Monday, September 13, 2021

Bernd Baumann, September 7, 2021, Afghanistan Investigation

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/239, pp. 31104-31105.

Her President. Ladies and gentlemen.

The mission in Afghanistan is the greatest military and foreign policy failure in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany. 59 German soldiers are dead; countless billions senselessly squandered. It is a disaster! Never has a Federal minister in so important, in so great a matter so fundamentally failed – very much laying aside your prognoses, expectations, evaluations. All is now clear. Neither the CDU Defense Minister, and certainly not the SPD Foreign Minister, knew at all what they were doing, ladies and gentlemen. The debate must be in the daily order! We are governed by dilettantes and blindmen! We need to speak on that today in parliament.

There is also a reason why the matter needs be dealt with here in parliament, one still much more important: The failure in Afghanistan is a historic wake-up call, a profound caesura for the West. For 20 years, almost an entire generation, it was sought to implant Western values, Western forms of society and state in a most deeply oriental-Moslem country. That has failed with a crash. You have attained nothing; no one has taken charge. We need to speak on the reasons, and to be sure in full, ladies and gentlemen!

And the members of the Bundeswehr, the veterans and those left behind demand answers and, honestly, we here in parliament owe them an answer because it is a parliamentary army. A head of government does not determine its mission, a minister or a president, but the parliament itself; thus us.

The search for answers however requires valid data, supporting material and evidence; all documents, all mail, all data on the Afghanistan mission. Precisely that demands a motion which needs to be debated here today; but this debate the government coalition wants to prevent. We of the AfD want that this debate be set up. Put on this point of debate! It is one of the most important of the last weeks and months, ladies and gentlemen.

The reasons for the failures must be comprehensively elaborated, here in plenary session and in the committees. We of the AfD demand an investigating committee “Afghanistan”. It is now required and for this all supporting material needs to be secured. We today must decide on this; otherwise, it goes as in the investigating committee on the von der Leyen consultants affair. There, cell phone data was suddenly deleted, protocols mutilated, and important officials simply could not remember. That is not allowed to repeat, ladies and gentlemen.

And 2015 is not allowed to repeat. As we have just heard from the new agencies, people evacuated by the U.S. Army to Germany, to Ramstein, have submitted asylum applications and are leaving the U.S. defense area. That contradicts everything that the Federal government promised to the voters on how they want to manage this. And this is again a failure with which we need to deal in advance and in advance prevent.


[trans: tem]