Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Beatrix von Storch, October 11, 2021, Christians in the AfD

AfD Kompakt, October 11, 2021. 

The annual convention has dealt with our beliefs in a society which increasingly questions its Christian basis and everyday Christianity, or besides now willingly submits itself to Islam in Cologne: In the cathedral city of Cologne, in one of the oldest centers of Catholic religion in Germany, Erdogan’s Ditib Islamists may now spread the Moslem muezzin call throughout the city limits. All 35 Cologne mosques can announce over loudspeakers every Friday for five minutes: “There is no other God but Allah!” Under cover of the freedom of religion, political Islam is signaled that Christian society is not ready to defend the rights of freedom and of women, even less so the rights of minorities. All of this is proof of a wrongly understood tolerance – a fatal judgment.

The discussions at the Christians in the AfD annual convention have made clear that Christian concerns are not restricted to specific themes like abortion or assisted death, but overlap with the left-green “Gender Revolution” in all state- and social-political basic issues. It is here again shown that these themes are of intense interest not only for convinced Christians but also for less religiously- and ideologically-centered conservatives.

The two great churches in Germany for years are committed less to their members’ salvation but to red-green themes like the promotion of mass immigration. And who still hoped that Christian positions were to be defended by the Schwarzen [Conservatives] was at the latest since Merkel permanently disillusioned. The once upon a time “C” of the CDU and the CSU is meantime only still a labeling swindle. The Union parties stand for marriage for all. The climate hysteria is their new religion which they follow without condition. For conservative Christians, the Christians in the AfD is the only alternative.


[trans: tem]