Showing posts with label Tino Chrupalla. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tino Chrupalla. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2025

Tino Chrupalla, February 11, 2025, Dismantlement of Germany

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/212, pp. 27669-27671. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen. 

With this plenary debate and with this sitting, we not only close the 20th legislative period of the German Bundestag, after three and a half years we’ve also finally overcome the Ampel experiment. After 16 years of the political standstill and initial dismantlement of Germany under Angela Merkel, since 2021 this coalition has implemented the most truly radical social and economic reconstruction of this country. 

Herr Chancellor, what now do you and your cabinet leave behind? In the election campaign, you want to clarify all of what you have accomplished; that, you’ve clearly done, ja, today in your speech. For our country, it would have been very good had you so self-consciously come forward in the past years as social democratic coalition leader and Federal Chancellor. Then of course the heap of fragments of your policy which you leave behind would be essentially smaller. 

And from the government’s representatives and indeed also from the FDP, Herr Dürr, I am missing a large portion of humility. You act as if you had nothing to do with what you have in fact brought forward. You signed the coalition contract, with all its points, which you and Herr Lindner now criticize. You collaborated. You have broken the back of the skilled trades, of the Mittelstand. You are co-responsible. And today you speak of “truth” and “responsibility”. You will get the receipt at the end of the month in the Bundestag election. I hope your party no longer belongs to this Bundestag. 

Trust in the Politik has sunk. Forty percent of those eligible to vote do not know what they shall vote for. 

            Judith Skudelny (FDP): FDP!

There plainly are still citizens outside the Berlin bubble, and these citizens want to see solutions for the problems. They want that the problems finally be addressed. They also have a claim to that, and for that, all of us in this parliament were elected. 

Yet instead of constructively developing Germany, you mutually obstruct yourselves. While you quarrel, the switches are being flipped for the future of Germany and of Europe, economically and politically. Facts are being made. Our European neighbors invest in research and further development of nuclear power. You meanwhile bring our country back to the pre-industrial age, and hope in wind and sun which, ja, send no invoice. That, we all see. You accept that with Nord Stream our critical infrastructure is destroyed, and you trouble yourself not once for an explanation; it is for you plainly all the same, Herr Merz. What’s more, Herr Habeck explains that Germany is not allowed to be one-sidedly dependent on Russia, while he one-sidedly buys fracking gas from the United States. Ladies and gentlemen, we meanwhile steer back into the Middle Ages. Only now we have wind mills and electro-autos, yet still no network structure or energy storage. 

In your excess zeal, Herr Habeck, together with your colleagues of the green parties, you have best serviced the lobby interests – this was important to you – of the firms and consultants. Nevertheless remain those who fell by the wayside, those who have to pay for these hysterical measures; namely, the citizens, the Mittelstand, the trades. 

We are meanwhile world’s champion of Verbot laws – see the heating law, see combustion engine Verbot – and I do not want to leave here unmentioned the Corona time –  and meanwhile taillight in regards economic growth and leader of the pack in regards state spending.   

For months and years, we of the Alternative für Deutschland were the only opposition in the German Bundestag, the corrective for this Federal government. I personally and my delegation, well before the beginning of this legislature, warned of the de-industrialization of Germany. That was just as well condemned by you, and by the media representatives inclined to you, as a conspiracy theory. 

And where do we stand today? The energy costs and the non-wage labor costs are too high, the bureaucracy is oppressive. For that, however, there is an inferior infrastructure. The Tagesschau yesterday added, cite: Experts had warned for years of a death of industry. And where was the Federal government? You narcissistically rode your hobby horse and played poker with our children’s future. Thus this Ampel government for long no more has a majority in the German people. 

That was also clear following the past plenary week. As a reaction to the horrific murders of children and adults, this Federal government was called upon to finally carry through measures for securing the borders, expulsion of criminals and a tightening up of the right of asylum. Herr Dürr, you have apparently also forgotten that. A quarter of your delegation did not vote for these things – so much for your party and delegation. 

The reactions since then, certainly also that of the Union delegation, speak for themselves. Herr Merz believes to be able to thereby take as his own the migration themes. In common with almost all other parties, the Union now does not tell tales of how security in this country can guaranteed, but of firewalls. That is important to you, that is your most important theme. 

Honored colleagues, you construct a firewall which ostracizes 20 percent of the voters, and 40 percent of the voters in the east. How long do you want to still hold onto this friend-foe model? Herr Merz, you are exactly so a politician of the past as is Olaf Scholz. 

            Julia Klöckner (CDU/CSU): And you were never one!

For us, one thing matters: Patience is the courage of composure [Geduld is der Mut der Gelassenheit]. For reality and actuality [Wirklichkeit], right honorable ladies and gentlemen, will overtake you all. Believe me, you’ve not acted for the welfare of the citizens. And that you at all reconsider domestic security in our country is our success; that is a success of the Alternative für Deutschland. 

We are the only opposition delegation in this house which directs its policy in the interests of Germany without first casting a glance at possible coalition partners, as Herr Merz has done. We will also after the election drive forward the discussion of a good migration policy. 

Basic prerequisites for that are and remain a good relation with as many as possible of all the world’s states, and before all things peace. We need to clearly formulate our interests, which the partners know and are primarily esteemed by us. Enough porcelain has been broken by the values-led Frau Baerbock. That is now at an end. Herr Mützenich, on February 23 the citizens will throw open the door to paradise. Election day is payday, Herr Mützenich. 

One thing is certain – I want to mention this in conclusion: In the year 2025, we no more require an eastern commissioner. The eastern commissioner is called Alternative für Deutschland. 

Many thanks.


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Monday, December 23, 2024

Tino Chrupalla, December 16, 2024, Confidence in Government

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/205, pp. 26525-26526. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen. 

Following the elections for the 20th German Bundestag, was very quickly clear that a government of SPD, FDP, Bundnis 90/Greens will yield no policy in the interest of Germany, and we were more than confirmed in that. 

In regards the decision of conscience of the now to follow vote on the Chancellor’s confidence question, numerous origins of the Ampel government’s failure need to be considered. 

Herr Chancellor, to express confidence in you would be counter to the interests of the economy and the citizens. This coalition wanted to combine programs which are simply incompatible. Thus were entirely obvious compromises in statutory form carried through which only served the Ampel’s stability. In that regard, the future of German industry was never at the central point. As a result are over 20,000 business insolvencies in the year 2024. Germany declines economically, and international investors, due to the enormous tax burden, still come only when robust state promotion means are promised. 

