Thursday, September 2, 2021

Tino Chrupalla, August 29, 2021, Afghan Migrants

AfD Kompakt, August 29, 2021. 

The debate over the Ortskräfte [local auxiliaries] was from the beginning a door-opener debate for the settlement of migrants who certainly are not Ortskräfte. The Federal government needs to immediately provide precise information as to which persons they have flown in and on which basis. Is it possible that violent perpetrators have again been brought to Germany?

2015 indeed threatens to be repeated, yet otherwise than was thought. We will not be over-run; we haul the people by aircraft via legal flight paths and resettlement programs into the country itself. This policy neither helps the Afghans nor serves the interests of the Europeans. It must be our goal that all Afghans are able to remain in their homeland or in their home regions!

[trans: tem]