Showing posts with label Georg Pazderski. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Georg Pazderski. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Georg Pazderski, September 2, 2021, Afghanistan

Berlin Abgeordnetenhaus, Plenarprotokoll 18/83, pp. 9776-9778.

Right honorable Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen. Dear citizens.

Who seriously expected that the mission in Afghanistan might have been able to become a political success has for many years long shut his eyes to the facts. That was an ideological blindness which unfortunately is typical of the do-gooder, decadent Zeitgeist in our country and other Western states, an ideological blindness which also in regards other political and social themes clouds the view from one’s own bubble and has led to erroneous conclusions and decisions. I recall only the foreign criminality, gender gaga, or climate madness. The bitter truth is, who pushes aside or demonizes the facts cannot resolve the challenges and govern a people along with their true needs.

Exactly that goes for 20 years when it is about Afghanistan. No one from the circle of the politically responsible had ever taken the trouble to for once define our national interests. Instead, a monstrous moral obligation was discovered – we need impart our values and democracy in a country far from here so as to be able to live securely. After 20 years, the facts speak a different language. In the objective country, with the Taliban a medieval Moslem force again takes power in a medieval society.

An additional measurable result: Presently, more than 270,000 Afghans live with us. The by far preponderant majority of them have immigrated into our social system, although that will readily be swept under the carpet by the old parties, exactly so as besides the high rate of criminality. Between 2015 and 2020 throughout Germany, police recorded over 260,000 Afghans suspected of a criminal act; in terms of the statistics, almost every Afghan refugee. What do the old parties demand in this situation? – It happens that the Greens candidate for Chancellor, whose party friend Joschka Fischer had besides 20 years ago flipped the switch for the Bundeswehr mission in the Hindukush, wants to haul into our country additional Afghans, 50,000 more. With such irresponsible statements, you waken anew, as in 2015, the false expectation that we would have a place for anyone. That, we do not have.

Yet thus will new streams of refugees be set in motion…The wrong ones will again be attracted; namely, the strong, young men, the group besides with the highest rate of criminality, and not those in fact requiring assistance. Who supports that, acts irresponsibly and negligently.

The fact is, we cannot solve Afghanistan’s problems in Germany and certainly not in Berlin. That clearly does not interest the red-red-green Senate. Instead, one boasts of having assisted in the rescue of German Ortskräfte. Press reports of past days state it was just 130 persons. The rest had been unlucky or needed to give up their place in a Bundeswehr aircraft to a deported criminal or rapist. These are newspaper reports which give rise only to head-shaking.

Naturally it is right to rescue from the Islamists Ortskräfte who had worked for us and were loyal. Yet no one knows whether all those concerned were and are loyal to their employers. No one knows whether we in this way have not brought or are still bringing to us persons who certainly do not deserve our help because they were corrupt or violence-prone, have spied for the Taliban, or even are terrorists. Who were all the others who additionally were brought by airlift into our country? No one knows exactly,

            Lars Düsterhöft (SPD): That applies to you, too!

just like in 2015. No one knows whether those flown out actually would have been subjected to political persecution had they remained in Afghanistan. The hasty change of front of many Afghans with the advance of the Taliban gives rise to substantial doubt.

The acceptance of additional Afghans thus needs to be clearly delimited to a distinctly defined group of truly threatened Ortskräfte. We are not allowed to again renounce, as in 2015, a comprehensive control of streams of refugees.

The enormous risks with which that is associated have again just been made clear in the concluding report of the investigating committee on the terror attack of December 19, 2016. I therefore unambiguously demand: Never again may there be a loss of state control like 2015.

In Afghanistan has become clear that do-gooder arrogance in the face of rooted traditions will always come up short. It has become clear that an excessive helper syndrome, paired with the lack of clearly defined national foreign policy interests, has catastrophic consequences. A country in which essential portions of the population still live in a patriarchal world closely shaped by poverty, religion and tribal thinking cannot be inspired by the Western form of democracy – and not by a lot of money, a lot of soldiers, democracy seminars or gender mainstreaming courses. Who has once concerned himself with Afghanistan’s history can only wonder at the unbelievable arrogance and stupidity with which it is still believed to this day in Washington, London or Berlin

            Carsten Schatz (Linke): What did you do there?

that a country in 20 years can be led from the Middle Ages to modernity.