Along with the one-sided and aggressive climate policy, there remains from this Ampel only a state becoming ever larger, more interventionist and more restrictive of innovation, which devours the citizens’ taxes. Consent for restrictions was expensively purchased with promises and gifts of money, as the heating law only too well demonstrated. 

In that regard, the Free Democrats have committed the truly greatest betrayal of their voters. Who, for a securing of power, so far distances himself from his program, needs also show no tenacity in regards resignation. That is not only too late, Herr Lindner, but simply unbelievable, just as you are as a person. That, Herr Mützenich has today wonderfully summarized. 

Yet now we also need be so honest and say that politics is a long-term business. Every Federal government knowingly takes up the inheritance of its preceding or penultimate government. Accordingly, it’s simply just ridiculous when the CDU/CSU again shows no humility and not once develops its own ideas. You copy AfD demands: Solve the migration question by border controls and deportations, re-name Bürgergeld in a new basic security, abolish the supply chain due diligence law, reduce the business taxes. Herr Merz, the question is: With whom do you want to actually implement all that? With whom do you want to actually do all that? 

            Friedrich Merz (CDU/CSU): With you, certainly not. Certainly not with you! 

That, you did not say today in your unsympathetic speech, Herr Merz.

            Friedrich Merz (CDU/CSU): With you not! 

So as to make our country competitive again, of course need be developed the infrastructures which were neglected for decades: Structural, personal, and of course also financial. In that regard, it’s also about efficiency. Finally look at what you expended for particular posts. For years already, I call [anmahne] for an audit and it would have been your duty as Finance Minister, Herr Lindner, to finally realize that. We of course may no longer fleece those who create value in Germany. And we need not do it if the Federal government finally had come or would come to decisions with a future. 

A successful state provides an infrastructure – streets, railways, schools, hospitals, etc. – in which firms gladly settle and create workplaces and also can expand. If however these firms are alienated by ever more bureaucratic demands and expensive energy, they will go to another country, as we, ja, presently see. 

Herr Chancellor, I nevertheless hold one thing of yours to be good: Your Nein to a delivery of Taurus cruise missiles. For the war-lovers of the FDP, the CDU, the Greens, you were hesitant; for me in this case prudent. It is really not to be imagined if a Friedrich Merz had decided in your place. 

            Hermann Gröhe (CDU/CSU): Radio Moscow!

We would have been drawn much deeper into war. For there is, ja, peace in every cemetery. There we can, with a CDU/CSU-led government under Friedrich Merz, then visit our children. 

            Alexander Dobrindt (CDU/CSU): That is unbelievable!

Right honorable ladies and gentlemen, we finally need a politics in German and European interest. And that is only with a Chancellor candidate Alice Weidel and with the Alternative für Deutschland. 

Many thanks. 


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Friday, November 8, 2024

Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla, November 7, 2024, The End of the Ampel

AfD Kompakt, November 7, 2024. 

The end of the Ampel is a liberation for our country. The exit for the self-named “progressive coalition”, which with great strides has led Germany into an economic abyss, was more than overdue. After the months-long standstill and the innumerable self-referential therapy sessions, we now require quickly a fundamental political new beginning so as to lead the economy and the entire country out of the serious crisis into which it has come by means of the ideology-driven policy of SPD, Greens and FDP. Chancellor Olaf Scholz needs now do the country a final service and immediately put the confidence question.



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Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel, November 6, 2024, Donald Trump

AfD Kompakt, November 6, 2024. 

In the name of the Alternative für Deutschland, we congratulate Donald Trump on the election! Like the Germans, U.S. citizens have enough of state indebtedness, economic decline, endless wars and illegal migration. We offer support and cooperation in regards the solution of these problems. Donald Trump can enter history as a patriotic President of peace. 

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Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Tino Chrupalla, October 28, 2024, Electro-mobility

AfD Kompakt, October 28, 2024. 

Politicians and and short-sighted business functionaries have hastily and one-sidedly decided for the electro-mobility. This decision does not correspond to the wish of the consumers and to the well-being of the workers. The economic war against the east leads to high energy prices and harms Germany as a business venue [Standort Deutschland]. So as to save the works, politics and business need to change the strategy. The recipe reads: Openness to technology, realistic limit values and advantageous energy. 

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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tino Chrupalla, September 11, 2024, Government without a People

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/184, pp. 23875-23876. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen. 

75 years Basic Law, 75 years German Bundestag – with the attempt of a celebration yesterday – and 75 years Federal Republic of Germany. The year of jubilees following the straining, successful years of construction in west and in east, after years of Cold War, the east-west conflict – and now 35 years after the fall of the Wall, the Ampel Federal government fights only for the hold on power, we again have war in Europe, and the people’s trust in the political leadership sinks incessantly. You can now again say: The AfD only pushes doom-saying and has no concept. – With that however, you would fall short of the necessary self-criticism. For I want to yet again state one thing: For the desolate situation in Germany, you alone on the government bench bear the responsibility. 

For a re-appraisal of the election results, let us take a look at the east of the Republic. In the 35th year after the fall of the Wall, the  portion of the eastern Germans amounts to 19 percent, and the portion of eastern Germans in top positions in business, administration, science and media is presently at 1.7 percent. The economic situation still differs immensely, as well in regards to  pensions and incomes – and for women and men – as in regards investments in the economic area. That the lives of eastern Germans differ from those in the west, we know. Therefore has this Federal government again called upon an eastern commissioner, Herr Schneider. And here I ask myself, Herr Schneider – in this debate, it’s certainly about eastern Germany: What actually do you contribute to this debate? The citizens in the east are continually denigrated, tutored and not taken seriously. Herr Merz thinks more needs be explained in the east than in the west, and he gladly does this. Frau Esken does that every day on the television. You treat the people in the east like difficult to teach citizens, and actually understand nothing. 

The elections in the east thus have shown – and this you really should take seriously – eastern Germany is the thermometer of the Federal Republic. The denigration besides is related to the Green system. Massively punished by the voters in eastern Germany, you overtook not the least responsibility, but denigrate the opposition. Proposals even so as persons and parties are defamed and placed in the extremist corner. You also denigrate the voters and sympathizers. You thereby damage democracy. 

You no longer at all want to take up with or win over the people. What then are your goals? For you, what actually should Germany be in 10, 20 or 50 years? The current legislature still has exactly twelve months. Three-quarters of your time you have consumed so to drive our country into the wall and de-industrialize it with your mal-economic climate change policy. Your overflowing ideology intervenes in everyone’s private sphere, even when it is certainly not wanted. Your policy wants that we should all bathe less, heat less, eat less meat and drive less with combustion autos. 

