Friday, October 1, 2021

Jürgen Pohl, October 1, 2021, Auto Industry and Globalization

AfD Kompakt, October 1, 2021.

The planned closing at Eisenach shows: Those responsible in the leadership of the Opel concern and in politics have culpably neglected during the pandemic to re-organize the electronics supply chains vital to production. A constructive critique of globalization was omitted. That now takes its toll – with bitter consequences for employees at Eisenach, the recently modernized automobile hub. These however do not bear the guilt for the failed economic policy of the last years, whereby were neglected required investments in national research for the promotion of resilience in auto and industrial production. For the AfD delegation in the German Bundestag, it is clear that the Opel works urgently needs be maintained as an exemplar of the Thüringen economy as well as for a successful Aufbau Ost. An emigration of production to foreign countries and a thereby associated loss of workplaces must be unconditionally prevented. We correspondingly demand of the policy to today declare an existence guarantee for the Eisenach Opel works.

[trans: tem]