Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Alice Weidel, October 18, 2021, Coalition and Budget

AfD Kompakt, October 18, 2021. 

The “traffic light” is proceeding according to the familiar type of socialist wish-what-you-will policy: The expansion of the state sector will be passed off as an “investment”, an expensive pretense by which others are arranged and the financing will be shifted into nebulous generalities and declarations of intent. The lip service for the debt brake and for a renunciation of new taxes are, under these conditions, worthless placebos.

It is significant that the debate now already is primarily about how the debt brake could be tricked out by means of “investment companies” and “special facilities”. That is voter fraud, since in the end the taxpayer must always be stiffed for public debts, no matter how it is declared. It can thereby be expected to again arrive at new costs under the camouflage of “duties” [Abgaben] or “pricings” [Bepreisungen].

In view of exploding energy prices, the citizens urgently need to be relieved. That however is not achieved by the distribution of new debts, but only when the state pockets less and cuts senseless expenditures. The lavishing of billions on energy transition, EU redistribution, euro debts union, migration costs and a green-left ideology and clientele politics is however not at all a theme for Greens, SPD and their majority-making FDP. It is an evidence of incapacity for the FDP that it lends itself to so transparent a charade and betrays liberal principles for a pair of cabinet posts.


[trans: tem]