            Anja Reinalter (Green): Perhaps more education!

You want to regulate with whom we meet – see the Corona times – and what we think. And when we do not obey, we are divided into good and evil. 

Your concept for the budget deficit is non-existent. Despite that, non-work and feedings will be ramped up. I ask myself: Why actually should the citizens still pay for all that? Moreover arrives a zero growth economy and special debts – in regards, named by you, “special assets” – inflation, price increases for consumer goods and for energy; end consumer prices decrease, if at all, slowly. The citizens are bound by contracts, and need for long to bear the high costs. Not to forget: There is an energy deficit as a result of a deficient supply of nuclear energy and advantageous gas from Russia. 

The infrastructure is exhausted for transportation – we’ve seen it early today in Dresden where bridges collapse – for education, for example in regards the lack of teachers, or for the healthcare system. The hospital reform shall be brought underway with all ministerial power, and be borne on the backs of the citizens, the contribution payers. Doctors continue to be missing. Contributions to the statutory sickness insurance, and also the added costs of wages, continue to rise incessantly. 

Lamya Kaddor (Green): Ask yourself why doctors are missing!

The reappraisal of the Corona time is for long not at all pursued; and, if so, then insufficiently. All of that is unacceptable. On the other hand, only our delegation and party concerns itself across parliaments. 

And I ask again: When finally will an audit be made? Since the beginning of this legislature, I remind for examination how much money we actually, concretely make available for which expenditures. Since we definitely have sufficient state income. Let us look at the numbers: In the year 2014, thus just ten years ago, tax income contributed 296 billion euros to state income. Just ten years later, we are meanwhile at 489 billion euros of state income. And nevertheless the money does not suffice: We nevertheless need to take up 50 billion euros in new debt, at the cost of our children and grandchildren. That is an absolutely irresponsible policy of this Ampel government. 

In addition to that, since 2015 around 300,000 people – good, well-educated skilled labor, Germans – have left our country; Herr Merz has correctly addressed it, he has nevertheless scarcely described the causes. Those are meanwhile almost three million people who in the last nearly ten years have gone. In this time, the CDU and CSU besides also governed. Immigration can never compensate for that. 

In addition, the costs for the state and taxpayer are higher when the immigrant persons initially need to be educated in language, culture and expertise. Primarily, I ask: By whom then? A successful and for both sides well done migration is of course not in the interest of the Ampel government. Your hyper-morality and your values compass have led you completely into error. Go into the States, simply speak with your party friends at the basis. Form a comprehensive opinion, and finally correct the expensive failures of your policy. 

It’s about Germany, our Heimat, and our citizens. We pursue a goal-directed immigration, but no immigration into the social system. The presently active, arbitrary and purposeless policy has not helped the German economy. On the contrary: You have even set and raised false expectations. 

Yet even to the people who come to Germany, the real skilled labor, you offer no perspective at all. In that regard, we certainly do not speak of asylum themes. Your policy enjoins violence and death. You have managed that migration not only has become the theme of the summer of 2024; much more, migration is connected with nearly all political fields: Domestic security and foreign policy, diplomatic relations, labor and social policy, economic and financial policy, etc. etc. 

In all named political fields, you can show since 2021 as good as nothing, no success. Germany and thereby the German Bundestag are after three years of Ampel government ridiculed in foreign countries, and in the country treated by our own people with more than great doubts. You are a government without a people. 

Nevertheless, humility and insight belong exactly as little to the great ones of this Federal government as does the honest dealing with Germany’s difficult situation. From economic leaders, Herr Habeck has made us into economic losers. Your attempts at policy have failed, Herr Habeck. The businesses run away and close the plants in Germany. 

You have overburdened this country, the businesses and the tradesmen. Obvious losses you take without further ado. Obvious gaps will be stopped up and plastered over with tax money, subventions, special debts. You and your policy offer the citizens in Germany no perspective. We require a conscientious dealing with all resources, with the people even so as with Nature. Your absolute and narrow-minded approaches and bans split the society, drive the citizens (those who can afford it) out of the country, and thereby destroy the social peace in your own country. 

It is the same with the Ukraine theme: Weapons deliveries, construction assistance, and no investments in a rapid end of the war, further escalation and a rhetorical fight for war and against peace. I therefore say to you: Continue to do it exactly so. Try to continue so indecently to hold fast to your power, and defame the opposition. Continue to play the master teacher, and denigrate the citizens in the east. Your credibility will further dwindle, day by day. You thus simulate policy for its own sake and against the citizens’ interests. We want in common to make policy for the citizens at home and for Germany’s interests. For we, the AfD, are the future. 

Many thanks. 


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla, July 16, 2024, Compact Magazine

AfD Kompakt, July 16, 2024.

The ban on the Compact magazine is a serious blow against freedom of the press. We view this proceeding with great concern. To ban an organ of the press means a refusal of discourse and variety of opinion. A ban is always the most far-reaching step. Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser thereby abuses her competences so as to suppress critical reporting. We demand of the Minister to respect the freedom of the press.


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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Tino Chrupalla, June 26, 2024, EU and NATO

German Bundestag, June 26, 2024, Plenarprotokoll 20/177, pp. 22860-22861. 

Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen. 

We need security and cooperation on the continent of Europe. To create and maintain peace –  that will be the duty of the coming years and decades. For that, cooperative structures and alliances are required which delineate and represent the interests of the members. It is precisely these interests which are changing. 

It is the national interests which the peoples formulate vis-à-vis their state and inter-state actors. The maintenance and observance of these interests are the foundation for a successful and trustworthy cooperation at bilateral and multilateral levels. Only when the citizens are called upon, and feel themselves attended to, will they accept the institutions and the actors behind them. That is the reason for the slap, Herr Scholz, which you received at the European election; for that is precisely your problem. 

We are thus well into the midst of themes of today’s debate on the European Union and the North Atlantic pact. Both institutions should cooperate and guarantee security, freedom and prosperity in Europe. For both institutions in the time of their formation, there were counter-proposals on the other side, thus in the East. These presented a counter-proposal, but also a counterweight. 

In the time of the Cold War was placed right in the middle mutual deterrence – and by means of nuclear weapons. Today we need to re-evaluate whether these measures of force still present a promising and, before all, a negotiable [vermittelbar] strategy for pacification of conflicts. I think that is at least questionable. 

