Friday, October 22, 2021

Alexander Gauland, October 20, 2021, Polish-German Border and Migration

AfD Kompakt, October 20, 2021.

The Federal Interior Minister has noted plenty late that it needs be fixed. The Polish-German border patrols announced by him are nevertheless again only an evasive maneuver. The decisive point is that illegal migrants without exception must be sent back and certainly not first allowed to obtain the possibility of submitting an asylum petition. Not just a couple percent, but all illegal migrants who from Belarus reach the German border via Poland must be returned to Poland. For the guaranteeing of that, seamless border controls are indispensable. The border guards must receive the commission to prevent illegal border crossings, and not just for official reporting. Horst Seehofer must here make a complete job of it [Nägel mit Köpfen machen].


[trans: tem]