Showing posts with label Bernd Baumann. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bernd Baumann. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2025

Bernd Baumann, January 31, 2025, The Firewall Dead

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/211, pp. 27529-27530. 

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

Herr Merz, you wanted to bring in today at 10:30 a draft law for the limitation of migration. You wanted to take the lead in this country. 

Yet then you began again to hesitate and to trip, again negotiating with red-green, for three and a half hours. Every voter needs now understand: There is a fundamental change of migration policy only with the AfD. We stand fast, ladies and gentlemen, we do not trip, we do not cozy up to red-green. We overcome red-green; that is our goal.   

Already on Wednesday, there was an earthquake here in the Bundestag. The Union attempted for the first time to free itself from the embrace of left-green, and in a vote sought a majority beyond that. It was a majority with the votes of the AfD. We in common reached a majority, and immediately in the first attempt. Decisive was the cooperation of blue and black. And after the Bundestag election, this majority will be still greater – as a result of the AfD’s strength, Herr Merz. 

            Friedreich Merz (CSU/CSU): Forget it!

The journalists asked me afterwards: Herr Baumann, are you saying that the Union has now overtaken all of your migration points, even the turning back at the borders? What then distinguishes you from the Union? – Do you know what I answered? Yes, the Union has overtaken all points. Yet it still does not amount to what the Union promises in the election campaign. It comes to whether they are credible. And precisely that, they are not. They will form a coalition with SPD and Greens and implement nothing of what they promise. 

We were able to see the same after the successful vote on Wednesday. Here went a Friedrich Merz with trembling knees 

            Friedreich Merz (CSU/CSU): Ach du lieber Gott!

to the speaker’s podium and apologized to SPD and Greens that he received a majority for his own motion. That is today’s CDU: You do not stand, you stagger – how pitiful is that actually! 

Today the Union wants to place a proposal for migration limitation in the daily order, this time a draft law proposal. It’s about the residency law, strengthening the police, limitation of family reunion. Again all good demands, since it has renewed our demands – the Union has only copied them – and we will therefore again vote in favor. 

We vote in favor, yet the Union staggers. Daniel Günther, Minister-president of Schleswig-Holstein, already announces that today’s immigration limitation law will be stopped, at latest in the Bundesrat, by CDU State chiefs who vote against a law of their own party. And the Berlin CDU head of government has already expressed that. That says everything about this Union: They cannot be trusted, they are simply without credibility. 

It is not enough. Yesterday, ex-Chancellor Merkel also stabbed in the back her party friend Merz. She held it to be wrong if he brings in a law without previously negotiating with red-green, with red-green voting. Three-quarters – this, everyone out there needs to know – of these present-day Union members, as they sit here, were already with Merkel, are old-time Merkel servers, three-quarters of the present Union delegation, upon whom Merkel now calls for resistance – against one of their own laws. For what can the Union still be relied on? On simply nothing. This party is without credibility through and through. 

A glance at the Federal States in which the Union governs shows this. Nowhere there will more be deported than in left-green-governed States. Nowhere does the Union realize its election promises. The Union can be trusted neither in the States nor in the Bund; that, the voters need now know in regards the upcoming Bundestag election. 

The Union and Friedrich Merz now also assert that it is the present Aschaffenburg murders which have brought them to a reconsideration. Yet, Herr Merz, what then was with the many, many previous murders? Maria from Freiberg, in 2016 murdered by an Afghan. Mia from Kandel in 2017 killed by an Afghan. Susana in Wiesbaden: In 2018 killed by an Iraqi. And these are only the cases upon which the media has reported. The present total figures for asylum migrants indicate something quite different: For 2023 alone – these are the latest figures which are presented – 64 murders, 8,800 rapes and sexual assaults, and 56,000 cases of bodily harm. This has never interested you of the Union. And now, four weeks before the Bundestag election, you come to it. The present murders are thus not the reason for this reconsideration, just as little as the previous murders. It is alone the AfD’s success shortly before the Bundestag election. That drives the Union, and simply nothing at all otherwise.   

On account of all of these horrific acts of violence, we of the AfD have here ever again placed motions. First in 2017, we were just then in the parliament, an AfD motion for turning back at the borders – rejected by the CDU. In 2020, a renewed motion for turning back at the borders – rejected by the CDU. 2022, 2023, 2024 – rejected, rejected, rejected. How many people need die on your account, dear Union? You have them on your conscience. They are the dead of your firewall. 