What nevertheless still remains for us, and what we should much more vigorously use, are the possibilities of diplomacy. Exchange, understanding and the willingness of individuals to understand, as well as opposed interests, will decide on war and peace. He who stops negotiating has already lost. For months, we of the AfD delegation seek to recruit for diplomacy and negotiations. Why do you not, as Chancellor and as Federal government, actively push this forward, Herr Scholz? Even today in your speech was there little of this to be heard. 

As a result, valued colleagues, both institutions – the EU and NATO – in their present form need to ask themselves the warranted question of their right to exist [Daseinberechtigung]. For quite a while, this question could be suppressed. The current security and economic policy problems in Europe however demand a discussion of precisely this problematic. 

The war still continuing in the Ukraine shows how urgently Europe needs a military alliance – no question – which represents, before all, our interests. In this difficult time becomes clear who with foresight formulates and represents our interests. A NATO in its present form can unfortunately no longer do this. Yet we are part of this alliance. Why does not the Federal government use this present status to pursue German interests? Why do not the partners help us  to bring about a clarification of the terror attack on our critical energy infrastructure? That would be the first demand that should be directed to authentic partners and friends – as we name them. That would besides, Herr Scholz, increase the credibility of which you always speak. Instead, the Ampel promotes the arming of Europe. In that regard, not a word on the NATO headquarters for the Ukraine in the middle of Germany, neither from Herr Scholz nor from you, Herr Merz. Thus is asked: To whom in that regard did you give the acknowledgement [Bekenntnis]? Exactly: To those who still have not withdrawn their nuclear weapons from Germany. You thereby fasten us still more to the maintenance of their military outposts. Better use the EU Council presidency of Viktor Orbán, and invite all warring parties to peace negotiations in Germany. That would be a sign of sovereignty. 

And in this connection: We need a Bundeswehr which can defend our country. You have bullied from the Bundestag a special fund – that is, special debts – in the sum of 100 billion euros. Much was promised, but nothing much has been realized. Quite the opposite: You prefer to demand the delivery of weapons in a war zone. Yet German weapons may serve the self-defense, not the support of foreign wars. 

The citizens were once made to believe that our freedom can be defended in the Hindu Kush. With which results? Destruction, suffering and a flow of migration which primarily endangered Germany’s domestic security. In that regard, you were often guilty of resolute action. The goal needs to be the immediate stop of uncontrolled immigration. Secure borders and consistent refusals are thereby indispensable. Simply look at the criminal statistics. There you see which problems we have with immigrants direct from Afghanistan. And we need no trivialization of the facts, as Federal Interior Minister Frau Faeser does almost weekly. The consistent deportation of culpable persons must be a consensus even so as for the rejected asylum applicants, ladies and gentlemen. 

The basic prerequisite for that is maintaining diplomatic relations with these countries; whether or not you wanted to recognize the governments is quite another matter. Yet so long as you apportion governments into first, second and additional classes, you will thereby run into scant success. As a result, you will again be disembarked, or left standing in the airplane. That is meanwhile the disastrous picture of Germany in the world which you leave behind. We are meanwhile simply ridiculed in foreign countries. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): On account of you!

Those are the present facts of your foreign policy. 

Year after year, you manage a sell-out of German interests. Your short-sighted policy disarranges growing bilateral relations and even divides the European Union without which you could not implement your policy in Germany; keyword: “Heating law”, or also the so-called climate policy. 

With the EU’s assistance, NATO’s security interests shall be implemented through the backdoor in the Ukraine and in Moldavia. I ever again say it: The European Union is not the extended arm of NATO, and is never allowed to become it. With all understanding for the individual interests, an escalation of the conflict and a prolongation of the war cannot be excluded. That applies to avoiding it. 

All of these are your duties. We would support you in that regard. You have the responsibility for Germany and its citizens. Finally do justice to this! 

Many thanks. 


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Monday, May 27, 2024

Tino Chrupalla, May 16, 2024, Political Violence and Social Division

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/169, 21767-21768. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen. 

The attacks on members and sympathizers of all parties have assumed frightful proportions. We comprehensively condemn this. They need to be clarified and perpetrators unreservedly punished. I hereby appeal directly to all parties of this house and beyond. We thereby make no distinction. 

Nevertheless, many of you now again make it simple for yourselves and play the extremism card, as we have plainly heard from the minister. Yet with precisely this, the citizens are, ja, well acquainted: Once again, the AfD or Putin is guilty. It is besides the members of my party against whom in 2023 the most crimes of violence by far were committed, namely 86, Herr Klingsbeil, 

            Daniel Baldy (SPD): From insects!

and here also is a singular case! That is a sorry record of violence against an opposition party which besides is not responsible for inflation, the increasing acts of violence, de-industrialization or the loss of prosperity. The responsibility lies with those who, quite open and uninhibited, carry the Antifa into parliament, or bellow in the streets with the Antifa, like the CDU’s Herr Wüst in front of the Brandenburg Gate. 

The dangers of a divided society have previously become manifest in Europe. An attack was earlier committed on Slovak Prime Minister Fico. The perpetrator shot him five times and inflicted life-threatening wounds on Fico. We most sharply condemn this attack and wish him a rapid recovery. The so far known reasons for the attack were indeed political. Unworthy in this regard again was the role of some, primarily the German media. Just yesterday stated – who else? – Der Spiegel that Robert Fico had poisoned the climate in his own country. 

            Gerold Otten (AfD): Perpetrator-victim reversal!

Where here then remains the human values? This reaction is irresponsible and absolutely sickening. 

The debate nevertheless needs to be conducted proportionately. We for example require no special statute for politicians. We are not the better ones. 

            Daniel Baldy (SPD): Above all, not you!

We require no two class society. The security situation in the country needs to be generally questioned. The mood in Germany is, ja, over-heated. And yes, we all bear responsibility for that. 

            Michael Brand (CDU/CSU-Fulda): You!

Primarily, the media has an accuracy obligation and bears responsibility. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): The media!

Since the Corona times at the latest Chancellors Merkel and Scholz and their ministers like Herr Lauterbach and also Herr Spahn have actively divided German society. All who questioned your so-called Corona preventive measures were insulted and stigmatized wholesale. Mask deals under the former Health Minster Spahn or business with vaccines by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen of the CDU, all were events which simply happened. And it goes further. Your Saxon SPD party friend Petra Köpping, as Social Minister in CDU Kretschmer’s cabinet in Saxony, in the midst of those difficult times, wanted to send citizens who did not voluntarily remain in quarantine – thus, cite: the unteachable – to psychiatric facilities. She even freed up capacity for that. 

            Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): Good that in Baden-Baden scarcely anyone heard                        of that!

To read out the names of those in this house who have actively pushed the partially unreflective and full of fear vaccination propaganda, for that, my speaking time simply does not suffice. Where remains the clarification, the reappraisal? All was put off or prevented. 

            Stefan Schmidt (Greens): Speak on the theme.

You exacted all of this from the citizens, the German people. Yet they will not forget. All of this has massively damaged the credibility of all politicians. And much worse: The trust in the state, in the state organizations and institutions, has been thereby permanently shaken. Precisely these are the causes of the division in our country. For that, you bear the principal responsibility, ladies and gentlemen. 

It also does not help when you pour out the cornucopia over the citizens. Bürgergeld and child support [Alimente] are definitely not a plan for a secure future, just now before the elections. Your plan to thereby purchase trust needs to be paid for by generations after you. You dismantle the German business venue [Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland] step by step, and want to create one special fund after the next. 

Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Of what are you actually speaking? It’s called “on previous theme”.

Instead of special debts, we require in this country finally investments in durable parameters like healthcare, education or communications infrastructure. Those are the expectations of which the businesses and citizens have of the state, ladies and gentlemen. 

What we today here have heard from Minister Paus: Who evaluates and classifies people and politicians in categories? Stop dividing and here in house distinguishing between democrats and the others. You of course thereby poison the climate ever further. Do you actually notice that? 

            Carlos Kasper (SPD): Do you still have courage for the truth?

We all of us recognize the free, democratic basic order, and are democratically 

            Kai Gehring (Greens): Gesichert rechtsextrem!

elected by the sovereign, the people. Finally tear down the walls in your heads and let us in common make policy for our citizens and Germany. 

That has Germany, that have our citizens deserved. 

Many thanks. 


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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla, May 16, 2024, Petr Bystron and EU Election

AfD Kompakt, May 16, 2024. 

The lifting of the immunity and the search of the office and private space of Petr Bystron are a serious proceeding. So far, no evidence has been presented for the accusations raised for weeks against Herr Bystron. The AfD delegation therefore hopes for a speedy conclusion of the investigations so that the suspicion does not arise that here officials and instructed state prosecutors are attempting to influence the European election campaign. 


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Monday, March 18, 2024

Tino Chrupalla, March 14, 2024, Peace and Cruise Missiles

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/157, pp. 20089-20090. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen. 

A delivery of Taurus means the prolongation of the war. Yes, it harms perhaps Russia, yet the Ukraine as well, and primarily it endangers Germany. As the Alternative für Deutschland, we condemn the Russian attack on the Ukraine. We stand for the territorial sovereignty of each country and honor the will of the respective population. For that, is required a peace which we want to attain by all peaceful means. It therefore ultimately needs to be about discussing various solutions in common at the negotiations table. 

The delivery of Taurus harms primarily Germany. Yet we still are not perceived as a war party – still! You have it hand, Herr Chancellor. Therefore, we request of the Chancellor to consistently further pursue at this point the line of peace in Germany and in Europe. And before all, do not allow yourself to be extorted by the warmongers in the CDU, in the FDP and of the Greens. That, we request of the Chancellor. 

Valued colleagues, 75 years ago the German people fortified themselves with a Basic Law – cite – “as a member of equal right in a united Europe to serve the peace of the world.” And precisely that still needs to be the commanding guideline. 

A so-called voltage drop [Spannungsfall] was posited here in parliament. Then came into play the Bundeswehr as a defense army. Except: We are not allowed to let it come even so far, ladies and gentlemen. International involvements are just so to be avoided as a self-provoked status as a war party. Both, we of the AfD do not want. 

We want to provide humanitarian assistance in a proportionate framework – and that, consistently. For that, however, we require an efficient economy. Yet instead of being concerned for durable infrastructures, the Federal government tells tales of a war economy, of novelties even in the health sector. 

A defense-ready Bundeswehr we still cannot put forward. A 100 billion euros special facility – special debt – is ready and cannot be invested. Why actually not, Herr Pistorius? Instead, one-way frigates will be deployed to the Red Sea. 

Allow me to say a few sentences on the theme “Security in the Bundeswehr”. From an unprotected discussion on the potential delivery of weapons and their employment, a necessary measure of respect, morality and professionalism was missing. The loose connection with security standards has brought forward a situation which could be understood as an open meddling [offene Einmischung] in the war. 

Today, it’s about Taurus. And what would be the next step? Do the colleagues of the so-called middle of the house want to send soldiers to the combat mission? Think primarily, in regards your decisions of conscience, – I know, there is no conscience in regards Herr Kiesewetter and Frau Strack-Zimmermann – in the interests of your families, friends and acquaintances! 

We as members of the German Bundestag decide here in the end on war or peace. I therefore demand of you to take in hand your own responsibility for the peace and to reject this war motion of the CDU. 

Many thanks. 


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Monday, February 5, 2024

Tino Chrupalla, January 31, 2024, German Economy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/150, pp. 19142-19144. 

Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen. Dear guests in the gallery. 

I want to begin with a citation – which is actually connected to your speech, Herr Mützenich, because you have just so presented us as if we would ruin the country – and in fact: “We businessmen have lost trust in the government.” The employers’ president, Rainer Dulger, said that to the FAZ

I need to say: Even to you on the government bench the alarm signals meanwhile should long since have arrived. Where remains, Herr Chancellor, your respect of which you have spoken so much in the election campaign, in regards to the farmers and citizens who for generations have kept running this economic engine of Germany? When one has no respect, then one does not love this country and that you show every day with your Federal government. 

It is precisely these people who elected all of us here, so to make Politik for Germany. You make Politik. Yet for whom do you actually make Politik, Frau Haßelmann? For the consulting firms with contracts in the millions in the energy transition area? For your arms lobby? For these people, there are billions of euros in money; yet not for the simple citizens, for those who work hard every day. 

Ladies and gentlemen, each tax euro needs first to be earned. Just then can we here decide where it can be well invested. 

Britta Haßelmann (Greens): You want out of the euro! An impoverishment program for the citizens! Ruin for business!

And I can only say that your central points are just not comprehensible; for the economic situation in Germany is desolate.

 In that regard, some salient points: Germany is the only G-7 state without economic growth. Germany in the second half of 2023 slid into a recession. The reasons for that are high energy costs, the green transformation and bad business conditions. The seriousness of the situation is obvious. Why otherwise do you yourselves as the Federal government, and also the ifo Insititute, reduce economic growth expectations for 2024? 

