Monday, August 30, 2021

Tino Chrupalla, August 25, 2021, Epidemic and Vaccination

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/238, pp. 31501-31502.

Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen.

Near the end of this special session, it is about the epidemic situation and Corona. The incidence value throughout Germany climbs from 56 in the previous week to 60 in this week. What evidentiary power and justification for the so-called epidemic emergency situation do you then derive from that, worthy Federal government?

Let us come to my home, Saxony. There, despite the lowest rate of vaccination, the incidence is at 16.2. What or who is responsible for these numbers, Herr Wanderwitz? The penchant for dictatorship with which you as commissioner for the east characterize my countrymen in Saxony? Quite clearly it is not the hapless policy of CDU Minister-president Michael Kretschmer.

Now, worthy Federal cabinet, it so appears regarding you as if something like insight and reason were to be noticed.

            Stephan Brandner (AFD): What?

This appears to be spreading in our Federal system – in this case, from the States to the Bund. This, nevertheless, is late! As a first step in the direction of reason, you now assume the number of the so-called hospitalizations as a benchmark. Finally, one can only say. The demand to thereby orient yourselves was advanced by us months ago, Herr Dobrindt.

Or could it therein possibly be that we find ourselves in an election campaign and that you with your CDU Chancellor candidate swim clear of the falls? We have, ja, today heard his limp [lasche] speech. And could it be, Herr Lauterbach, that you, with your panic-making and angst production, want to capture additional votes for the SPD? And just by the way, Frau Baerbock: Do you think that with your freight bike you succeed in driving ahead of the challenges in Germany? Your party thereby has conclusively contributed to that our society stands before a heap of rubble which was once called skilled trades and Mittelstand, German work ethic, Made in Germany – in short, the social market economy.

            Steffi Lemke (Greens): That is, ja, original!

Let me come to the vaccination theme. The recently published Oxford study shows us: Completely vaccinated persons can be infectious and the viral count is comparable with that of the non-vaccinated. Can you comprehend that under the circumstances our citizens make use of their right not to let themselves be vaccinated? The Alternative für Deutschland insists that: A decision to vaccinate must remain the individual decision of each citizen. Given the circumstances, we see no necessity to further restrict basic rights, and reject an obligation to vaccinate.

            Alexander Krauß (CDU/CSU): Yet no one demands that!

And please take notice: Citizens who do not want to let themselves be vaccinated are no “vaccination deniers”. They claim their given basic rights to decide for themselves their health and thereby their lives. And, Herr Spahn, basic rights are not negotiable. 

Worthy colleagues, beyond that, as a father of a family I say to you: In a case of Covid-19, no state vaccination obligation for children is permitted.

            Alexander Krauß (CDU/CSU): Yet no one demands that!

Our children nevertheless need be protected against the subsequent health consequences. That is the duty of policy and politicians, Herr Dobrindt. Have all the self-named virologists here in the Bundestag meanwhile lost respect for the future of the children in our country? I ask you.

And there is no end to the political influence. The experts of the STIKO [standing committee on vaccination] for long refused to speak in favor of a Corona vaccination recommendation for all minors from twelve years. Union politicians like Söder and Spahn did not want to leave it at that, and ever again exercised pressure on the STIKO. Consequently, un-Health Minister Spahn set aside the experts’ position and, on August 2 with the States’ health ministers, decided on a so-called vaccination offer for all minors from twelve years.

What comes next? The citizens of our country shall soon be purchasing participation in everyday life with the obligatory costs of testing. And that will again be at the cost of the local economy and retail trade, to say nothing of culture. You thereby further divide this country, Herr Dobrindt.

Worthy Federal government, please finally for once work with our citizens in your communications to de-escalate.

Alexander Dobrindt (CDU/CSU): Is that what you do when you speak of a “Corona dictatorship”?

Especially I request of colleague Karl Lauterbach: Finally for once propagate courage and confidence in our country instead of weekly conjuring up a new apocalypse. The AfD delegation rejects a prolongation of the epidemic situation in Germany.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]