Tuesday, October 26, 2021

René Springer, October 25, 2021, Labor, Wages and Migration

AfD Kompakt, October 25, 2021.

In regards the increasing demand for skilled labor, the call for more immigration of labor forces is a naïve reflex which at most serves for the combating of symptoms. Much more important would be the combating of the multifaceted origins of the shortage in some occupations. To that belongs that businesses finally pay wages by which one can well live and feed a family. The state-organized wage dumping by means of the immigration of little qualified foreigners must come to an end. Instead, opportunities for re-education and additional training should be better promoted. Work moreover must again be worthwhile and the emigration of skilled German labor be stopped. For that, the government needs to significantly reduce the draconian cost of taxes and duties for small- and middle-income recipients. More net from gross for our employees is more important than the financing of unrealistic fantasies of saving the world.


[trans: tem]