Nearly all Afghans, in so far as one can at all speak of a national Afghan identity, are neither interested nor ready to fight for that – as we have seen. That was clearly indicated by the Taliban’s victory march which hit upon practically no resistance and which in many places was even frenetically welcomed. That is thus long legitimate, as thereby other countries will not be overrun with war, terror and waves of refugees. Concerning the acceptance of Afghans, our country and our city have no backlog – quite the contrary.

The previously mentioned figure of over 270,000 Afghans in Germany is nearly as great as that of the U.S.A., Canada and Australia combined. In Berlin alone since 2015 were far over 11,000 Afghan refugees taken in. This is as many as all of Italy. Honor killings, knifings, assaults on women, social fraud with countless identities make clear, here integration occurs just as well as not.

            Anne Helm (Linke): It is also guilty for your hair loss!

In view of these facts, it is not surprising that, after the housing shortage which besides needs also be seen in connection with the refugee streams of recent years, the security situation is presently for Berliners the most important theme. I therefore strive to appeal to the government: Do not again overtax the Berliners’ readiness to help as you already had done in 2015. It is the interests of the Berliners with which we primarily need to concern ourselves. Anyone who wants to be with us therefore must undergo a security check and examination of identity before he is allowed to travel to our country.  

Large streams of refugees need be collected with our assistance in bordering states. This works to counter the cultural deracination, is essentially more humane because we are able to help many more people, and is essentially more favorable financially. I may here give an example: In place of 10,000 refugees in Germany, we could support some one million people locally and help them. The perspective for the Afghans who leave their country can only be the most rapid return from the neighboring countries to their homeland, as soon as the situation permits this, but not entry into Germany. They will of course be urgently required for the rebuilding of their country.

Therefore, the triad of our answer to the situation in Afghanistan reads: To help specifically the few, authentic, loyal Ortskräften, to support the acceptance and care of Afghan refugees in the neighboring countries and, third, to unconditionally prevent a repetition of what occurred in 2015 so as to protect the Berliners from further excessive demand.

Thank you for your attention.


[trans: tem]


Friday, January 22, 2021

Georg Pazderski, January 20, 2021, Constitution Defense

AfD Kompakt, January 20, 2021

According to information submitted to us, Interior Senator Geisel already at the end of 2020 directed a submitted opinion of the authority to be newly written or re-written. In the original paper was attested that the Berlin AfD afforded no sort of indication of anti-constitutional efforts which could justify an intensification of the so-called case of suspicion. According to insiders, this evaluation had struck the Interior Senator like a bomb because it had not delivered the politically desired result. In consequence, the political pressure on the co-worker was increased to deliver, in place of a neutral examination, the ordered result. And it shall come to personal consequences.

The scandalous proceeding makes clear that the AfD in the election year shall with all means be discredited and weakened. Apparently for that, legal procedures will be leveraged with premeditation. These proceedings shock our democratic state of law to its foundations. I therefore demand the immediate resignation of the Interior Senator and a stop to the politically staged and obviously unjustified persecution of the AfD by the Constitution Defense. Pending a precise clarification of the circumstances, all activities of officials of the Constitution Defense in relation to the AfD must be put on ice nationwide, since it cannot be excluded that in other States or on the Federal level legal principles were with premeditation broken. Only absolute transparency of the proceedings can now re-establish the destroyed trust in government and officials.


[trans: tem]


Friday, September 11, 2020

Georg Pazderski, September 3, 2020, Citizen Safety in Berlin

Berlin Abgeordnetenhaus, September 3, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 18/62, pp. 7404-7406 

Herr President. Honored members. Dear Berliners. 

Do you actually know that since the red-red-green Senate entered office in 2016 that every fifth Berliner has been the victim of a criminal act? This shocking number is produced from an inquiry by the INSA opinion research institute in July of this year. Every fifth, that is around three-quarters of a million Berliners. Each individual now bears a trauma – robbed, wounded, raped, stolen from. The red-red-green coddling policy is responsible for that.   
The INSA data clearly shows that under red-red-green the security situation has clearly deteriorated, whether we are dealing with bodily injury, sexual assault, drugs, theft, vandalism, armed threats or politically based violence. Nowhere are more than 10 percent of those asked of the view that under red-red-green security has changed for the better. 

            Frank-Christian Hansel (AfD): Hear, hear! 

In all areas, half of those asked are at the moment even of the opinion that the situation has clearly deteriorated. Let us look at the Berlin coddling justice: Fewer that half of all Berliners believe that the courts and the judiciary well or very well safeguard security in the city. The citizens of Berlin still have real trust only in our police who, despite contrary circumstances, every day attempt to make the best of the wayward situation in our capital city. For that, I wish to quite heartily thank our police officers. 