Und ja, now you come again with the international markets and wars of which we sadly again have to complain. In regard these, we as the Alternative für Deutschland have often sufficiently stated our position. We require peace, and we, like the citizens, want no more conflict of systems and ideologies. And precisely these wars are plainly not responsible that you as the Federal government continue to make allowance for local disadvantages which originate with you yourselves. 

Finally look outside the box, even if it is a strain, and clearly is also disillusioning for you. The firms are emigrating, or want to emigrate. When a businessman continually writes red figures, there is no possibility of obtaining more income than expense. 

A businessman needs to observe the applicable laws, and cannot simply go around. Only this government can do that, in that it wants to simply set aside the debt brake which it should protect against state indebtedness. In regards this economic balance, that is irresponsible and, before all things, harmful to the state. And it is – we saw it in the last budget – unconstitutional, what you are managing here in this country. 

Valued colleagues, the German economy lives on exports and good economic connections with all countries. On that, we are I think in this house agreed. Yet now the exports even to China and the U.S.A. break down. How actually can work for the citizens at all still pay when the basis for it is taken away? 

How many do you actually want to drive to feeding by the state? For some, it meanwhile appears gainful work scarcely still pays, thanks to the Bürgergeld. With all of these conditions, you as Ampel actors display neither humility nor insight. You therefore further drive a division in the society. 

Before all, you turn the responsibility around. That actually is the absolute hammer which we are currently experiencing here. Federal Finance Minister Lindner spoke on the weekend, that the AfD’s program would economically ruin Germany. Herr Habeck added: The AfD is poison for Germany as a business venue. Do you actually not see who the real poison in this country is? The citizens see that every day, in which they can no longer pay their bills, in which ever more businesses go bankrupt, in which ever more businesses emigrate and ever more citizens – farmers, tradesmen, Mittelstand – in this country are fed up, right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

Then you here position yourself, Frau Haßelmann, and again pronounce the great psalm of democracy: “Never again is now”. I grant that you are right. “Never again is now” when media houses, conformed to the state almost as a second Stasi, are built up and set against the opposition. That also is “Never gain is now”. There was all of that already, and recalls the darkest times of our history. 

We are not nervous. The only ones who are nervous are you and, before all, the SPD, when I consider this year’s elections in Germany, the European election, the state legislative elections in Saxony, Brandenburg and Thüringen. You receive the receipt from the sovereign, the German citizens. I rejoice. Had you in this entire debate and campaign let the people of Correctiv for once research Cum-Ex or Nord Stream. Of that, we await the results here in parliament, for which you are still obliged. 

            Peter Boehringer (AfD): So it is! 

            Alice Weidel (AfD): So it is!

Who carried out these acts of terror? Who is responsible for the money squandering and the problems connected thereto in regards Cum-Ex? 

In this sense, valued colleagues, I say to you: The German economy lives from exports and good business connections. We of the AfD will commit ourselves to that Germany is again attractive as a business venue, and that Germany, before all things, again receives what it deserves: An orderly and reasonable government. 

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): Out of the EU, out of the euro!

Many thanks. 


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Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Tino Chrupalla, December 13, 2023, Economy and War

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/143, pp. 18091-18093. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

            It needs be well stated following the government declaration of Chancellor Olaf Scholz and  after Herr  Merz’s speech, that they have argued completely past the primary cares and problems of one’s own country. Frau Haßelmann, your speech was a pure war speech, nothing other. That has really shaken me.  

            It thus need not be wondered that ever more citizens look at the Federal government with concern and really with a lack of understanding. If one peeks at the half-time of this Federal government of which it needs be truly said: This country has never been so run down since the Second World War. Within a few months, the economic nation of Germany has been decisively changed by this Federal government: Inflation, a shrinking economy, rising insolvencies. And, as a crown, the Federal Constitutional Court declares your special debts budget unconstitutional. Your conclusions from that – we have today already again heard it: You do not allow yourselves to be diverted, and run exactly so as ever, with the KTF and eyes open into the dead end. – Thus appears this government’s present policy.


From the SPD we hear at the party day: Social spending certainly belongs to the SPD’s DNA, social spending which is meanwhile most deeply unsozial because it no more cushions the emergencies of individuals but presents in the form of Bürgergeldes [citizens’ wage] a kind of basic income. This is tied neither to conditions, 

            Christian Petry (SPD): Nonsense! 

nor is partially worse paid work motivated and generally something done for the social state. You see, valued colleagues: This policy continues to create one-sided dependencies and plainly no innovations.  

            Christian Petry (SPD): No idea!

Herr Chancellor, we know you are not a man of many words. You will perhaps go into the history of the Federal Republic as the eternally silent Chancellor. 

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): Olaf, the Forgetful! 

For you, not only the information for the Warburg Bank has gone missing; there is also no idea in your cabinet – none which we notice – of what you actually want to make of Germany. In that regard, we have again today heard nothing. The entire world you want to save and the climate, too. Yet these cannot be the only goals of a German Federal government. 

The citizens of this country need to stand quite high on the agenda for you. In your election campaign, your yourself ever again spoke of “respect”. Where remains the respect for those in this country who are economically active, for the Mittelstand, for the trades, for industry? Instead, you artificially restrict the energy supply. You disconnect intact nuclear power plants, permitting, with the attacks on Nord Stream, that our critical infrastructure be destroyed, and stop the import of Russian gas. 

The Economy Minister conducts his green economic war within Germany and in the entire world. These also he will not win. He so far fails with that, as the economic sanctions against Russia indicate. These have for a consequence – we certainly see it presently – that the Russian economy grows and ours shrinks. That is presently the situation. 

Today, almost every second large business considers emigration from Germany, and every third already sits on packed bags. In that regard, no words from you, Herr Chancellor. And with the rising CO2 prices which you today have announced, you make Germany as a business venue even more unattractive. Industry associations warn of a de-industrialization. The Alternative für Deutschland had done that already for years. For that, we were accused of conspiracy theories; that was then your assertion. The CO2 duty – Frau Haßelmann has just said it, subventions were cut – will not then rise around 30 euros per ton, but around 45 euros. Thereby will the inflation be further heated up next year, and this business venue be further ruined. That is your policy, and that we will prevent. That, I can promise you. 

