Thursday, September 23, 2021

Kristin Brinker, September 16, 2021, Berlin

Berlin Abgeordnetenhaus, Plenarprotokoll 18/84, pp. 9910-9912.

Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

When I hear my preceding speakers – colleague Saleh and colleague Helm – then the impression can surely be acquired that those who rule live on an entirely different planet; since Berlin, unfortunately, does not function.

            Steffen Zillich (Linke): No idea, where you live!

The German capital city has decayed into a national joke and, for that, you on the left side of this house are responsible.

            Anne Helm (Linke): Why do you look down on Berlin?

Ich liebe Berlin, ich bin Herzenberlinerin.

Only with us is there a chance for a functioning city, for more housing and more security. The citizens of Berlin want precisely that! What the Berliners quite clearly do not want is a confused and overbearing convolution of decrees, prohibitions, regulations, threats and confinements under the pretense of the fight against the pandemic.

As previously, the government’s preventive measures are neither comprehensible nor transparent, are founded neither on facts nor knowledge and thereby business owners suffer exactly as do families with children. The shifting of the decision of whether 2G or 3G shall apply in restaurants or at events leads not only to chaos and complication – this model is a forced vaccination through the backdoor, borne on the backs of restaurateurs and events organizers who in regards their customers are forced to fall between all stools.

How abstruse these regulations are is alone therein shown by that the Senate’s decision to in fact exclude families with children was readied just on Tuesday. That is the child friendliness the likes of which you desire. Only after the protest over this abstruse measure had become so great was the Senate’s decision, yesterday defended with verve, again quietly cashiered. An observer is without comprehension, and asks: What actually was this Senate thinking?

            Frank-Christian Hansel (AfD): Jawohl!

The 2G rule is an attack on the freedom and autonomy of mature citizens and on the free formation and development of our children. The people are very much in the position to reach an individual risk assessment and to autonomously decide whether they want to allow themselves to be vaccinated or not.

In the same way, each himself decides whether he smokes tobacco or marijuana to excess or which risks he incurs, and will for all that be supported by the community in solidarity. Here, the state is not to meddle. It however does exactly that with a practical vaccination obligation and the splitting of society into the supposedly good vaccinated and the supposedly bad non-vaccinated. Red-red-green, without necessity, are making a two class society and we here in Berlin are not allowed to permit that. Not only is the handling of Corona disastrous – that shortly before the election you want to quickly purchase a housing package in the billions is, it needs be clearly said, a quite dirtier deal. It is namely nothing other than an attempted buying of votes in important key quarters a few days before the election.

            Frank-Christian Hansel (AfD): Right!

You thereby shift the risks of these deals onto the State’s own housing societies and thereby onto the taxpayers and all Berliners. Especially improper in regards this purchase is that from the old stock naturally not a single new dwelling will be created; with that, however, shall voters be drawn for the SPD in the State.       

Is it besides clear to you why the real estate and rent prices have so increased in the last years? The wicked speculators are not guilty; guilty is the political decision to rescue euro states which do not consistently economize, for which the ECB, contrary to its actual mandate, has reduced the interest rate to the minus level. The result: Especially well-to-do southern Europeans, pension funds and further so bring their assets to Germany and purchase primarily real estate as a hedge strategy against the euro, state, finance and banking crises of their own countries.

The consequence is naturally a price explosion in the real estate market with corresponding increases. Your proposed solutions, to interfere in the market with Rent-cap, Expropriation & Co., are not only unconstitutional, they set in motion a catastrophic intervention spiral. You want to solve the problems created by you with ever more debts, ever more inflation, ever more bureaucracy, and in the end ever more serfdom, and certainly do not notice what destructive effects that has for the future – or it is all the same to you. One does not know which is worse.

Also destructive is the latest loading policy for additional refugees and the thereby required re-opening of initial reception facilities. It would be right and sensible if we help Afghans find protection near to home; it would be right and sensible if the Senate would take seriously the hints of its own co-workers who warn of a systematic abuse of asylum. Instead, the Senate obviously ignores that and thereby substantially contributes to that the acceptance of the German right of asylum is massively undermined.

Prof. Bernd Raffelhüschen at the 2018 Chiemsee Conference correctly stated in his essay “Open Borders or a Generous Social State. Not Both?!” – I cite –

            Sebastian Schlüsselberg (Linke): By what business was that paid for?

Either Europe guarantees the generous social state at the price of forming a fortress, or it will become a continent of immigration according to the American model. Not both!

– end citation.

            Steffen Zillich (Linke): Also read out the footnotes!

A democracy lives by the debate and the substantial discussion of distinctive opinions and viewpoints. Democracy does not live by the destruction of election placards and the setting fire to autos, as just happened in the night of Monday to Tuesday to the father of a family of three small children in Marzhan-Hellersdorf. Why was his auto torched? Because he is a candidate for the AfD, showed his face and stood up for his opinion. It is meanwhile on all grounds a matter of concern that this extreme violence is no longer limited to material damages.

Is this appropriate in a democracy? Is this a society which we want in the future? Is this still authentic freedom of opinion when one can no longer openly acknowledge a party because one is in danger of being socially branded and cancelled? Why, according to a current Allensbach poll, do more than half of the Germans no longer openly state their political opinion?

            Christian Buchholz (AfD): Hear, hear!

Why are there lately only fewer than a third of the Germans who feel themselves to be free here? Should not that make us think? I myself wish that any of those who verbosely carry the term “democracy” before them like a monstrance also actually live this democracy.

            Frank-Christian Hansel (AfD): Bravo!

Anne Helm (Linke): The AfD never belonged to that! It is a democratic duty to defend democracy from you!

Empty word husks do not suffice to form a stable society in an ever more rapidly changing world which guarantees to all people a good and secure life. We of the AfD want precisely that, for Berlin and for the Berliners – a good and secure life in a world city which also deserves this name: Berlin, but normal.

Many thanks.           


[trans: tem]