner, by the European Parliament. 

- insufficiently, I am sorry to say, in the case of the internet enforcement law [Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetzes, NetzDG]. The EU Commissioners however can do, or not do, whatever they want. They are infallible, like the Pope or the religion. 

Franziska Brantner (Bündnis90/Grünen): No, that’s not right. They can be voted out by the European Parliament, which you want to abolish! 

In this situation, the goal of many British is to “Take back control”. The British wish the return of the direction of their own country. 

The 28 EU Commissioners also have no interest in giving consideration to justifying their existence, either to themselves or to the citizens. In this house has there been much too little said in regards this matter. It would be immediately denounced as if it were a blasphemy. But with the Brexit, the Götterdämmerung has begun 

And Brussels wants to delay this Götterdämmerung with the mud-fight over the separation, over Brexit. Prolongation is the means. That is definitive not only for the British, Herr Maas, but also for the EU negotiations management…And thus the two year duration of negotiations and the intractability now come to the present point, the only point to be properly arrived at, ladies and gentlemen: other nations are to be intimidated from such a step. 

All EU reform proposals put forward by Herr Cameron have run out in the sand. He was, sorry to say, not really supported by the federal government. Herr Stoiber had also once called for the dismantlement of the EU bureaucracy. 

            Florian Hahn (CDU/CSU): He had also done it, Herr Hebner. 

After he had entered the EU Commissariat, nothing more was seen of him. The EU was and is un-reformable. And that is something which disturbs many of the British: the EU Commissioners command with ever further expansion of their authority. 

“Take back control” is the motto of the British. What you have not understood – what we have in fact heard from Herr Brehm – and do not want to understand, is that many in our country, like us, are in no way enemies of Europe. 

Alexander Lambsdorff (FDP): Herr Gottschalk has in fact said that the EU belongs on the dung heap! 

We are against this EU bureaucracy and against this excessive centralization. We are convinced Europeans but not centralists. And the EU bureaucracy is in now way without alternative.

[Translated by Todd Martin]