Only the AfD can credibly and lastingly redeem Germany. 


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Saturday, January 20, 2024

Bernd Baumann, January 18, 2024, Remigration and the AfD

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/147, pp. 18686-18687. 

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

Never before has a government driven our country up against the wall like this one – which today is again not here. The citizens suffer under exploding prices for energy and foodstuffs, as well as under a housing emergency, a heating law, kaputten bridges and roads, decaying schools. Industry flees out of the country, and millions of asylum seekers of foreign culture flow in unhindered. What a disaster! What a frightful balance, ladies and gentlemen! 

Germany shakes under the outcry of despairing farmers, truckers, tradesmen, restaurant owners. The emergency is great. The trust is gone; all surveys shows this. For example, Saxony: There, the SPD has shrunk to seven percent, 

            Stephan Brander (AfD): Still too much!

perhaps does not come again into the parliament, FDP and Greens also not. 

            Sven Lehmann (Greens): Do not celebrate too early!

And the AfD? It is well at 35 percent. We are presently five times as strong as the Chancellor’s party. So goes democracy, ladies and gentlemen! The voters punish you! The voters punish you with a primal force unique in the history of the Federal Republic. Panic spreads. One can virtually smell your fear! 

            Stephan Brander (AfD): Ja! It stinks! From the old parties’ fear! 

And what do you do about it? The higher the AfD’s polling numbers, the more maliciously you defame our party. That can again be certainly seen in this debate. You shrink from simply nothing. The level sinks to the unheard of. 

            Maya Wallenstein (SPD): It’s funny that you say that! 

            Stephan Brander (AfD): Strack-Rheinmetall!

Nothing better occurs to the FDP’s lead candidate for the European election. She designated the AfD as a dirty heap of filth, 

            Rasha Nasr (SPD): She’s right, there!

and the AfD’s over 10 million voters as dirty blow-flies – I cite: “The greater the heap of filth,” – thus the FDP lead candidate – “the more so flies sit thereon”. Pfui Teufel! 

            Stephan Brander (AfD): Nauseating!

When the voters withdraw the power from you, then they are insulted as “blow-flies”. That is your understanding of democracy. 

            Alice Weidel (AfD): An affront to the voters! 

Yet, for this arrogance, the voters will punish you at the ballot box! 

At the same time, you fundamentally falsify our political demands. An example: We demand, as ever, the return or remigration of all migrants who according to law and statute have no claim to protection. 

            Konstantin Kuhle (FDP): You learned that in Potsdam, or? 

It has to do with around 300,000 finally rejected asylum applicants and the foreigners who only temporarily have benefit of protection as civil war refugees. 

            Stephan Brander (AfD): Quite right! 

In Syria, the war is over! 

            Rasha Nasr (SPD): The war is not over! 

Thus, 600,000 Syrians need to return. Even Denmark, governed by Social Democrats, sends the Syrians home. That is the remigration which we demand. This remigration is not against law and constitution. It is the enforcement of law and constitution! We are the defenders of the state of law, and you are its opponents! 

You work here against us with the most malicious means. It has again been heard here today:  Politicians from the FDP and Union falsify our demands, particularly in regards the theme of remigration. And in the ARD’s “Tagesschau” was heard this week that under the term “remigration” the AfD understands the forced expulsion to the point of mass deportation of millions of people – 

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): That is so!

thus your speeches, thus the ARD and ZDF. What an insidious campaign of politicians and journalists of the run-down left-green class! Yet, the citizens see through you! They no longer believe your nonsense! We experience the end of an epoch. We experience now here the end of the left-green dominance in Germany, ladies and gentlemen. 

Against this decline, Habeck, Kühnert & Co. defend themselves with all means. Thus even small, private debate clubs will be inflated into secret meetings dangerous to public safety; just as recently in Potsdam, a roundtable of businessmen, freelancers, who routinely meet for an exchange of ideas. This roundtable invited guests from the Politik, four from the CDU,

Stephan Brander (AfD): Hear, hear!

four from the AfD and two from the WerteUnion. What any speaker said or did not say cannot be associated with the CDU or the AfD. How desperate need one be to invent out of this a campaign against the AfD, as you here today are attempting? 

