Friday, October 8, 2021

Alice Weidel, October 6, 2021, Automobile Industry

AfD Kompakt, October 6, 2021.

Within five years automobile production in Germany has been almost halved to just 2.9 million vehicles. Primarily the Mittelstand suppliers, who in Germany are in the area of hundreds of thousands of industrial workplaces, are thereby gravely affected.

Corona lockdowns, interrupted worldwide supply chains and the microchip shortage caused thereby have intensified the crisis of the automobile industry. The deeper origin of the downfall however is the ideological war against the combustion engine and individual mobility, and the presumptuousness of the policy for the planned economy regulation of the automobile market.

We need to most quickly leave this wrong way. Otherwise threatens the destruction of a key industry which represents the backbone of our prosperity and Germany’s status as an industrial country.


[trans: tem]