Sunday, February 24, 2019

Alice Weidel, January 28, 2019, Investigation of the AfD

Alice Weidel
Investigation of the AfD
January 28, 2019

[Alice Weidel is a chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland delegation in the German Bundestag. The German Federal Office for the Defense of the Constitution had earlier this month publicly classified the AfD as an “investigative case”. Article I:1 of the German Basic Law reads: “Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.”]

Constitution Defense “Opinion” is Flimsy and Un-serious

The now published “Opinion” is as flimsy as the press conference statement of Herr Haldenwang. Despite over four hundred assiduous pages, the constitution defenders evidently lack substance and supportable facts for their assertions. That even for this they must plagiarize from the extreme left Antifa so as to stiffen their flat brew is a pain hardly to be over-estimated.

This un-serious paper of the constitution defense “opinionators” makes direct use not only of opaque extreme left sources, it is besides also inflated with one-sided left-wing views which have little to do with the letter or the spirit of the Grundgesetz [German basic law]. This is not the defense of the constitution but the deconstruction of the constitution.

This is evident even in the questionable interpretation of Art. I of the Grundgesetz. According to Herr Haldenwang and his constitution defenders, one comes under suspicion of disrespect for human dignity and thereby hostility to the constitution when one has doubts about multi-culturalism or distinguishes between German citizens and those of the rest of the world.

It is telling that the Federal Office for the Defense of the Constitution, even after publication by third parties, still does not dare, by its own publication, to stand by this paper. The questionable maneuver of releasing the “Opinion” to the media, while withholding it from the accused, supports the suspicion that the Federal Office for the Defense of the Constitution allows itself to be used for partisan purposes.

[Translated by Todd Martin]