Monday, October 18, 2021

Alice Weidel, October 14, 2021, Economy and Coalition

AfD Kompakt, October 14, 2021.

With eyes open, Germany slides straight into the next economic crisis. The effects of the seriously distorted global supply chains and the intensified shortages in key raw materials and intermediate products are not quite yet to be seen in their entire impetus.

Mittelstand and middle-class run this winter into a mill of wide-ranging price increases, exploding energy costs and grinding high taxes and duties on one side, and on the other a menacing unemployment as a result of the decline and upheaval of entire branches.

In such a situation, it must be of the highest political priority to minimize the state pressure on the citizens, to set aside costly, ideological projects with dubious outcomes like the “energy transition” and CO2 taxation, and to give citizens, taxpayers and the Mittelstand economy more air to breathe.

In the sounding-out negotiations for the formation of the next government, instead of tax reduction and the return to pragmatic reason, the talk is primarily of new costs, prohibitions and ideo-political planning, while additional billions will be blithely distributed to all the world and the public will be kept at a trot with absurd discourses over “racism”, gender gaga, new, incomprehensible Corona regulations and an extortionary pressure upon those not vaccinated.

The denial of reality by establishment politics and mainstream media, in view of the real and concrete problems and challenges for our country, is by degrees rupturing every imaginative power [sprengt allmählich jede Vorstellungskraft].


[trans: tem]