Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Jörg Urban, September 27, 2021, AfD in Saxony

AfD Kompakt, September 27, 2021.

With the Bundestag election, the AfD has become the strongest power in Saxony and now presents the clear majority of election constituency members. Meanwhile, the ground under the feet of the governing CDU was pulled away. They have plunged to 17.2 percent. In 2013, they still came in at 42.6 percent.

It is clear that this shift in the political balance of power has wide-ranging effects in the Free State of Saxony. As the strongest power in Saxony, we must and will take responsibility.

The CDU herein stands before the greatest upheaval in its history. Their forced marriage with leftist radical powers like the Green Justice Minister Katja Meier has failed with a crash. With close attention I am following which consequences the CDU’s particular currents draw therefrom. Minister-president Michael Kretschmer appears to stand for a continuation despite all, by which he attempts to shift all responsibility onto Armin Laschet and the Konrad Adenauer Haus.

Who goes along this red-green way of the CDU renders Saxony a disservice and provides for a weakening of conservative positions. We therefore call upon all conservative powers in Saxony in common to usher in a bürgerliche change. So long as Herr Kretschmer stands at the head of the State and the CDU, this can only mean supporting the AfD.


[trans: tem]