Berlin Abgeordnetenhaus, Plenarprotokoll
18/83, pp. 9776-9778.
Right honorable Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen. Dear
Who seriously expected that the mission in Afghanistan might
have been able to become a political success has for many years long shut his
eyes to the facts. That was an ideological blindness which unfortunately is typical
of the do-gooder, decadent Zeitgeist
in our country and other Western states, an ideological blindness which also in
regards other political and social themes clouds the view from one’s own bubble
and has led to erroneous conclusions and decisions. I recall only the foreign
criminality, gender gaga, or climate madness. The bitter truth is, who pushes
aside or demonizes the facts cannot resolve the challenges and govern a people
along with their true needs.
Exactly that goes for 20 years when it is about Afghanistan.
No one from the circle of the politically responsible had ever taken the
trouble to for once define our national interests. Instead, a monstrous moral
obligation was discovered – we need impart our values and democracy in a
country far from here so as to be able to live securely. After 20 years, the
facts speak a different language. In the objective country, with the Taliban a
medieval Moslem force again takes power in a medieval society.
An additional measurable result: Presently, more than
270,000 Afghans live with us. The by far preponderant majority of them have
immigrated into our social system, although that will readily be swept under
the carpet by the old parties, exactly so as besides the high rate of criminality.
Between 2015 and 2020 throughout Germany, police recorded over 260,000 Afghans
suspected of a criminal act; in terms of the statistics, almost every Afghan
refugee. What do the old parties demand in this situation? – It happens that
the Greens candidate for Chancellor, whose party friend Joschka Fischer had
besides 20 years ago flipped the switch for the Bundeswehr mission in the
Hindukush, wants to haul into our country additional Afghans, 50,000 more. With
such irresponsible statements, you waken anew, as in 2015, the false
expectation that we would have a place for anyone. That, we do not have.
Yet thus will new streams of refugees be set in motion…The
wrong ones will again be attracted; namely, the strong, young men, the group
besides with the highest rate of criminality, and not those in fact requiring
assistance. Who supports that, acts irresponsibly and negligently.
The fact is, we cannot solve Afghanistan’s problems in Germany
and certainly not in Berlin. That clearly does not interest the red-red-green
Senate. Instead, one boasts of having assisted in the rescue of German Ortskräfte. Press reports of past days
state it was just 130 persons. The rest had been unlucky or needed to give up their
place in a Bundeswehr aircraft to a deported criminal or rapist. These are
newspaper reports which give rise only to head-shaking.
Naturally it is right to rescue from the Islamists Ortskräfte who had worked for us and
were loyal. Yet no one knows whether all those concerned were and are loyal to
their employers. No one knows whether we in this way have not brought or are
still bringing to us persons who certainly do not deserve our help because they
were corrupt or violence-prone, have spied for the Taliban, or even are
terrorists. Who were all the others who additionally were brought by airlift
into our country? No one knows exactly,
Lars Düsterhöft (SPD): That applies to you, too!
just like in 2015. No one knows whether those flown out
actually would have been subjected to political persecution had they remained
in Afghanistan. The hasty change of front of many Afghans with the advance of
the Taliban gives rise to substantial doubt.
The acceptance of additional Afghans thus needs to be
clearly delimited to a distinctly defined group of truly threatened Ortskräfte. We are not allowed to again
renounce, as in 2015, a comprehensive control of streams of refugees.
The enormous risks with which that is associated have again just
been made clear in the concluding report of the investigating committee on the
terror attack of December 19, 2016. I therefore unambiguously demand: Never
again may there be a loss of state control like 2015.
In Afghanistan has become clear that do-gooder arrogance in
the face of rooted traditions will always come up short. It has become clear
that an excessive helper syndrome, paired with the lack of clearly defined
national foreign policy interests, has catastrophic consequences. A country in
which essential portions of the population still live in a patriarchal world
closely shaped by poverty, religion and tribal thinking cannot be inspired by
the Western form of democracy – and not by a lot of money, a lot of soldiers,
democracy seminars or gender mainstreaming courses. Who has once concerned
himself with Afghanistan’s history can only wonder at the unbelievable
arrogance and stupidity with which it is still believed to this day in
Washington, London or Berlin
Carsten Schatz (Linke): What did you do there?
that a country in 20 years can be led from the Middle Ages
to modernity.
Nearly all Afghans, in so far as one can at all speak of a
national Afghan identity, are neither interested nor ready to fight for that –
as we have seen. That was clearly indicated by the Taliban’s victory march
which hit upon practically no resistance and which in many places was even
frenetically welcomed. That is thus long legitimate, as thereby other countries
will not be overrun with war, terror and waves of refugees. Concerning the
acceptance of Afghans, our country and our city have no backlog – quite the
The previously mentioned figure of over 270,000 Afghans in
Germany is nearly as great as that of the U.S.A., Canada and Australia combined.
In Berlin alone since 2015 were far over 11,000 Afghan refugees taken in. This
is as many as all of Italy. Honor killings, knifings, assaults on women, social
fraud with countless identities make clear, here integration occurs just as
well as not.
Anne Helm
(Linke): It is also guilty for your hair loss!
In view of these facts, it is not surprising that, after the
housing shortage which besides needs also be seen in connection with the
refugee streams of recent years, the security situation is presently for
Berliners the most important theme. I therefore strive to appeal to the
government: Do not again overtax the Berliners’ readiness to help as you
already had done in 2015. It is the interests of the Berliners with which we
primarily need to concern ourselves. Anyone who wants to be with us therefore
must undergo a security check and examination of identity before he is allowed
to travel to our country.
Large streams of refugees need be collected with our
assistance in bordering states. This works to counter the cultural
deracination, is essentially more humane because we are able to help many more
people, and is essentially more favorable financially. I may here give an
example: In place of 10,000 refugees in Germany, we could support some one
million people locally and help them. The perspective for the Afghans who leave
their country can only be the most rapid return from the neighboring countries
to their homeland, as soon as the situation permits this, but not entry into
Germany. They will of course be urgently required for the rebuilding of their
Therefore, the triad of our answer to the situation in
Afghanistan reads: To help specifically the few, authentic, loyal Ortskräften, to support the acceptance
and care of Afghan refugees in the neighboring countries and, third, to
unconditionally prevent a repetition of what occurred in 2015 so as to protect
the Berliners from further excessive demand.
Thank you for your attention.
[trans: tem]