Instead of proceeding effectively with strictness and zero tolerance against criminals, the police must continue to make do against the everyday brutality with too few personnel, obsolescent equipment and decaying stations and without any political backing. Criminals from every country laugh at the so-called anti-discrimination law. It places our police under a general suspicion and forces them to treat suspects with velvet gloves, or better yet simply no longer pursue them. A contrary, multi-cultural ideology makes the Senate the darling of the criminals, stigmatizes the police as perpetrators and victimizes the normal citizens. Many of them, especially young women, no longer go out at night and meanwhile even in the daytime avoid certain streets and parts of the city. 

While a couple of years ago we were still speaking of specific, so-called criminal hot-spots, in the meantime large parts of Berlin have become places of fear. The INSA numbers also support that. 16 percent of Berliners who were victims of a crime declare that they no longer report crimes. In the past four years, there were approximately 120,000 crimes not reported. An additional 19 percent declare that they report only most crimes; of which, an additional 145,000. In sum, it means that each year countless crimes occur which emerge in no statistic. And the Senate? It defends itself with hand and foot against the Dunkelfeld study, for years demanded by the AfD delegation, which would show the costs of crime in Berlin. 

Yet that is naturally no surprise; thus, what can continue to remain in obscurity, what simply is not allowed to be, and in no case should be admitted to the light of day – for example, those posing a potential Islamist threat. Almost four years after the terror attack in the Breitscheid Platz, they can, unhindered as always, do just as they please, just what they want. Twelve people died that time, almost 100 people were wounded, a portion seriously and continue to suffer the consequences.
What has changed since then? Nothing. The only realistic measure in this case would be deportation. Yet for red-red-green that is and remains taboo. And for that the citizens of Berlin pay the price. You…finance the livings of radical migrants who are often found hiding out in the city’s asylum centers…That is by far not all. Large parts of the city are dominated by around 10,000 members of the mostly Arabic clans. Our children and grandchildren meanwhile can buy drugs almost everywhere in Berlin as openly as bonbons or bread rolls. The result: Almost 15 percent of all drug deaths in Germany occur in our city, although only about 4.4 percent of the total population live in Berlin. 

And then there is the politically motivated, extremist criminals, primarily the leftist extremists, tolerated for decades, of the so-called house occupation scene. In certain circles of our city, it has long been considered correct to be on good terms with them. That however alters nothing of the fact that these people are dangerous, violent perpetrators and lawbreakers who do not shrink from murder and deadly assault. For once ask the targeted neighbors who each day must live with property damage, threats and encroachments, or the owners of countless autos burnt in Berlin. We know whereof we speak. At the same time comes the order from on high: Our police are not allowed to intervene. Inconceivable! And when an operation is once again permitted, the officers are struck with a brutal violence lacking nothing of that of Islamist terrorists. 

Left-green politicians have long since forgotten the Berlin police officer assigned to the syndicate disturbance and who still struggles for his eyesight. We here wish him a good recovery. – It is telling, I really must say, that you also do not applaud. Unbelievable, unbelievable! – Instead, these politicians even rejoice and esteem the development of lawless areas in the Rigaer- and Liebigstrasse as part of the reconstruction of a once functioning city into an apparently diverse, open-air laboratory experiment. A laboratory experiment long since out of control and which can only be stopped with the most radical measures – a viewpoint besides shared by every normal citizen around. 

            Frank-Christian Hansel (AfD): Even the Greens! 

Even Herrmann, the Green district mayor of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, this week demanded more police for her district because the district is increasingly neglected and now, in addition to problems with drugs, come trash heaps in the streets and parks. For that, she holds responsible her red-red-green comrades on the government bench. Only, this news does not matter to the chief ideologues of the Senate administration. It simply does not fit into a left-green-socialist worldview. 

Only in this city will harsh measures be called for should there be critics of the proper policy. Tens of thousands of peaceful Corona demonstrators were purposely criminalized and stigmatized because, many hundreds of meters away, crazies waved imperial and Turkish flags on the steps of the Reichstag and recited nonsense. 

            Sven Heinemann (SPD): The AfD was also there! 

            Hakan Taş (Linke): Where was the AfD? 

That is in no way to express approval, yet this group was clearly not a danger to Berliners and certainly not to our democracy. 

    President Ralf Wieland: Herr Pazderski, may I ask you whether an interim question 
   of the member - ?
No, I want to bring this to an end. 

