Sunday, February 24, 2019

Alexander Gauland, Sept. 12, 2018, Immigration, Chemnitz

Alexander Gauland
Immigration, Chemnitz
German Bundestag, Sept. 12, 2018, Plenarprotokoll 19/48, pp. 5035-5038
[Alexander Gauland is national co-chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland as well as co-leader of the AfD in the German Bundestag. Gauland here refers to a recent alleged murder of a German citizen by a Syrian immigrant in the eastern German city of Chemnitz, a city where he grew up during the years following the Second World War. Street protests immediately following the killing were characterized by German Chancellor Angela Merkel as a “Hetzjagd”, a term akin to purge or pogrom. Lutz Bachmann is a leader of the Pegida (Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West) organization located in the eastern German city of Dresden. Bjorn Höcke is AfD chairman in the eastern state of Thuringia as well AfD leader in the state legislature. Armin-Paul Hampel is an AfD Bundestag member from the western state of Lower Saxony.]

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

The interior minister has named migration the mother of all problems. For months it has been part of the government’s foreign policy mantra that the flight from Africa and Asia should be resisted. In this context, it is utterly amazing that Union politicians are considering a Bundeswehr mission in Syria. That would mean two things: German participation would create new origins of refugees and the Bundeswehr could be involved in combat with Russian forces. War, confrontation with Russia? Frau Merkel, I hope that you do not want to risk that.  

But what policy is the government actually pursuing? In Afghanistan, where the Bundeswehr likewise ostensibly defends the security of Germany, the Taliban have again brought under their control extensive parts of the country. For 17 years are German soldiers stationed there, and the longer is their mission, the more Afghans as asylum applicants come to Germany. Do we thereby actually struggle against causes of the flight? I fear not.   

Ladies and gentlemen, a quote: 

We clearly reject an expansion of migration from third states, since it would exceed our society’s ability to integrate. Increased migration would endanger the domestic peace and aid radical powers.

So it is written in the CDU/CSU election program of 2002. But you have not applauded. That was a correct prognosis. The only question is, honorable colleagues of the Union, why have not taken it to heart? 

The domestic peace of our country is in fact endangered. A fissure goes through our society. I believe that there is no dissent to that. I fear however that there is considerable dissent as to the question of who is the origin of this danger. 

Let us look closer: Sunday in Köthen, two Afghans gang up against a German. The man dies. Saturday in Dortmund, men there, according to the subsequent police report apparently North Africans, cut down a German. Saturday in Mainz, two Arabs with knives attack a Somali and rob him. Saturday in Wiesbaden, many males, described as being dark-skinned, harass young women. Saturday in Fulda, three perpetrators subsequently described as being from southern countries, pursue a 52 year old after a disco visit and beat him senseless. Thursday in Friedberg, a 16 year old Syrian cuts an 18 year old native in the train station. Ladies and gentlemen, I break off here. 

Dietmar Bartsch (Linke): Well, that’s good. 

Do you think, dear colleagues of the Linke, that it is again time for a concert against the right? How ideologically obstinate, how confined by political tactics, must one be when the first reaction to the murder of a countryman is concern that the death could be used by a political opponent? 

Johannes Kahrs (SPD): That is just so cheap and painful. 

I repeat my question: Who threatens the domestic peace of this country? 

Johannes Kahrs (SPD): The AfD! 

Concerning the consequences of the chancellor’s immigration policy – 

            Johannes Kahrs (SPD): That is right-wing radicalism. 

– on the far-left website Indymedia under the title “Arm Yourself” is to be read, I quote: 

An aimed round from a gas-pistol at the head or heart of a Nazi is sufficiently lethal since it requires no legal formalities… 

Who endangers the public peace? When one listens to our political competitors and their protest, then of course the threat comes from the right. Let us look at Chemnitz. On the outskirts of a folk festival, so-called refugees with knives attacked three residents of Chemnitz. One of the three bled to death at the scene. The other two, severely wounded, must be brought to the hospital. The folk festival was cancelled. Due to a manslaughter in Köthen, one of the perpetrators had no residence authorization. Hundreds of Chemnitzers spontaneously made use of their democratic right of assembly to give notice of the outrage concerning the consequences of the chancellor’s immigration policy. Frau Chancellor, you called that an “unlawful assembly”. 

            Beatrix von Storch (AfD): Inconceivable!      

That was besides a punishable offense in the penal code of the DDR. The press in the DDR designated the protests that led to the collapse of the SED regime as unlawful assembly. When citizens make use of the their constitutional rights and the head of the government brands this in the style of a totalitarian state, then the alarm bells should sound for all of us in this house. 

            Britta Hasselmann (B90/Grünen): Have you really not seen the many Nazis? 

