Sunday, February 24, 2019

Peter Felser, February 9, 2019, Nord Stream 2

Peter Felser
Nord Stream 2
February 9, 2019

[Peter Felser is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member form the southern German state of Bavaria. He is an information technology businessman and sits on the Bundestag’s food and agriculture committee. ]  

… A German-French friendship treaty was recently staged with great pathos by Merkel and Macron and already one of the partners, France, assists American economic policy against the befriended Germany. Macron has with Brussels recently negotiated for the French energy sector the first exception regulations to the EU gas guidelines. He is now blocking the diversification of the European energy supply to the benefit of American and French energy concerns. With that is it quite clear how fragile and to whose detriment is the design of the “German-French Partnership”, the “Spirit of Aachen”.  

A diversified energy supply is in the German interest. Germany is not the self-service store of our American friends. The discreetly silent acceptance of U.S. ambassador to Berlin [Richard] Grenell’s blatant threats is unworthy of a sovereign nation. The presently negotiated compromise cannot remove disappointment over disunity in the EU and the federal government’s susceptibility to extortion.  

The financing of Polish and Ukrainian transit tariffs moreover burdens the German taxpayer and increases energy costs for the citizen. A promotion of independence in the energy sector would directly relieve those of low income.

[Translated by Todd Martin]