Our democracy would be in a bad way if it could be endangered by a few hundred loonies, quite probably prevailed upon by undercover men. There are complications which are now being politically used as a diversion from the incompetence of an overwhelmed Interior Minister. Yet that will not succeed. It was he who wished to forbid, on untenable grounds, a demonstration by cross-section of the people. 

            Anne Helm (Linke): The fascists have understood that! They tried that! 

It was he, along with the radical spirits, who first called up the plan. And it was he, in common with his police leadership, appointed and over-burdened by the red-red-green Senate, who was not capable of developing a usable operations concept for this past weekend. And all of that was at the cost of the mass of peaceful demonstrators who now, quite precisely and maliciously, will be placed in a false light. And all of that on the backs of the Berlin police who must suffer for this devastating failure. 

Herr Geisel, you are the symbol of the failures of the red-red-green Senate all along the line. Now you attempt, still the coward, to slink away from political responsibility. Take your hat and leave at last the political stage of this city. We have no need of an old cadre of the SED. 

            Sven Heinemann (SPD): Shamelessness! Go to the devil! 

            President Ralf Wieland: Herr colleague, I draw your attention, 
           that your speaking time is at an end.   

 You are incapable and cause by your every official act additional damage. You are responsible for the fact that red-red-green in regards the defense of the safety of the citizen has miserably failed. 

            (Cries from the SPD): For which part of your delegation have you now spoken? 

The truth hurts, I know!

[trans: tem]

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Georg Pazderski, December 12, 2019, Berlin

Georg Pazderski
Berlin Abgeordetenhaus, December 12, 2019, Plenarprotokoll 18/51, pp. 6022-6024

[Georg Pazderski is chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland in Berlin and leader of the AfD delegation in the Berlin legislature, the Abgeordnetenhaus. He is a retired army officer with more than 40 years service in the Bundeswehr.]

I do not know how it is going with you, but for the last 20 minutes I feel as if I were in the People’s Chamber of the DDR –

            Harald Wolf (Linke): You certainly were not there!

– and I am waiting for the Greens and the Linke at some point to introduce a Five Year Plan!

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen. Dear citizens.

Berlin finds itself on a high-speed march back into the darkness of socialism. Occupational bans against opposition police officers, political disciplining of critical associations, collapsing streets and bridges, freight motorcycles instead of modern vehicles! Ever more eco-fascist prohibitions which aim to destroy every joy of life and which shall turn the free citizen into an apathetic tool of the state. The goal is the DDR 2.0, financed by the tax money of the hard-working citizens.

Thus, dear colleagues, we consider the state budget. Scarcely one euro in the motion presented by you will be expended for actual, future projects. Counter to your oath, you invest instead in the heedless transition of your eco-socialist ideology. Instead of making Berlin safer with more police and a better endowment for the officials, you purge the members of the opposition from the ranks of the force. You have intimidated the rest of the public servants with the great fascism club for so long that they no longer dare to contradict. You conjure up emergency climate regulations. You prostrate yourselves before the lunacy of a 16 year old Swedish girl and her greedy, backstage managers. You thereby endanger the employment and welfare of the citizen, without protecting even one bit of the environment.

Money will be primarily squandered on senseless projects: Dismantlement of streets instead of improving the mobility of all transportation participants, very expensive E-buses instead of construction of the street and underground rail networks, a fight against the state of law’s check on leftist extremism and advancing Islamization, luxurious housing for refugees instead of cleaning decrepit schools, unconstitutional rent control instead of the new construction of affordable housing.

Instead of an eagle-eyed defense of the rights of the tax payers, the cornucopia will be poured out over the leftist, clientele groups, as we have heard, from the so-called Antifa to the government lapdog, culture creators. You feed the left-wing enemies of the constitution and make them your willing helpers. It is no wonder then that the Berlin Senate – as confirmed by the Infratest Dimap – is the least admired of German state governments.

The homeless of Berlin must sleep in the streets – you put their very lives at risk – because their government refuses to these poor and needy people the use of the un-used migrant housing, built with many millions of tax money. German pensioners seek their food in trash barrels and gather deposit bottles while your gold-coin guests lack for nothing and are even able to send money home.

Yet all this is hardly surprising. Even that the governing Bürgermeister in all earnestness said here in parliament in regards the kamikaze rent control project that it was inadvisable to yield anticipatory obedience – and that, although five opinions warned of the unconstitutionality of the Senate policy. This week’s headline in the BZ is right – I cite with your permission, Herr Preisident:  

            Müller-dämmerung: “Müller cannot fight and cannot lead.”

