Sunday, February 24, 2019

Dirk Spaniel, January 17, 2019, Vehicle Emission Standards

Dirk Spaniel
Vehicle Emission Standards
German Bundestag, January 17, 2019, Plenarprotokoll 19/74, pp. 8704-8705
[Dirk Spaniel is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from the southwestern German state of Baden-Württemberg and is an automotive engineer. He holds a doctorate degree in engineering, studies for which included time at Michigan State University.] 

Right honorable Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

I come from Stuttgart and many citizens there and elsewhere believe that there will be no driving ban in our cities because no one can control it. With this amendment, you now want to control the driving ban by area prohibition. This law permits you to make photos of each vehicle and its driver which enter the respective city. The vehicle data will be compared with the automotive central register. Should the vehicle be registered and the entry not permitted, a fine will be issued.

What exactly happens with vehicles which are not registered in Germany? For an undefined interim can foreign vehicles enter our cities even though they fail to meet or fall below the Euro-4 norm. In the view of the AfD, that is a shameless discrimination against German drivers vis-à-vis foreign drivers. 

Alexander Ulrich (Linke): Oh yes! And again we have a theme where it is the foreigner who is guilty... 

In all honesty, do you really know which interest you represent? With this law you strive for a maximum control of the citizens and it will effectively exclude tens of thousands of our citizens and their vehicles from our cities.

You may perhaps not be acquainted with this: many in this country cannot and do not want to ride a bicycle 30 kilometers to work in the wind and rain, and the people of this country will not allow you to dictate to them. 

We need neither a driving ban nor the here proposed Orwellian surveillance of the citizen so as to conform to the EU decree on air quality. I will now show you yet again the key points of how one can solve the problem of a driving ban, simply and reasonably. We require: finally use the tolerances of the local testing station. That way we do not need to change any EU law. Each state can readily adapt that. The limits for nitrous oxide must be evaluated according to scientific criteria. And because that will take a while, for the present adopt the U.S. nitrous oxide limits to the European level. 

            Felix Schreiner (CDU/CSU): Ist gut, Herr Trump! 

Should you implement this proposal, there will be no driving ban in this country. And you will see: it’s quite simple. We do not need this amendment. 

            Alexander Ulrich (Linke): And there is also no climate change. 

Practice at last politics for the citizens of this country and not for your ideology! Many thanks.

[Translated by Todd Martin]