Ladies and gentlemen, the times in which such political illusionists had all the power are over. The wind turns. For Germany, something new comes. For Germany comes the AfD – whether you want it or not. 

            Rasha Nasr (SPD): Never again! 


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Monday, August 28, 2023

Bernd Baumann, July 6, 2023, Criminal Clans

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/115, pp. 14233-14234. 

Frau President. 

Across all Europe, the consequences of a catastrophic migration policy are setting in. In France, the inner cities burned for one week long. With us, such an outbreak of violence has not yet arrived. Yet migrant violence and parallel societies are long since here also. Example NRW [Nordrhein-Westfalen]: 500 armed men go at one another with iron bars and knives, countless victims lie in the streets with serious wounds. In the midst of our homeland, newly immigrated clans from Syria fight against long established Turkish-Arab clans. It is a fight for territory, a fight for mastery in entire quarters of the city. The Germans can only look on helplessly, they fear what is happening to their homeland. All of you here are to answer for this situation, ladies and gentlemen! 

The latest numbers indeed show: Clan criminality is rising; in Lower Saxony alone around 40 percent in just one year. 

            Dunja Kreiser (SPD): Please use absolute numbers! Absolute numbers!

How could it have come so far? In Germany there is just one, single scholar who for decades  researches the theme of clans: Dr. Ralph Ghadban. He is an Islam researcher and political scientist and himself comes from Lebanon, 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Therefore he is an expert?

the place of origin of many clans. In the past weeks, he was questioned from ARD to ZDF. Ghadban said: The large families or clans form the basic unity of social life in all countries of the Near East and North Africa. Here, a man’s loyalty is directed primarily to his own large family. They thus form complete unities. Ghadban, further: When these large families come to us, then they bring these structures. Perhaps single individuals can still be integrated; in regards complete, large families, that is scarcely imaginable. 

Ghadban himself has lived it – at the end of the 70s, as a social worker – how several of the large families unfortunately developed as criminal. He himself saw how they began their predations; first, in a small grocery store with their, as Ghadban says, herd tactics [Rudeltaktiks]: One diverts the owner, the others rob him. When the police arrive, all are long since gone. Ghadban saw this and warned the Politik. Yet the multicultural fanatics, he said, did not want to acknowledge this, they looked away. – You are responsible for what has happened here!    

The clans learned therefrom: So easily does money come to hand in Germany. Now they rob quite large supermarkets. The criminal police wrote heated letters [Brandbriefe] to the Politik, demanded support. Yet the Politiker did nothing. Worse still: They did not once permit the police to even name the ethnic origin of the perpetrators. That for once needs to be brought forward, ladies and gentlemen. 

That of course strengthened the clans. They now entered into drug dealing, forced prostitution, extortion of protection money, spectacular break-ins, as in the Dresden Grüne Gewolbe. Through open borders, they coalesced into giant mafia organizations with hundreds of thousands of members. They live in luxury villas without ever having worked. They drive ostentatious limousines through German cities while on the side of the road pensioners, who toiled a lifetime, search for bottles in the trash. – What have we come to, ladies and gentlemen? Guilt for this frightening development is borne by those who permit all of this: CDU, SPD, FDP, Greens. Those are the ones responsible! 

            Götz Frömming (AfD): The Linke also.

More than a year ago here I put forward an 18 point plan [Drucksache 20/7576] for fighting the clans. Much of which the criminal police also demanded. Yet all of you here in the Interior Committee rejected every single point. 

Recently, the Interior politician Sebastian Fiedler of the SPD, 

            Johannes Fechner (SPD): Very good man!

himself a police officer, was asked in a ZDF talkshow: “ Why then have you politicians all the years done nothing about it?” Do you know what he answered? “We all of us simply did not dare to name the thing by name.” 

Herr Fiedler, did not dare? You as a police officer have sworn to defend the population, and as a Member to avert harm from the German people. Here is seen how irresponsible and cowardly the Politik can be. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Do not scream so! 

           Johannes Fechner (SPD): Do not bellow!

Take an example from Herr Ghadban! Ghadban named the thing by name – and for that, needs to live for decades under police protection. His courage shows that many migrants help us in Germany more than all the cowardly governing parties put together! 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): And you harm our country!