Ladies and gentlemen, Germany finally needs a prosperity policy in the citizens’ interest. There is therefore finally required an audit. Unnecessary spending needs to give way, and to that belongs the entire theme complex of Ukraine. What I have heard here today really leaves me to an extent stunned. Presently there is six billion euros yearly of Bürgergeld for 700,000 Ukrainians. To the year 2027 shall be expended an additional 17 billion euros for weapons deliveries and five billion euros for the reconstruction. And that – we have heard today what you want to arrange at the European Council – also includes the planned entry of the Ukraine in the EU. This will cost 130 billion euros; the Institute for the German Economy has calculated that. As primary financier, we will of course again need to finance that. 

These expenditures should now before all be defrayed from the regular budget. And here is seen how this Ukraine emergency situation, which you today in principle have announced for next year, shall be planned in the future: By overtaking future, eventual payments lapses of other countries   this you have already today said. Here is seen that we ever more become a war party. We really cannot allow that we continue to impose ourselves in the Ukraine and make ourselves, as single payer and a war party, co-responsible for misery and suffering in the region. 

We presently see – let us peek at the U.S.A.: The U.S. Republicans in the Senate block a package in the billions for the Ukraine and for Israel, because the U.S. citizens plainly do not want to spend more money for foreign wars. The German citizens also no more want that. We need no invented enemy images and firewalls. We finally need – it is what the economy also demands – reasonable parameters so that the remaining businesses continue to produce here. Grasp tax reductions as investments! Businesses and end consumers could figure on a relief of seven billion euros were you, for example, to take back the increase of the [trucking] fee. So as to justify your own budget, you continue to invent additional possible emergency situations. For the hospitality industry, the emergency situation ends in January of next year, and the complete value-added tax will again be due. We say: Seven percent needs to be retained, because otherwise the 19 percent will also apply for meals in day-cares and schools and here also prices for families will further rise. 

Valued Federal government, you all flit through the political everyday. You have no concepts, no goals. Yet with your chair circle policy, you have meanwhile again made hyper-morality and black-white thinking socially acceptable [fähig]. You promise everything to everyone, and of that can thus passably hold to nothing. And therefore, dear colleagues, it lies at hand: This Ampel – so long as it should exist – stands permanently in the red and thus at a standstill. Germany requires change. Germany requires the Alternative. 

Many thanks. 


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Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Tino Chrupalla, November 24, 2023, Debt Brake

AfD Kompakt, November 24, 2023. 

Lindner’s decision leads to a breach in the dyke. Already next morning there are demands to also suspend the debt brake next year, or to entirely annul it. SPD and CDU/CSU thus make themselves fulfillment helpers for green lobby interests and put in play the citizens’ prosperity. We are committed in the Bundestag to the the interests of citizens. An audit is now required so that we can identify and eliminate superfluous expenditures. 


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Monday, October 23, 2023

Tino Chrupalla, October 19, 2023, Peace

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 210/131, pp. 16344-16345. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear citizens. 

One almost feels returned back to February 2022 and the subsequent time. The world security situation has again intensified, and again a new war is ignited. Each war situation is different; similar consequences nevertheless yield death, destruction, flight and suffering. We thus mourn with the relatives of all innocent victims of this war. I also want to wish the relatives present all the best, united with a hope that they can again enclose their loved ones in their arms. 

We most sharply condemn the attack of Hamas on Israel. For the murder and kidnapping of civilians, there is no justification, on any side. We all therefore need to endeavor to avoid one thing: That the war in the Near East powder keg not be allowed to expand into a wildfire. To that also pertains resisting the war incitement and, even when it is awkward, to give a voice to diplomacy. And yes, Israel self-evidently is allowed to defend itself against attack. The right of self-defense is provided for in international law and is coherent with the UN Charter. Yet Israel in this regard needs to pay heed to proportionality. Humanitarian catastrophes are not permitted to arise, and the regional states need to avert this escalation. The Federal government therefore needs to work helpfully and supportively, instead of further heating up the atmosphere. 

Chancellor Scholz this time proceeds in exactly this way. With his visits in Tel Aviv and Cairo, he has shown that negotiation and mediation are the order of the hour. The basic provision for the civil population in Israel and Palestine is to be secured. Hamas must free its hostages, and the Federal government needs to commit itself to the immediate release and secure return of removed Germans. For that, you so far have done too little. 

I am nevertheless concerned over voices which push outward from the Union delegation. Herr Merz, you have spoken of “jargon”. It appears here as if one simply could not wait for the intensification of the war. Colleague Kiesewetter blusters through the world with his words, We should be ready “to defend Israel’s security with our lives”. This verbal warmongering, which is a matter of discord even in the CDU, we hitherto knew in the Ukraine war only from the Free Democrats, from Frau Strack-Zimmermann. For my delegation and me, in the case of Israel and Palestine, it is proximately about that peace be reconstructed in this region worn down for decades by conflict. In Herr Kiesewetter’s direction: Understand please, we want peace. We do not want to send our children into a military intervention [Kriegseinsätze]. Yes, we also want solidarity. Yet your words are irresponsible and not reconcilable with our values. 

Look around, how the world community reacts, and primarily at what that could mean for Germany and Europe. Politicians need to understand what happens if the Near East powder keg is set afire, what happens if Lebanon or Iran are involved in this war. Then quite quickly are the U.S.A. and the BRICS states at hand. This situation no one can or wants to put forward even just in estimates. Since how shall Israel then again be able to live in the region in security and peace? I ask everyone in the parliament to answer for himself this question and to verbally disarm. 

Valued colleagues, let us also include in the situation analysis the reactions, the opinions of the the affected regions. Thus, Egyptian President el-Sisi is opposed to the resettlement of Palestinians in Sinai; the peninsula would become a base for attacks against Israel. The normalization process of Israel’s relations to Saudi Arabia is stopped. The Iranian foreign minister calls on members of the organization of Islamic cooperation for an oil embargo and for an expulsion of Israeli ambassadors. Saudi Arabia calls on its citizens to leave Lebanon. Therefore, here there is allowed no further escalation. 

In this place, I demand of the Federal government to find just so clear words. Finally place in the foreground our own, the German interests! Additional or new migration waves to Europe and Germany are not in our interest. You must in any case prevent that, Herr Scholz. I ask you to work in that regard in Brussels at the European Council. Terror organizations and anti-semitism have no place in Germany. And in addition: Those posing a potential danger need to be immediately and consistently deported. Hamas and structures close to Hamas are allowed neither to be financed from Germany nor become a security risk for Germany. Therefore, finally examine a ban, and issue it in a timely fashion! 

