Friday, October 29, 2021

Alice Weidel, October 27, 2021, Debt Brake in Hesse

AfD Kompakt, October 27, 2021.

The special fund financed on credit, which the [Hessen] governing CDU and Green delegations decided on in the summer of 2021 in the sum of 12 billion euros, only thus came about because the voting rules were previously changed: Instead of a two-thirds majority, a simple one sufficed. It now turns out that one would have been able to do without this trick for loosening the debt brake anchored in the Hessen Constitution. Since with the enacted special fund was in fact enacted a shadow budget which is obviously unconstitutional. This might not be otherwise permitted in other Federal States which have proceeded just so.  

This once again shows that the way which Bund and States have adopted for the mitigation of the immense economic damage first originating as a result of their own Corona policy was from the beginning a wrong way. For instead of detouring around debt brakes so as to make possible credit-financed Corona assistance, a more moderate and measured engagement with the Corona pandemic would have made the current Corona assistance simply unnecessary.

It remains to hope that the corresponding signal sent out by today’s decision of the Hessen State High Court will be understood and implemented throughout the Bund. As far as additional constitutional petitions [Normenkontrollklagen] should be necessary for that, will the AfD not be intimidated.


[trans: tem]