Saturday, October 16, 2021

Stephan Brandner, October 15, 2021, Coalition Talks

AfD Kompakt, October 15, 2021.

No matter the FDP, the twelve-page paper shows where the journey goes. What has been listed under the harmless sounding heading, “Freedom and Security, Equalization and Variety in the Modern Democracy”, lets the worst be presumed and every warning of the AfD become true. The likely traffic light coalitioners will govern with a left-green knout and, for a majority of its citizens, disfigure the country beyond recognition.

Citizenship will be granted even more easily, the normal, bürgerlichen majority must yield to “woke” minorities, primarily from the LGBT world. Gender lunacy, quota rules and the intense surveillance of those who think differently will determine the living together. The voting age will even be reduced to 16. The future coalitioners have hope in the easily manipulated young voters.

In view of a hollowed-out, drifting and purposeless CDU, one thing is clear: Only the AfD with a consistent policy of opposition will make way against this extremist course harmful to Germany. That, with all power for our country.


[trans: tem]