With regards to the war regions, it concerns humanitarian support and durable solution possibilities. Thus China and Russia have proposed a humanitarian ceasefire. This resolution was indeed rejected in the UN Security Council. An overriding objective – this is surely beyond an all-party consensus – is nevertheless that further deaths must be prevented. A peaceful solution must be further pursued beyond political differences. Only so will the bloodshed be ended and long-term structure projects in the region be possible. The goal of diplomacy must be to find a durable solution for long-term peace in the Near East. This also is in the German interest.   

The only means which Germany, which the German Bundestag can here effect is the call for peace. The Federal government should not be able to be made co-responsible for a war in the Near East. We need an interests-led policy. We need free and peaceful commerce with oil and gas. We need trade routes and secure corridors instead of war and enmity. 

Many thanks. 


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Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Tino Chrupalla, September 26, 2023, Nord Stream Pipelines Attack

AfD Kompakt, September 26, 2023. 

The attack on Nord Stream was an attack on our energy sovereignty. The lifeline of German industry was severed. Advantageous gas from Russia was replaced by expensive and dirty fracking gas. Energy and electricity are now so expensive that every second large business considers emigration. Hungary’s Minister-president Viktor Orban declared in a recent interview that he would consider a similar attack on Hungary’s critical infrastructure as a reason for war. Our Bundestag delegation demands an investigating committee. We will never forget 26.9.22: Nord Stream needs to be repaired, opened and secured.


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Monday, September 18, 2023

Tino Chrupalla, September 12, 2023, Ukraine and Cruise Missiles

AfD Kompakt, September 12, 2023. 

The Federal government is not allowed to let itself be pushed again already into a delivery of additional weapons in the Ukraine war. Cruise missiles can contribute to escalation. With her demand for weapons with greater range, the Foreign Minister neglects the path to peace indicated by the G20 summit in India.  In the interest of Germany and for the well-being of the Ukrainians, she needs to work towards a negotiated solution. 

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Monday, May 15, 2023

Tino Chrupalla, May 10, 2023, German De-industrialization and the U.S.A.

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/102, pp. 12290-12291.

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen.

Robert Habeck has made the Economy Ministry into the Nepotism Economy Ministry: State secretaries are married to, related to, or are the in-laws of experts, an entire family clan; the spouse wants to procure a job for the best man, etc., etc. These hagglings occur at the Bundestag and have nothing but nothing to do with the civil service ethic which distinguishes our country. It destroys trust in politics and befits a Green transformation agenda. Herr Habeck, you have today spoken in committee of compliance, yet of ethics you apparently have never heard anything. In politics, it is about values like trust and credibility, which you have damaged beyond measure.

The Union now wants to draw consequences from the family entanglements. They want to set up an investigating committee. Which we will exactly so demand. If the Union should place this demand before us, we will thence of course support it. Nevertheless, this committee is allowed to uncover not only the Graichen clan’s family entanglements. Namely, it is about the central question: Will the energy transition [Energiewende], which destroys our prosperity, be directed by foreign power and capital interests?

            Michael Kruse (FDP): This the righteous ask!

Are the Greens fulfilling the sell-out of our country in foreign interests? Precisely that is the crux of the matter. Precisely that is brought home by last week’s revelations.

You here in your speeches, and those of the CDU, have only scratched the surface. My colleague Beatrix von Storch has in this place designated the Greens as the political arm of these global financial interests. She has thereby laid the finger in the wound. That was bitterly necessary; since the Greens quite openly feed our country to the oligarchs.

That would be, for example, Hal Harvey, by the Zeit named as “the world’s most powerful Green”.

            Markus Humpfer (SPD): Who then yesterday was with Putin?

He finances Green institutions and foundations and co-founded the Agora Energiewende. Patrick Graichen was chief lobbyist there before Robert Habeck named him State Secretary. Agora besides already in 2021 demanded the ban on oil and gas heating. The study’s author, Christian Maaß – on that, here it is about quite other persons – is meanwhile also State Secretary for Habeck.

            Felix Banaszak (Green): Nein! Read the organization chart!

Agora Energiewende already last year announced the breakthrough for the heating pump. Thus it needs be asked: Is that clairvoyance or is that manipulation?

Those suffering from this lobby swamp are the simple German citizens, those of the Mittelstand, tradesmen, industrial workers. They need to tear out flooring and exchange heaters. Every second household is presently heated with natural gas, every fourth with oil. For a heating pump, the citizens need to pay up to 25,000 euros for those using air, and up to 40,000 euros for those using ground warmth, in addition to 10,000 euros for floorboard heating – an all, 75 billion euros. Roofs and facades need to be insulated. Every tradesman knows this. I say to you where that leads to: For thousands and thousands, directly to old age poverty. That is what your name, Herr Habeck, stands for.

Do not forget. The Green energy transition is closely connected with the economic war against Russia. Already in 2016, Habeck announced he will stop gas imports from Russia because we are an energy transition country. Was the Ukraine war thus only an occasion, but not the reason, for the end of Nord Stream?

Katharina Dröge (Greens): You have gotten deeply lost in conspiracy theories! That is  really sad!

An additional oligarch with BlackRock, Larry Fink, is allowed to coordinate the reconstruction of the Ukraine. The more kaputt it is, the higher the investments. With Friedrich Merz, ja, sits a leader of the opposition in this house who has been for years active as a top lobbyist for BlackRock. I ask the CDU: Do you not lie in bed with these same investors as do the Greens? Who shall be, ja, your next coalition partners? Since January, Elga Bartsch works as leader in the policy department of Habeck’s Ministry. She is something like the brain of the BMWK [Federal Ministry for Economy and Climate]. Frau Bartsch was previously research leader at BlackRock in London.  

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): That’s a coincidence!

And the investigating committee needs to pursue these network threads. Does the Ministry itself here coordinate the sell-out of our economy?

Then a criticism to the German media: To research precisely this, – my esteemed colleague Alice Weidel already said it yesterday – to pursue its entirety, and to drain this entire swamp would be the duty of the German media, and not to fight the opposition.

The heating branch of the German family business Viessmann is to be sold for 12 billion euros to the U.S. concern Carrier Global. The U.S.A. profits from forced heat pumping which U.S.-financed lobbyists have previously planned. Precisely this policy is not in the citizens’ interest. The heating ban therefore needs to be withdrawn. And, Herr Habeck, you need to be exchanged. It would be more convenient to exchange you than millions of heaters in Germany.

This monstrous situation – last sentence, Frau President – needs to be clarified. Then will be shown who really profits from the de-industrialization of Germany.

Many thanks.


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