            Dunja Kreiser (SPD): Horrible! You can pat yourself on the back if you want.                                        No fine speech!

            Marcel Emmerich (Greens): Impossible!



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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Bernd Baumann, December 2, 2022, Immigration and Residence

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/74, pp. 8745-8747.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

The government today puts forward two draft laws and has a third ready in cabinet.With these, it wants to make immigration to Germany even easier, it shall become even simpler to receive a German passport. In current polling, two-thirds of the people reject that. Respect that! Stop this policy!

            Kassem Taher Saleh (Greens): No!

Hundreds of thousands of migrants ought already to have left Germany because they have an obligation to depart. Their asylum grounds have been ultimately rejected because they were often only feigned. The Ampel now does not want to deport them all; it now wants to ultimately keep all in the country. From illegal shall become legal – what a mockery of the state of law!

Worse still: Tens of thousands of officials needed to work for years on the asylum procedures. Magistrates, state attorneys, police thereby spent millions of work hours and now comes the left-green government and says: All of that simply no more interests us. All asylum seekers remain here. What disdain for the state’s servants, ladies and gentlemen!

The government’s new cabinet draft goes still further: Foreigners no more need to have lived in Germany for eight years until winning a German passport; in the future, five years suffices, in many cases even three. Why so short a time period? Because the Syrians of 2015 can also quickly become German – almost one million –

            Filiz Polat (Greens): Who now already have been naturalized!

in addition to hundreds of thousands of Afghans, Iraqis, Moroccans, Somalis, Senegalese. All shall become German – the total sell-out!

That is nevertheless not allowed to be, ladies and gentlemen.

To make German citizenship even more tasty for the migrants, they are allowed to retain the old passport. Dual citizenship becomes the norm. Even for the illiterates, there are new rules for quick naturalization. Even Oriental marriage relations with countless wives are no more reason for prevention.

            Helge Lindh (SPD): Man, man, man!

All of the laws aim in the same direction: All may come, all may remain, to become German. What a flagrant invitation to the entire world! No other country does it so, ladies and gentlemen.

Why do you do it thus? Skilled labor comes, you have said. In that regard, all the numbers prove the contrary: Almost 70 percent of Syrians live on Hartz IV, and seven years after their arrival; for Somalis, Afghans or Ghanians it is similarly dramatic.  

Thus: Why do you do this? “Humanitarian grounds”, you have said. We need to help those seeking shelter. For the Ukrainians, that is right; here, women and children flee. Yet most of the migrants of the last years come from the Orient and Africa, predominantly young men.

            Clara Bünger (Linke): Fake news!

Even EU commissioner Johansson now concedes: The great majority require no shelter; they come for economic reasons, like for example Faisal S., who lately said in the press: “I came in ten days from Damascus to Dresden for 6,500 dollars”, – verbatim, he further says: “Everyone now wants Germany, if he can raise the money” – for the traffickers. Such people come to Germany.

            Petra Sitte (Linke): Fake news!

There are all too often no humanitarian grounds. In the mass come neither skilled labor nor those in need of shelter. Yet the Ampel government opens further the sluices, against the will of the Germans: 80 percent demand better border defense. Agree to that! Respect that!

There remains the pestering question: Why do you do that? Even as a member of the Hamburg parliament I had wondered, as a Green member spoke thereon, that in a few years the Germans will be in the minority in their own country.

            Christina Baum (AfD): Yet that is what they want!

And they add, verbatim: That is good so.

Frau Göring-Eckardt, for many years Green delegation chairman here in the Bundestag, said during he 2015 refugee stream – I cite: “Our country will change, and indeed drastically. I am glad of it.”

            Bruno Hömel (Greens): Yet it is so! All changes!

And the chief of the Grünen Jugend spoke of a – I cite: “disgusting white majority society” which she no more wants.

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): The misanthropy definitely comes from you                                    and not from us!

Alone since 2014, over eight million foreigners came to Germany. The Linke and Greens rejoice; here, for them, a great project will be implemented for which they long: A transformation into a quite different republic which threatens to dissolve all that we name “our homeland”, ladies and gentlemen.

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Rubbish!           

           Clara Bünger (Linke): Conspiracy theory!

