Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Tino Chrupalla, August 16, 2021, Border Control, Afghanistan Conference

AfD Kompakt, August 16, 2021. 

Mixed migration is a danger for the population. Asylum immigrants, at around a two percent portion of the population, make up over 13 percent of suspects in the area of violent criminality. Germany cannot allow itself a further loss of control like 2015. The Federal government needs to attend to the German population’s security and immediately order that the Federal police uninterruptedly defend the borders and that migrants without entry permission may be refused admittance.

The Taliban’s victory march shows: Even a world power cannot provide for order worldwide. The Federal government however, following its twenty year failure in Afghanistan, is not now allowed to idly abandon the Afghans to their fate. It therein much more needs to urge Afghanistan’s neighboring states to hold, as quickly as possible, a conference with the new Afghan government, and with the involvement of the United Nations. The goal needs be to prevent uncontrolled migration movements and to maintain ways of trade and transport.

[trans: tem]