Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Jörg Meuthen, October 5, 2021, EU-USA Relations – Picula Report

AfD Kompakt, October 5, 2021.

Good relations with Washington are in our interest. It is therefore important that our interests be respected by Washington. In the past, that was not always the case: One thinks of the U.S.A.’s attempt to hinder Nord Stream 2 or to entangle us in interventionist foreign policy adventure, the consequences of which have more harmed us than been of use. From there proceeds a not unfounded scepticism in regards U.S. foreign policy. This scepticism however ought not mislead to proceeding on a confrontation course with the U.S.A.

Trade is the key for good relations. If goods do not cross the borders, soldiers will, a French economist once said. And what the Picula Report on EU-US relations today discussed in the EU parliament here establishes is correct: Among other things, an intensification and improvement of trade relations between the EU and the U.S.A. and a reciprocal suspension and deconstruction of tariffs.

Nevertheless, the Picula Report cannot be agreed to because it mixes up interests policy with a leftist ideology: Where it should be about an adjustment of interests eye to eye, it deals with an LGBTIQ fetish, gender equality, an indirect forced vaccination, internet censorship on account of alleged hate speech, so-called racism, and climate dirigisme. Trade policy thus becomes a vehicle of a leftist cultural revolution.

We reject this and demand closer yet de-ideologized relations with the U.S.A.


[trans: tem]