This transformation is more radical than most citizens can imagine and from it, if it continues, there is no more a return. It is the ideology of an anonymous, diverse world society, a leftist utopia, a health concept of which the motto runs: “No borders” – keine Grenzen mehr – , “no nation” – keine nation mehr, primarily no German one – “one world” mit mehr Diversity, that is, diverse.

            Erhard Grundl (Greens): You cite John Lennon!

All in all mingled, limitlessly colorful, mixed, all achieved by open borders, migration and accompanying quotas, compulsory quotas. We do not want this great transformation [Umgestaltung], this leftist chimera. We do not want it and it ought not to be in Germany, ladies and gentlemen.

This left-green experiment of a rainbow world society also proceeds with speech bans, with cancel culture against all critics, meanwhile with allies in all social organizations: In churches and schools, in print media and public broadcasting, in parties and parliaments and now even in sport. The German national team has been ruined by hours-long discussions concerning a rainbow on the upper arm. We do not want that the German nation is also ruined, ladies and gentlemen.

Two-thirds of all people in Germany say they no more trust to openly state their opinion. University professors cry out because they can no more freely do research. Actors and writers are openly pressured, they should show an attitude in the sense of an ideology. And over all waves the rainbow flag.

            Irene Mihalic (Greens): You have forgotten the Einhorn!

Which plainly does not stand for the state of law, which does not stand for freedom and human rights. It is the leftist symbol of a diverse, colorful, compulsory society. The colors of the leftist rainbow do not stand for the freedom struggled for in German history; for that stand black, red gold. Those are the colors of freedom and democracy. Those are our colors, ladies and gentlemen.

            Bruno Hömel (Greens): For whom do you speak? You do not speak                                        for the Germans!

            Thorsten Frei (CDU/CSU): Yet neither you!


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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Bernd Baumann, May 11, 2022, Clan Criminality

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/33, pp. 3018-3019.

It happened a few days ago in the middle of Germany: 100 men fighting with firearms on the public streets; in the center of the firefight, Turkish-Arab clans – this time in Duisburg. And this is no single instance. Clan criminality explodes. The police, left alone by the politics, are powerless. And all of you here for decades are deadly silent on this problem. It was us of the AfD who for the first time spoke on this theme in the Bundestag. I myself made the speech on this and thereafter for months required police protection. We call that courage for the truth [Mut zur Wahrheit], ladies and gentlemen, which you do not have.

The current numbers again show how necessary this is: Let us take just the largest Federal State, NRW [Nordrhein-Westfalen]: In 2019, the State Criminal Office there identified around 100 clan families with, up to then, 14,000 criminal acts, in part the most serious. Today, just three years later, it is already more than twice as many: 32,000 in NRW alone. Typical crimes in this regard: Serious crimes of violence, murder on the public street, assault and robbery, extortion of protection money, theft and fraud. The clans deal in weapons, in drugs, in women whom they force into their bordellos. 20 billion euros, so high is the police experts’ estimate of the loot from organized criminality each year alone in NRW. Clans have a large share of that.   

Ladies and gentlemen, something like this must be fought consistently, and you for years have not done that – not even in this house. Mere police raids are simply of no use, are hollow shows. The citizens in front of the televisions should just be pacified; it will anyway be done. The clans laugh at that. The numbers prove that. Here, the Interior Ministers of all parties failed all along the line, and that for years and decades, ladies and gentlemen.

We need instead to fundamentally improve the legal, personnel and technical outfitting of police and justice, even so the networking between Bund and States. The BRICK initiative which you have made is much too little. Lead criminal clan members without a German passport need to be deported, and that right quick, ladies and gentlemen. We need a complete strategy. Meantime, the clans have over 200,000 members here in this country. Soon, that is as many as the police in Germany altogether. That is more than the Bundeswehr has soldiers. We need to push back the attack of oriental large families. Vote for our 18 point plan [Drucksache 20/1743]!

How dramatic is the situation is seen in that individual police commanders have already resigned. The services leader for Organized Criminality Office in the Federal State of Bremen said – I cite:

The problem is not be solved by means of the police. The structures here are already too solidified.

How is this? We in Europe have to do with a quite new phenomenon. Experts like the president of the German-Arab Society, Michael Lüders – formerly with the SPD foundation, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation – said, I cite: The societies of the Near East are quite different than in Western  Europe. They are – verbatim – “Determined by clan and tribal [Stammes] structures”. Police practitioners also confirm this, some of whom are from the Nordrhein-Westfalen State Criminal Office. They say verbatim:

            Here … behavior patterns from the areas of origin will continue to live                                    in Germany.