Berlin’s Bürgermeister shrinks in office since day one.

We all have been able to continually see how you lead around by the nose. A building Senator who builds nothing and wishes to again be in the DDR. A Justice Senator who prefers to concern himself with swine-keeping rather than an escape-proof jail. An Interior Senator who stands in the starting gate and whom you would prefer to succeed today rather than tomorrow while your colleagues in the SPD delegation are in the background, already whetting the knives.

Right honorable Herr Müller, I predict to you: That will be your last double budget, since the so-called rent control is like a Menetekel on the wall. You will thereby drive big-time into the wall – legally, socially, economically, administratively. What that means for the city can already be surmised. Then will the citizens’ frustration turn into the citizens’ rage. For that, you and the Senate are responsible. You yourself declare to want to make Berlin “less attractive.” The city will grow, but not with achievers [Leistungsträger], engineers, skilled workers, craftsmen or futuristic firms. No, you make of Berlin a city of benefits recipients [Leistungsbezieher], before all, of economic migrants, mostly Moslem young men without qualifications or willingness to integrate, who deprive the Berliners of housing and who are allowed to bleed our social system.  

Instead of reacting to the threats to this city with a zero tolerance, drug dealers ensnare you, drug dealers who, under the eyes of the police dis-empowered by the Justice Senator, are allowed to bring their poison to man and woman in the Berlin parks. 191 drug deaths still appear not to be sufficient for you. You tolerate the leftist mob torching a series of disapproved automobiles and then call this pack of criminals “climate activists.” You should be ashamed of yourselves.

You indeed do not grasp that you thus deprive our city of the last straw at which you are clutching. Berlin is the only capital city of Europe which is a financial drain on the country. Normally it is the other way around. The capital leads the country, it is the model and the economic beacon. Not Berlin under the Red- Red- Green. From here flee the last great industrial firms, like Osram or Bosch, from your anti-economic policy.

You even appear to secretly  celebrate that and that suits your communist partners from the four-times renamed SED and the Green eco-communists because they hate the private economy, they hate businessmen and they hate freedom.

            Wolfgang Albers (Linke): Done yet?

…As in the DDR, the next generation stands before nothing, since socialism is not an approach to politics but a crime against humanity, as is poignantly demonstrated by history.

And the ladies and gentlemen of the opposition parties? You are on the sidelines, banished, like puppy dogs by the snake. Instead of putting together with us a new, middle-class [bürgerlich], conservative opposition, you prefer to cuddle with the Senate, especially with the Green total failures.

Wolfgang Albers (Linke): Never once did your delegation work together with them, Herr Pazderski!

How long do you wish to sacrifice your principles on the altar of seeking favor? How long do wish to actually tolerate this nonsense?

            Kurt Wanser (CDU): Stop but for once now!

Obviously, you hope to be able at some point to enter into a government as a junior partner. While that actually changes nothing, you can at least provide posts for a couple of brave, party soldiers. You should be ashamed to thus play with the citizens of this city.

Our standard is simple. It is middle-class, conservative and definitely oriented to the middle of society. We have taken quite a lot of time to illuminate the Senate cornucopia –

            Sebastian Walter (Greens): No one noticed.  

– which the Red-Red-Green want to pour out over their own clientele, to the burden of the tax payer. Over 700 report motions and around 400 alteration motions from the AfD – we thereby demonstrate to the citizens that we take very earnestly our responsibility as the opposition.

            Wolfgang Albers (Linke): Read aloud a couple for once!

We have, with the submitted draft budget, arrived at a savings sum of 1.86 billion euros. For that, I am quite heartily grateful to all the colleagues and co-workers of my delegation.

            Stefanie Remlinger (Green): Where are the alteration motions then? 
            You still have none!

The AfD has many ambitious, mid- and long-term goals. Our vision: Berlin shall, from the poverty capital of Europe, become the capital of prosperity. We therefore wish to decrease the citizens’ tax and duties burden. We want Berlin to stand on its own feet as soon as possible, instead of yet again having to go begging in Hessen, Hamburg, Baden-Wurttemberg and Bavaria. We want a vigorous and effective debt brake. And once all this is attained, then we can be content to change gears.

            Wolfgang Albers (Linke): For once present a couple of motions!    

I am grateful for your attention.

[Translated by Todd Martin]