The former Bundestag member of the Green party, Antje Hermenau from Leipzig, wrote concerning this situation, quote: 

After unification, you preached the strongest sort of Manchester capitalism to us: just work and save…Then came the financial crisis, and suddenly there was heaps of money for the Greeks who had defrauded the euro. And today, the refugees who receive the money without working. The people feel that that is an injustice. Right! 

End quote. That is from Frau Hermenau, your former chairman in Saxony. And, dear colleagues, when many of these refugees then also commit crimes, patience simply comes to an end. 

During the spontaneous demonstrations, the motto of the peaceful revolution of 1989 was recited, “We are the people!” [Wir sind das Volk!]. Among the demonstrators there was also a pair of aggressive airheads, but it was the matter of a minority which was neither representative of the demonstration as a whole nor was able to delegitimize the concerns of the majority.  

Those who shout “Foreigners out!” and flaunt the Hitler salute –  

            Johannes Kahrs (SPD): They are all from the AfD! 

– are the great hope for you, ladies and gentlemen of the political-media establishment. Without these idiots and morons, and should only the normal citizens demonstrate, it would be a catastrophe for you. Always select such figures and produce the desired pictures. 

Britta Hasselmann (B90/Grünen): Lutz Bachmann, Bernd Höcke, Hampel – all in the front rank! 

While you, ladies and gentlemen of the left, spin the origins and consequences, many citizens no longer feel secure. As offensive as Hitler salutes are, may I be permitted to call to mind that the really evil event in Chemnitz was the bloody act of two asylum applicants.

Yet instead of reassuring the citizens and listening to them, the government with calculation casts oil on the fire. Thus the chancellor as well as her spokesman spread the fake news that there was an agit-hunt [Hetzjagd] of foreigners in Chemnitz. And the media ran with it. The news channels, N-TV, to name just one example, reported, “Neo-Nazis, lusting for civil war”, had left behind “a wasteland” of horror and blood. “Guiltless men were rousted and hunted like wild animals”. N-TV reported that without proof. Hamburg is a good argument. 

I repeat my question. Who endangers the domestic peace? The truth is, there was no manhunt in Chemnitz. 

            Ulli Nissen (SPD): And the earth is flat. 

The Saxony state attorney confirmed that, the Ministerpräsident [governor] confirmed it, the police report confirmed it, the local press, the managing editor of the Chemnitz Freien Presse. And, yes, in the end, even Herr Seibert, in the name of his boss, has half-withdrawn the insinuation. 

Actually, the police contingent in Chemnitz was not unlike that for an average soccer game. The attack of left-wing extremists with rocks and Molotov cocktails on the police in the Hambacher Forest on the same Sunday was very much more harsh. An officer had to be taken to the hospital. 

            Matthias W. Birkland (Linke): That is an unadulterated lie. 

Neither Frau Merkel nor Herr Seibert considered even that worthy of a mention. Instead, demonstrating citizens without distinction were criminalized. The Nordrhein-Westfalen Ministerpräsident Armin Laschet wants to “stop these sympathetic statements, that all are concerned citizens”. He has to some extent expressed the middle-class warning. 

            Johannes Kahrs (SPD): Right-wing radicals are nowhere in the middle.
            Neither are you. 

Even the president of the constitution defense office is to be attacked because he declared no substantial information was presented of a Hetzjagd in Chemnitz. What has been up to now been dished out to Herr Maassen permits only one interpretation: The commanding duty of the constitution defense office is to take part in the struggle against the right. That you have gladly done. 

From this point of view, it is logical that out political competitors want to require the constitution defense office to place the AfD under observation. 

            Ulli Nissen (SPD): That is urgently necessary. 

Do you know what? We have no problem with that. We have nothing to hide. The more the constitution office is occupied with us, the more clear it will be that it is not the AfD that endangers the constitution. 

Dear colleagues, you are attempting to criminalize the opposition while you construct a kind of popular front against the AfD. Might I remind you that never in history has a popular front policy been a success. You act as if we had only a choice between multiculturalism and fascism. That one can live also like the Swiss or the Danes or the Swedes apparently does not occur to you. 

Frau Merkel, you had said, after you had to retract the Hetzjagd insinuation, that there has been hatred…Why has there been, to stay with your remarkable lexicon, hatred? Because the Chemnitzers are crummy people or because they see themselves as the victim of a failed politics? Do these people hate out of a groundless wickedness? 

Britta Hasselmann (B90/Grünen): You stir up this hatred, Herr Gauland.
You and your troops.
One indeed will wait in vain for some form of self-criticism, dear Frau Merkel. Frau Chancellor, you have nothing more to offer this country or its citizens than stubbornness, dogmatism and calumny. You barricade yourself in the chancellor’s office only further from reality. 

I repeat my question. Who endangers the domestic peace of this country? Not us! I am grateful.

 [Translated by Todd Martin]