The police speak of ethno-cultural criminality, of ethno-clans, of imported criminality. It thus does not depend, as many here in parliament assert, on a failed integration policy, on alleged exclusion, on a lack of participation. No, the essential problems lie in the culture of origin. If you do not grasp this, you will never solve this problem in this country.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have here just now spoken of ethnics, of ethnic otherness [Fremdheit], of ethnic criminality. The Constitution Defense defines such statements as hostile to the Constitution. We however say: Naming the truth can never be hostile to the Constitution. It is particularly the core of our free order. The clan problem also shows this. It becomes time that we defend the Constitution from the Constitution Defense. And if Haldenwang now looks for me – I am later over there in my office.

            Lamya Kador (Greens): He well knows where you are.


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Saturday, November 13, 2021

Bernd Baumann, November 11, 2021, Speaking Time in the Bundestag

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/2, pp. 31-32.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

The coalition talks drag on. This disunity is great in regards important themes. The viewpoints are far from one another.

Christian Lindner (FDP): What is meant by “drag on”? Make a historical comparison, good man!

Already in last week’s sitting, I needed to conduct an orders of business debate because you denied to the AfD its legitimate claim to present the elder president in the Bundestag; for on one thing you here can always unite, ladies and gentlemen: To elide the parliamentary rights of the AfD.

Yet worse still: In the past sitting you elected the new Bundestag vice-presidents. According to the orders of business, each delegation has a vice-president, and each received one, only not the AfD.

            Carsten Schneider (SPD-Erfurt): New debate format!

For four years now it is so.

            Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): On what then are you in fact speaking?

With all these unfair machinations

            Marco Buschmann (FDP): Groundhog Day! [Und täglich grüsst das                                        Murmeltier!]

you do not belittle us, ladies and gentlemen. We prevail in spite of it.

You moreover now allow to occur something even more perfidious. Now it is about the parliamentary core domain: It is about the speaking time.

Carsten Schneider (SPD-Erfurt): You are certainly still speaking! We nevertheless listen to you!

You of the other delegations have  decided to suddenly alter the debate times and thereby the speaking times. We have, ja, in the Bundestag basically two formats for the debates: A shorter one, in which run approximately three-quarters of all statements, and a longer one for special themes. For the briefer debates you have now decided: These in the future shall be 31 minutes long. How so 31? The longer debate format you suddenly set at a comical 67 minutes. Hello? 31 and 67 minutes for debates here in the German Bundestag? Why these utterly arbitrary and contorted prime numbers? How do you arrive at such twisted things? I can tell you where that comes from: These are precisely the numbers of minutes which most injure the AfD and which favor the others. That is the only reason. There is no other, ladies and gentlemen.

            Norbert Kleinwächter (AfD): That is a disgrace!

Since, according to these twisted minutes numbers, following the usual Sainte-Laguë/Schepers method, the AfD has only three minutes speaking time. At the beginning of the last legislature, our delegation had five minutes. Then suddenly it was only four;

            Marco Buschmann (FDP): That has to do with the election!

now, with the twisted numbers tricks, only three minutes, while other delegations here by comparison have optimal speaking times.

Marco Buschmann (FDP): You have lost the election, Herr Baumann. If one has fewer  voters, one also has less speaking time! That is democracy!

With such sneakings, ladies and gentlemen, which you in common in the backrooms contrive, you curtail not only the speaking time of the only conservative opposition here in house, you also devalue the votes of millions of voters whose wishes and interests shall here be systematically belittled and pushed to the side.

Besides, the CDU colleagues today want to complain of the orders of business tricks of the new Ampel [traffic light coalition] majority – hear, hear! – by which the CDU may have been injured in regards the committee assignment.

            Claudia Roth (Greens-Augsburg): Which committee assignment?

Dear colleagues of the CDU, it happens you suddenly bestir yourselves over an injury? For four long years we after all ourselves have been party to the worst injury of an opposition delegation in the history of the German Bundestag.

            Michael Grosse-Bömer (CDU/CSU): Nonsense! A gross offense!

            Claudia Roth (Greens-Augsburg): Hey! Mask on!

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): Who then is Hey? Hey, shut up!


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